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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Pre-conference warm-up

April 28, 2007, 6:00 pm
HungríaBudapestIn personinglés


Guests are welcome.

1. How to get there:

Go to Oktogon. Walk to the left from Hotel Benczúr till the end of Benczúr utca. Turn right at Bajza utca. Cross the main avenue (Andrássy út). Take the underground for three stops, to Oktogon. You might as well walk, you get there in 10 minutes.

Once at Oktogon, find the McDonalds. If you walk from the hotel, you will have to turn right at the tram stop. If you take the underground, you come up to the surface at the world's largest Burger King joint (what a privilege...). McDonald's will be behind the tram stop on the other side of the road.

Walk past McD for another 100 meters. Grand Café Oktogon is at Teréz krt. 23, on the corner of Aradi utca, under a large Parking sign.

2. Placing orders, payment, etc.

The place is reserved for us from 18:00 onwards. This means they close for the public an hour earlier.

You can order whatever you want from the menu. The menu and the wine list is in three languages: Hu, En, Fr. A copy of these will be pinned on a message board in the hotel lobby, so you can have an idea what you want to eat before you actually get there.

You are requested to ask for the bill before you move to another table. You can move around freely, but please don't leave payment till the very end, as the staff has to handle over 10 guests.

A service charge of 10% will be automatically added to the bill, which means you don't have to give any extra tip on top of the billed amount.

A few months ago the place changed owners, and the prices are now about 25% cheaper than in January when I first reserved the restaurant for April 28th.

Food can be ordered until 11 pm, but if there's a large crowd even this late, they may extend this.

In principle the restaurant closed at midnight, but they might extend this by another hour if a large number of people are still there at midnight.

Unfortunately there are no high chairs for babies.

Please come, let's get to know each other before the conference. I'm sure it will be great fun to meet finally.

Grand Café Oktogon review 1

Grand Café Oktogon review 2

As on all powwows, everybody is expected to pay for their own consumption. Everybody is welcome - even if you do not attend the conference itself.

When you sign up, please enter the following information in your line: (1) if you bring any guests, if yes, how many, (2) if you plan to have a dinner. (E.g. "1 guest, yes - looking forward to this" or "No - only some booze then I go snooze", etc.)

The following price ranges (expressed in euros) give you some idea about how much you'll have to pay:

Starters and soups: 3-4
Pastas: 6-8
Poultry, pork: 7-9
Beef, fish: 9-13
Desserts: 3

This powwow is planned for April 28th, Saturday evening, from 6 pm to midnight.

Main conference page
Conference powwow page to indicate interest in the conference
April 30th (Monday) - Evening dinner and party
April 27th (Friday) - First encounter powwow

Event Organizers:

