Idiomas de trabajo:
portugués al alemán
alemán al portugués
portugués al inglés

Expect the unexpected: creativity ...

Atibaia / SP, São Paulo
Hora local: 14:23 -04 (GMT-4)

Idioma materno: alemán Native in alemán
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One of my special hobbies is reading and writing. Now that I'm retired from corporate life I am able to enjoy my hobbies even more. I would also like to turn my former "office tasks" - translations (performed according to the needs of the Executive Board of Directors of big companies in Brazil for around 30 years) - into an agreeable and successful pastime (and to also earn some money with it). I am used to translations of all kinds within the car industry and wholesale business, however prefer to work with issues that really interest me. I have been working as translator for the São Paulo State Orchestra (OSESP) on a volunteer basis (as soon as they started with an extensive volunteer program in 2000), particularly with translations for their programs and/or preparation of dossiers for their tournees. Occasionally there are also translations of poems, printed then in the program booklets, which I love to do. It has always been a great pleasure for me to deal with the beauty of words and sensitive insights of great writers and poets, and this is also the reason why I would like to continue working mainly with translations of that kind. However, I am also open to any other translation within the range of translations I have been working with (see specification).
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 60
Puntos de nivel PRO: 56

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
inglés al alemán24
portugués al alemán20
inglés al portugués4
portugués al inglés4
alemán al portugués4
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Ciencias sociales8
Puntos en 2 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Negocios / Comercio (general)8
Derecho: contrato(s)8
Derecho: (general)4
Viajes y turismo4
Puntos en 5 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
alemán al portugués1
portugués al alemán1
Specialty fields
Arte, artes manuales, pintura1
Other fields
Palabras clave: Literature and Poetry; Music (especially classical music) and items related to it; Art of all kinds; History and Arqueology.

Última actualización del perfil
May 19, 2009