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Poll: Do you adjust your schedule to accommodate clients in different time zones?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 22, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you adjust your schedule to accommodate clients in different time zones?".

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Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 12:33
alemán al inglés
+ ...
No Oct 22, 2013

I only work for clients in the same time zone or one hour out so no real adjustment is required. I occasionally have to get up early to meet a deadline but I'm normally up early anyway.

Britt Laux
Britt Laux  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:33
alemán al noruego
+ ...
No Oct 22, 2013

But I did when I spent one year in Canada some years ago. I then used to check my e-mails before breakfast.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:33
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Other Oct 22, 2013

No, fortunately I do not have to do that as 95% of my customer are in Europe. I could imagine "having" to work different hours if I was living on the other side of the globe though. All depends on how you can plan things....

Local time: 13:33
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes, but rarely Oct 22, 2013

Haven't had to do it for years. Most of my clients are local so it's not really an issue. I'm wary about dealing with clients further afield for several reasons.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
turco al inglés
+ ...
Rarely Oct 22, 2013

I have done so in the past, and could potentially do it again, but at my age (I am now 57) I find it increasingly difficult to break out of my regular routine and work in the evenings or at night.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:33
Miembro 2007
+ ...
If they choose me, they choose my hours Oct 22, 2013

Only my UK clients are in the same time zone as the Canaries aren't on Spanish time (how logical is that?) so most EU clients are an hour ahead of me. But so far this year, apart from there, I've had clients in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Russia, Ukraine...

I answered "Yes, but rarely", meaning that I will occasionally adapt a little. Of course, a deadline always has to be kept: if their EOB is my 2a.m. then I either have to deliver at my own EOB or work late (that's the very occasio
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Only my UK clients are in the same time zone as the Canaries aren't on Spanish time (how logical is that?) so most EU clients are an hour ahead of me. But so far this year, apart from there, I've had clients in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Russia, Ukraine...

I answered "Yes, but rarely", meaning that I will occasionally adapt a little. Of course, a deadline always has to be kept: if their EOB is my 2a.m. then I either have to deliver at my own EOB or work late (that's the very occasional adjustment). And I do try to keep an eye on emails whenever I'm awake, within reason. But in the main, they know where I live and what my time zone is. They can always choose someone from their own time zone if constant communication throughout their day is necessary.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 04:33
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
Routinely Oct 22, 2013

I tailor my hours to suit my clients. It's no big deal, as I live alone and my business is my first priority.

Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 13:33
Miembro 2012
inglés al neerlandés
+ ...
Rarely Oct 22, 2013

If I know something will be coming in that will need a reply of some sort, I make sure I reply. If anything comes in outside my working hours and I don't know about it in advance, I will reply the next day.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:33
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Me too Oct 22, 2013

Muriel Vasconcellos wrote:

I tailor my hours to suit my clients. It's no big deal, as I live alone and my business is my first priority.

Most of my clients are in Europe (in different time zones) but I also have clients as far as Japan and Canada...

Yvonne Gallagher
Yvonne Gallagher
Local time: 12:33
Miembro 2010
francés al inglés
+ ...
Yes, sometimes Oct 22, 2013

I often have US or Canadian clients so will adjust my hours to match theirs, i.e in terms of delivery and keeping an eye on e-mails. Sometimes it's 10 pm my time when I get a request for translation or receive the files.

I really don't have a problem working at night as it leaves me free to take the dog for a walk or work in my garden during the day while keeping an eye on e-mails. Anyway, I'm a night owl!

Also, only the UK is on the same exact time as here so first
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I often have US or Canadian clients so will adjust my hours to match theirs, i.e in terms of delivery and keeping an eye on e-mails. Sometimes it's 10 pm my time when I get a request for translation or receive the files.

I really don't have a problem working at night as it leaves me free to take the dog for a walk or work in my garden during the day while keeping an eye on e-mails. Anyway, I'm a night owl!

Also, only the UK is on the same exact time as here so first thing I do in morning is check e-mails at 8 am my time or 9 am in Western Europe or 10 am CET.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 05:33
español al inglés
+ ...
Some times Oct 22, 2013

I woke up about 15 minutes ago to check my emails and place a couple of bids. I'm glad I did, I found a 20,000 word project in my inbox

Normally I just check all my emails through my cell phone, but my wife has it on the other side of the bed and it's really cold. I'm glad I sleep with the laptop next to the bed, haha.

Elina Sellgren
Elina Sellgren  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
Miembro 2013
inglés al finlandés
+ ...
To some extent Oct 22, 2013

I've decided that I do 'actual' translation work during the business hours in my time zone, but I try to check my email in the evening and I will respond to queries and accept job offers, but I do have a cut-off point too. It doesn't feel like working unless it's some real hassle or a problem has occurred somewhere in the process. But it would admittedly be great if I could truly just stop reading my email after EOB! (Without losing jobs or clients.)

One client is in the US and I'm
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I've decided that I do 'actual' translation work during the business hours in my time zone, but I try to check my email in the evening and I will respond to queries and accept job offers, but I do have a cut-off point too. It doesn't feel like working unless it's some real hassle or a problem has occurred somewhere in the process. But it would admittedly be great if I could truly just stop reading my email after EOB! (Without losing jobs or clients.)

One client is in the US and I'm in Europe, but it's often not a problem because I simply do the work during my hours and they receive it for their morning. I also state my time zone clearly in my email signature and expect them to understand if I do not respond during the night..

R. Alex Jenkins
R. Alex Jenkins  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:33
Miembro 2006
portugués al inglés
+ ...
The timing of this post is a good example Oct 22, 2013

Would I get up especially at 2 a.m. so that I could be further up the ladder on 'first reply' to this and other daily polls? No, I don't think so, but whenever I read the daily poll there are always 10 or 12 other responses, mostly from European based translators.

The same applies to jobs. I often get job postings at 4 or 5 in the morning from European customers, which has forced me into concentrating on Brazilian and North American companies as I often miss out on work. In that res
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Would I get up especially at 2 a.m. so that I could be further up the ladder on 'first reply' to this and other daily polls? No, I don't think so, but whenever I read the daily poll there are always 10 or 12 other responses, mostly from European based translators.

The same applies to jobs. I often get job postings at 4 or 5 in the morning from European customers, which has forced me into concentrating on Brazilian and North American companies as I often miss out on work. In that respect, I have to accommodate my schedule to work with certain geographic regions. If I concentrate on European time zones very early in the morning I will not be in a position to respond to North American time zones later in the evening and therefore have a sensible schedule.

R. Alex Jenkins
R. Alex Jenkins  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:33
Miembro 2006
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Good idea, ElinaSel Oct 22, 2013

I also state my time zone clearly in my email signature and expect them to understand if I do not respond during the night..

That's a good idea. I'll now do that within my regular and return email signatures. Thanks.

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Poll: Do you adjust your schedule to accommodate clients in different time zones?

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