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni

Csaba Ban



Philippe Carino

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (140) / Confirmed: 54 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Csaba Ban  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
aronakos  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Just me / dinner  
mariajorge  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Dinner, please  y
Philippe Carino  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Just me for dinner, thanks!  
Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Will definitively be there, dinner of course!!  y
Sergei Tumanov   ...  
Annelies Teulings   ...  
Sergey Strakhov   ...  
Martin Schöneich   ...  
nocciola   ...  
Hernan Delgado   ...  
XDavid Daduč (X)   ...  
Richard Fagot   ...  
Eva Gerkrath   ...  
William [Bill] Gray   ...  
Ilde Grimaldi   ...  
Pablo Grosschmid   ...  
Simona Irde   ...  
Henry Jansen, Ph.D.   ...  
Lucy Hofland   ...  
Vladimir Karoli   ...  
kashat   ...  
Fannika   ...  
Ivan Lajnvas   ...  
FineTuner   ...  
Louis Mitler   ...  
Carsten Mohr   ...  
T.L.S.   ...  
Sahar Moussly   ...  
XTorhild Øien (X)   ...  
Monika Pilecka   ...  
Irene N   Myself only, yes.  
XAurora Humarán (X)  \"Photographer\" Just me / Yes   
dkalinic  \"Photographer\" Me, myself and I / Yes  
Anette Hilgendag   Definitely attending - (1) just me and (2) dinner, yes  
XRebekka Groß (X)   2 of us and yes to dinner  y
Magda Dziadosz   dinner yesss  
Özden Arıkan   Just me / Dinner (Magda, I guess I'll sit next to you in the table :-)  y
Zdenka Ivkovcic  \"Photographer\" Just me/dinner.  y
Jerzy Czopik  \"Reporter\" My 2 ladies and me, all for dinner :)  y
Ilona Kangro   Dinner for 1 so far. I'll be happy to join you.  y
Philippe Maillard   Just me / Yes  y
Justine Sherwood   Just me / dinner  
XPercy Balemans (X)   Just me / Dinner  y
Gabriela Frazao   Just me / Dinner  y
Ivanka Dimitrova   Just me/dinner  
Sandra Patinha   Me + 1 guest - Looking forward to my first powwow!!!  y
Ursula Derx   just me/will have dinner  y
Russell Jones   Just me; probably too late for dinner  y
Harald Ericsson   2 + small child will attend, dinner for 2 people  
CongressCenter   Congress Center-Hristina Dojcinova  
Petra Winter   just me / dinner  
Lydia Molea   just me / I'm always hungry  y
Izabella Kraus   Last minute change - bringing two guests if still possible, so dinner for 3.  y
Malgorzata (Maggie) Hickey   No guests, looking forward to a great meeting + dinner   
Marijke Mayer   4 people  
Sara Emmanouilidou   Yes, just me/dinner  y
Maciej Andrzejczak   1 person / 1 dinner  
Effie Emmanouilidou   Yes, just me/dinner  y
Nicole Maina   Just me / dinner  y
Marguerite Knox   just me, dinner please  y
Elías Sauza   Me for sure for dinner; 3 other people are coming with me  y
Helga Humlova   Probably just me, maybe 1 guest, will confirm later  
Giuliana Buscaglione   dinner  y
XJohn Trotter   With my wife Tess, and looking forward to first meeting with other translators  y
XElizabeth Hill Barsanti (X)   Elizabeth Hill me for dinner  
Steve Yates   Just me for dinner  y
Tania Martins   Me + 1 guest (dinner for both, please)  y
MonikaB   Just me / dinner  y
Veronika Wagner   me + 1 guest (dinner please)  y
Lena Samuelsson   Dinner please just for me  y
Stanislaw Kulikowski   Just me and dinner  y
Barbara Duffus   yes - 1 person - dinner please. It should be a good start for a good conference - my first one  
Helena Diaz del Real   me alone / dinner yes please and loooots of fun!! ;o))  y
avantix   To my deepest regret I have to cancel. I wish you all a good time!  n
XMurielP (X)   Will be there, 1 please  
Bram Poldervaart   I will be there  
XCHRISTA MAYER-LOOS   Christa Mayer-Loos (+ 2 guests) for dinner please.  
Nelly Nio   confirmed  y
Bojan Kicurovski   me+2 guests/ dinner  y
Monica Moreno   Monica Moreno Just me/dinner  y
Dan Marasescu   Just me/dinner  y
Edith Goebel   Just me - dinner please  y
Thomas Pfann   Just me ...and yes, dinner, please  
Wibblet   Just me dinner please  
Kryssy   Just me, looking forward to meeting everyone   
Andrea Szabados   Looking forward to meeting you all - and the dinner of course ;-)  
Uldis Liepkalns   Dinner for 2, please  
Gordana Podvezanec   yes  
XDiana Cossato (X)   Just me and I'll eat! ;)  y
arterm   yes, just me  
Dr. Tracy Ann Essoglou   Tracy Ann Essoglou- 1 for dinner  
Xmiro_s (X)   just me  
Hynek Palatin   Just me, dinner. I will come a bit later, our train arrives at 18:17.  
Marek Buchtel   just me, I'll arive between 8 and 9, and hope to have a dinner :-)  
Emmanuelle Riffault   Dinner for 2, please ;o)  
Laura Huttu   me too/just me.  y
Susan Starling   Me plus 1 guest and we'll definitely be hungry ;-)  y
Oleg Rudavin   Will be there + 1 guest (potentially 3) - all hungry  
Alicja Weikop   Me + 1 guest - not sure about food, sure about the booze  
Dorota Crates   Dinner for me, please  
Natalia Elo   Just me  
Fabio Scaliti   No guests, dinner (suggestions are welcome...)  y
XAgnieszka Hayward (X)  \"Photographer\" me + 1, both hungry :o)  
Monica Sandor   Myself and 1 guest, drinks for sure, probably for dinner  y
Ralf Lemster   Just me - will have dinner  
XZauberlehrling too (plus dinner)!  
lenapires   Me and 1 guest / Dinner please  y
Attila Piróth   Just me / dinner  
XEvi Prokopi (X)   Me/Dinner  
Ljiljana Krstic   Hello, I and my colleague Ema Tomovic are surely coming to this powwow, to meet other translators and I can promise you I shall sing for you in a couple of languages-to warm up for the big night -the cruise. CU there-no dinner  
Eva Blanar  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Irina Nesterenko   Wonderful. good opportunity to socialize and once again try local specialties. so, yes, having dinner and just me.  y
mihaelairimes   Mihaela Anca Irimes and Elena Loredana Iordanoiu / light dinner   y
Lorenzo Lilli   Just me/dinner  
Judy Schoen   just me. dinner very likely  
Johanna von der Vring   Johanna von der Vring  
XFacTrad (X)   Just me and dinner as well  y
Hristina Dojčinova   Looking forward to meeting everybody  y
btoteva   me/dinner  
juvera   me, dinner  y
Natalia Tkacheva   just me, dinner  y
Terry Gilman   me+Ruediger, dinner  y
Tatiana Zhyvylo   Me & 1 guest / dinner  y
Andreea Ciurea   just me/ dinner  
Janet Ratziu   Just me, and yes dinner!  y
Dr. Peter Szikinger   me and one guest  
Edward Potter   I'll be there. Just me. I shall eat.  
Angeles Castelo   Just myself for dinner, thank you  
egerhazi   Just me / dinner  
XWoodstock (X)   I'll be there, just one for dinner  
Tatjana Kovačec   just me / dinner  y
Dipl.-Kfm. Bernhard Aicher MBA   just me, with dinner  y
Rosana Herrero   just me, dinner  
Xleff   Me + 1. Probably for dinner ;-)  
Vittorio Preite   + 1 guest  y
Guilherme Braga   Possibly, if my shyness will just let me. No dinner for sure -- maybe a soup or something to drink.  m
Marianne Vizkelety   me, dinner maybe  
Yuriy Alatortsev   Will attent. Just myself  
Marion Lurf   ...  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Budapest - Hungary
Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 07:14
italiano al inglés
Timings Feb 10, 2007

