Archived polls

5926 polls, displaying 3201 through 3250
How many CAT tools do you own?
By Nicole Blanc (X) - featured on Nov 15, 2013
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Do you receive feedback from your customers?
By Heather McCrae - featured on Nov 14, 2013
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My username is:
By Firas Allouzi - featured on Nov 13, 2013
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Do you use a high-performance computer for your translation work?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 12, 2013
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How often are you overworked?
By Alan Corbo, CT - featured on Nov 11, 2013
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When do you usually start sending payment reminders?
By Sandrine Zérouali - featured on Nov 10, 2013
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Do you charge extra for layout/formatting?
By Hikmat Gumilar - featured on Nov 9, 2013
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Have you ever received gratuity money or gift certificates from your clients?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Nov 8, 2013
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Which month(s) have been your slowest so far this year in terms of workload?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 7, 2013
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Do you prefer translating or interpreting?
By Firas Allouzi - featured on Nov 6, 2013
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Do you often refuse assignments based on the requirement of a certain CAT Tool?
By Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons) - featured on Nov 5, 2013
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By what time do you typically finish working for the day?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 4, 2013
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The majority of LSPs/agencies assume that translators work weekends. You...
By Julian Holmes - featured on Nov 3, 2013
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Do you read more literature in your acquired language(s) or in your native one(s)?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 2, 2013
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What factor most influences your preference of one CAT tool over another?
By Marc Christian - featured on Nov 1, 2013
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Which is the most useful book for freelance translators?
By Chris Hall - featured on Oct 31, 2013
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Would you recommend new translators to translate on a pro-bono basis?
By Magda P. - featured on Oct 30, 2013
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Do you have information pertaining to your business in your email signature?
By tilak raj - featured on Oct 29, 2013
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Which operating system do you use?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 28, 2013
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Do you connect with your clients on LinkedIn or any other social networks?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 27, 2013
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Do you think that your CAT software has paid for itself?
By Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington - featured on Oct 26, 2013
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Do you have a degree higher than an undergraduate degree (such as an MA, PhD, etc)?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 25, 2013
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Do you print your issued invoices?
By Noura Tawil - featured on Oct 24, 2013
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Do you adjust your schedule to accommodate clients in different time zones?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 23, 2013
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Do you think your main/only language combination gives you an advantage over some other translators?
By Dave Bindon - featured on Oct 22, 2013
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How many of your clients only pay after you send a reminder?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 21, 2013
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If there's an industry conference very far from home, what would you do?
By Sara Negro - featured on Oct 20, 2013
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Which instant messaging tool do you prefer to use to communicate with your clients?
By tilak raj - featured on Oct 19, 2013
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Can you make ends meet by doing just translations?
By tradu-grace - featured on Oct 18, 2013
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If you were starting out in your career again, would you still go into translation?
By Ben_ (X) - featured on Oct 17, 2013
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In your experience, what has been the best way to increase your income?
By Alan Corbo, CT - featured on Oct 16, 2013
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What is the maximum number of words that you've translated in a day?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 15, 2013
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When starting a new project, do you ever feel "I will never be able to finish this one?"
By EvaVer (X) - featured on Oct 14, 2013
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As a freelancer, who does your taxes for you?
By Firas Allouzi - featured on Oct 13, 2013
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Do you request payment in advance from new clients?
By Radek Lhotsky - featured on Oct 12, 2013
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Have you ever forgotten to issue an invoice?
By Monika Jakacka Márquez - featured on Oct 11, 2013
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Have you met any of your clients in person?
By Yetta Jensen Bogarde - featured on Oct 10, 2013
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Professionally, would you say you are where you want to be?
By Alan Corbo, CT - featured on Oct 9, 2013
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Overall, being a freelance translator is...
By Helen Portefaix - featured on Oct 8, 2013
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Do CAT tools increase your translation output?
By Jyotsna Bhatia - featured on Oct 7, 2013
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When translating a paragraph, how much do you read before starting to type its translation?
By Noura Tawil - featured on Oct 6, 2013
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When you send a translation, do you add special notes for the proofreader/QM?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 5, 2013
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How long do you work before taking a break?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 4, 2013
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How often do you receive positive feedback from your clients?
By Alvaro Morales - featured on Oct 3, 2013
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What is the best time of day for you to work?
By Norman Buhagiar - featured on Oct 2, 2013
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Do you ever work in a team of translators?
By Ramona Ali - featured on Oct 1, 2013
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Do you think knowledge of CAT tools is essential for a translator?
By tilak raj - featured on Sep 30, 2013
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If you could have one of these “superpowers of translation,” which would be most useful to you?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 29, 2013
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Do you lower your normal rate in order to have a better chance of being selected for a certain job?
By Marjon Pijl - featured on Sep 28, 2013
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In which currency do you usually invoice your clients?
By 564354352 (X) - featured on Sep 27, 2013
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5926 polls, displaying 3201 through 3250