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Poll: The majority of LSPs/agencies assume that translators work weekends. You...
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Nov 2, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "The majority of LSPs/agencies assume that translators work weekends. You...".

This poll was originally submitted by Julian Holmes. View the poll results »

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 04:40
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
At least they try Nov 2, 2013

They may not always assume we will work on weekends, but they unapologetically try to make us do it.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
turco al inglés
+ ...
I have no problem with weekend work. Nov 2, 2013

As long as I can take two half days out each week to deal with shopping and other necessities, I can work for the rest of the time, regardless of whether this is at the weekend or not.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Weekend work Nov 2, 2013

Yes, this is the "common" idea LSPs / agencies have. And why not? They're working weekends, too. Sometimes a translation simply can't wait and needs to be done on / over the weekend.

Generally speaking, I try to have two days off per week, and it doesn't really matter (most of the time) whether they "coincide" with the actual weekend or not. This is one of the advantages of freelancing, you work when there's work, and you take a day or two off when there's no urgent work to take car
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Yes, this is the "common" idea LSPs / agencies have. And why not? They're working weekends, too. Sometimes a translation simply can't wait and needs to be done on / over the weekend.

Generally speaking, I try to have two days off per week, and it doesn't really matter (most of the time) whether they "coincide" with the actual weekend or not. This is one of the advantages of freelancing, you work when there's work, and you take a day or two off when there's no urgent work to take care of private issues.

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 12:40
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Disagree Nov 2, 2013

I would say that the majority of LSPs 'hope' that translators work weekends but are not in the least surprised or offended to find that some don't.

Local time: 13:40
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Nov 2, 2013

My clients assume this, as I do work weekends (should really be working now, am just passing through). What others do is up to them.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:40
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Disagree Nov 2, 2013

Like Tim I have no problem with weekend work (that's the beauty of being a freelancer and to be honest I do prefer taking days off during the week when everyone else is working) but the majority of my customers do not assume that I work weekends, quite the contrary...

Cristiana Sima
Cristiana Sima  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
inglés al rumano
+ ...
depends Nov 2, 2013

Some of my clients assume I work during wkds, some don't assume and ask politely if I do and some assume I don't work.

I work during wkds only if it is urgent and / or I didn't plan anything else together with my family. My husband has a regular job (M-F), so the wkd is for spending time together. If it happens I have / want to work, then it is father-sons time.

Jana Kinská
Jana Kinská  Identity Verified
República Checa
Local time: 13:40
inglés al checo
+ ...
Is it a good idea... Nov 2, 2013

... to schedule this particular poll for Saturday?

Would you expect many translators who do not work weekends to be actually logged in and vote today?

Well, as a matter of fact, I did vote, for "disagree", as I rarely work weekends. Maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule.
Oh wait... I would actually like to do at least a little bit this weekend so that I can feel comfortable and stress-free on
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... to schedule this particular poll for Saturday?

Would you expect many translators who do not work weekends to be actually logged in and vote today?

Well, as a matter of fact, I did vote, for "disagree", as I rarely work weekends. Maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule.
Oh wait... I would actually like to do at least a little bit this weekend so that I can feel comfortable and stress-free on Monday. Not necessarily urgent, but I guess it's worth the price.:)

Alexandranow  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
rumano al inglés
+ ...
disagree with them Nov 2, 2013

They may assume, but they should think translators are just people with same rights as other people. We might work on weekends seldom and for higher rates. Right?

Alexandranow  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
rumano al inglés
+ ...
not only them Nov 2, 2013

I just want to mention one of my clients for whom I worked several years for long periods (months) all weekends and holly-days. Do not imagine he appreciated my effort. Never, not one time. Is not the rule for all my clients, but I think they do not deserve our time, for granted. We have rights

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Unfortunately, Agree Nov 2, 2013

It is my poll, after all.

Thank you all for your comments so far.

I think this assumption that we translators work weekends -- and without weekend rates, too, in lots of cases -- was originally a Japanese export. Like some of you have said, some agencies don't even bat an eyelid when they ask you at 5:30 pm on Friday to deliver a job by 9 am Monday.
Some are surprised and even offended that you tur
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It is my poll, after all.

Thank you all for your comments so far.

I think this assumption that we translators work weekends -- and without weekend rates, too, in lots of cases -- was originally a Japanese export. Like some of you have said, some agencies don't even bat an eyelid when they ask you at 5:30 pm on Friday to deliver a job by 9 am Monday.
Some are surprised and even offended that you turn down these "generous offers" which generally arise due to organizational snafus or poor planning. So, the translator has to bear full brunt of someone else's incompetence.

Privately, I do prefer working weekends -- it's nice quality time for me. However, I don't like my generosity and availability being taken for granted. It's my choice and not for the customer to decide or impose on me.

Something to think about:

"Would you expect a lawyer or a doctor to work weekends for you?"

Anyway, have a nice weekend, y'all

I have spent (read "wasted") the past 5 minutes watching a small jumping spider on my computer screen chasing my mouse cursor. It's still following the cursor as I type here. Dopey spider, you can't eat this mouse. Tee hee!
Little diversions such as these make the day, don't they.

Leanne Young
Leanne Young  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
italiano al inglés
It depends... Nov 2, 2013

It depends on my weekly schedule. If I work all week I need two days to relax and re-charge. Last week I worked very little so I'd be happy to take something on now.

Magda P.
Magda P.  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:40
italiano al griego
+ ...
There's something else Nov 2, 2013

I have worked during weekends and it's not a huge problem but there are parents out there who do this job whose kids are, of course, home during the weekends.

(& I agree with Muriel)

R. Alex Jenkins
R. Alex Jenkins  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:40
Miembro 2006
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Psychologically speaking... Nov 2, 2013

It's harder to get going and get motivated at weekends in comparison to weekdays, simply because routines seem to be different for other people, including the translation agencies. No-one is complaining, but when family, friends and colleagues tend to have time off during this special period, a translator needs to have extra inner strength to push him/herself to work when others are not.

It's no big deal, but it is a question of adapting one's mind and accepting that you're not the
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It's harder to get going and get motivated at weekends in comparison to weekdays, simply because routines seem to be different for other people, including the translation agencies. No-one is complaining, but when family, friends and colleagues tend to have time off during this special period, a translator needs to have extra inner strength to push him/herself to work when others are not.

It's no big deal, but it is a question of adapting one's mind and accepting that you're not the same as everyone else, even if others think you should be.

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