I land at 19:10 but have no idea how long it will take to check in and reach the Grand Café Oktogon or what time dinner is served in Hungary. Any pointers would be welcome.

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 07:14
italiano al inglés
Mistake Feb 10, 2007

Sorry, wrong night.
I haven't got the programme straight yet.

Izabella Kraus
Izabella Kraus  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
inglés al polaco
+ ...
room sharing Feb 21, 2007

I asked this question in accomodation forum but no one seems to use it anymore, so I 'll just repeat it here: is any of the ladies interested in sharing a room in the venu hotel for 2 nights?

Nelly Nio
Nelly Nio  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
chino al español
+ ...
first meeting Mar 19, 2007

interesting experience to start

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
Miembro 2002
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
Grand Café Oktogon confirmed Apr 5, 2007

I just called this restaurant just to reconfirm our powwow, and to my horror, the manager with whom I settled down all the details some months ago no longer works for this place and when he left, he did not even mention this booking to the management.
Luckily enough, the place was still un-booked, so we will have it for ourselves for sure, with the same conditions.
We will have a shorter version of the menu and everybody will be able to choose from this short menu on the spot. The plac
... See more
I just called this restaurant just to reconfirm our powwow, and to my horror, the manager with whom I settled down all the details some months ago no longer works for this place and when he left, he did not even mention this booking to the management.
Luckily enough, the place was still un-booked, so we will have it for ourselves for sure, with the same conditions.
We will have a shorter version of the menu and everybody will be able to choose from this short menu on the spot. The place is one large hall, which makes it ideal for a large powwow - you can easily walk around and sit down to other tables, etc.

The place is booked for us from 6 pm till midnight, but you may also go there earlier if you like.

Food is normally served until 11 pm, but if there's a large demand, they can extend this to midnight.

Ljiljana Krstic
Ljiljana Krstic  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
inglés al serbio
+ ...
2 freelancers from Serbia Apr 13, 2007

me and Ema Tomovic are surely coming; to meet the others in peace -I promise to sing to you:))) if you want... no dinner

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
Miembro 2002
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
Finalized Apr 19, 2007

Dear All, earlier today I finalized the details of our Saturday dinner. Please see this powwow page for all details.

Helena Diaz del Real
Helena Diaz del Real  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
alemán al español
+ ...
Is it twice at "Oktogon"? Apr 20, 2007

Just a simple question:
Do we meet TWICE at "Oktogon"? (on Friday the 27th. AND on Monday, the 30th.)????
Thank you!
See you there,
Thank you for

Veronika Wagner
Veronika Wagner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
to Helena Apr 20, 2007

Hi, Helena. 30th is Platan, isn't it? Looking forward to see you. Cheers.

Anette Hilgendag
Anette Hilgendag  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Oktogon = tube station Apr 20, 2007

Hola Helena!
Oktogon is just the name of the tube station you have to get out. From there you walk to the restaurants.
Hasta pronto!

Helena Diaz del Real
Helena Diaz del Real  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
alemán al español
+ ...
@ Anette and Veronika Apr 20, 2007

Thank you for your both comments!
@ Veronika: If I understood it right, on 27th: "Birdland Café", on 28th: "Oktogon", on
29th: Danuve Cruise and on 30th: at "Platan"

@Anette: Yes you are right. I will check the name of the subaway-station.

Thank you at both of you!

See you there,

Veronika Wagner
Veronika Wagner  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
restaurants again Apr 20, 2007

Hiya Helena. As I find, Csaba was really considerate when choosing restaurants. Actually, he is doing a professional job as an organiser (Thanks, Csaba.) All three places are quite close to the hotel. As Annette has remarked, Birdland and Grand Café Oktogon are an easy walk from Oktogon tube station, Platán is also just a few stops from there.

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
Miembro 2002
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
Oktogon, etc. Apr 20, 2007

Oktogon is a very central location in Budapest. It's a major crossroads at the intersection of the main boulevard and Andrássy út. Its name comes from its octagonal shape.
This is also a favourite meeting point, given the high concentration of cafés, bars and restaurants in this area.

Grand Café Oktogon is 100 meters from here, Birdland is at the far end of Liszt Ferenc tér (3 minutes from Oktogon). Platán is justaround the corner from the hotel, so it's next to the City P
... See more
Oktogon is a very central location in Budapest. It's a major crossroads at the intersection of the main boulevard and Andrássy út. Its name comes from its octagonal shape.
This is also a favourite meeting point, given the high concentration of cafés, bars and restaurants in this area.

Grand Café Oktogon is 100 meters from here, Birdland is at the far end of Liszt Ferenc tér (3 minutes from Oktogon). Platán is justaround the corner from the hotel, so it's next to the City Park.

Please read the relevant powwow pages or conference session pages for very detailed instructions on how to get to these places.

In the hotel lobby there will be a large city map pinned on a message board where all of these places will be clearly indicated.

inglés al portugués
+ ...
info Apr 20, 2007

Hi Csaba,

If possible can you provide me with instructions how to get to the places directly from the Corinthia? It will be easier for me as I'm not staying in the Conference hotel and it might get confusing...

Thanks a lot.

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni
Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:14
Miembro 2003
inglés al albanés
+ ...
Group from the Conference hotel Apr 24, 2007

Hi folks, I was wondering if we can make a group of some of us that (might be) staying at the Conference hotel to leave together and get to the Grand Café Oktogon? Probably other folks not so far from the Conference hotel can also joing this group...Can we pin this info at the Reception area? Thanks a lot and see you soon, Fabiana

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