Archived polls

5926 polls, displaying 4851 through 4900
Have you ever worked on a translation outdoors?
By Nathalie van Rijsbergen - featured on Apr 23, 2009
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Do you find yourself working harder when you know that the translation will be proofread?
By Natalia Elo - featured on Apr 21, 2009
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When was the first time you heard about CAT tools?
By M. Laut - featured on Apr 16, 2009
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What's the shortest deadline you accept for a 7.500 word project in your specialty areas?
By Gabriella Ambs-Wettstein - featured on Apr 15, 2009
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Generally, how many people are there in your (home) office or workplace while you work?
By Maria Rosich Andreu - featured on Apr 14, 2009
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Do most of your clients provide you with a translation memory?
By Anne-Virginie Lerat - featured on Apr 9, 2009
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Have you ever forgotten to invoice your clients because you were overloaded?
By Claudia Iglesias - featured on Apr 9, 2009
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When speaking, do you mix your working languages?
By Lizette Britz - featured on Apr 8, 2009
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What is your monthly cost for Internet connection (in US dollars)?
By Lubain Masum - featured on Apr 7, 2009
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My hobbies include:
By Cristina Heraud-van Tol - featured on Apr 6, 2009
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Should the editor of a text have more work experience than the translator?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Apr 3, 2009
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Has an outsourcer ever voluntarily offered to pay you more than you originally quoted?
By Ulrike MacKay - featured on Apr 2, 2009
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Do you regularly review/ study the grammar and vocabulary of your working languages?
By Domenica Grangiotti - featured on Apr 1, 2009
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What percentage of your translation income goes to taxes?
By Lorenia Rincon - featured on Mar 31, 2009
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Have you ever worked with server-based TMs?
By Nicole Blanc (X) - featured on Mar 30, 2009
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What percentage of your income comes from outside your country of residence?
By Stephen Rifkind - featured on Mar 27, 2009
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How soon did you invest in a CAT tool after launching your business?
By Anne Carnot - featured on Mar 26, 2009
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After working in a long project in one field is it hard for you to switch to another?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 25, 2009
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Have you ever considered moving to a country with lower costs of living?
By Marius Feilberg Jacobsen - featured on Mar 23, 2009
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Is Instant Messaging necessary for your business?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Mar 20, 2009
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Have you ever missed a deadline because you miscalculated the time needed for the project?
By Annett Hieber - featured on Mar 19, 2009
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Apart from not being available, for which other main reason do you turn down jobs?
By Alexa Dubreuil - featured on Mar 18, 2009
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How long did it take you to build a portfolio of regular clients?
By Anabel Martínez - featured on Mar 17, 2009
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Do you often have to reject jobs because you are waiting for another job confirmation?
By Nathalie Reis - featured on Mar 16, 2009
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Has becoming a translator affected your social life?
By Nathalie Bendavid - featured on Mar 13, 2009
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Have you ever delivered a project to the wrong client?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Mar 12, 2009
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Have you set an income target for your translation work in 2009?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 11, 2009
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What has been your most effective way to get new clients?
By Ana P D Carvalho - featured on Mar 10, 2009
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Do you build your own glossaries?
By Camille Abou Jamra - featured on Mar 9, 2009
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Have you learned any new languages since you started working as translator?
By Mizar Becerril - featured on Mar 6, 2009
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Do you see yourself translating your whole life?
By Alan Corbo, CT - featured on Mar 5, 2009
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Do you have to send payment reminders to most of your clients?
By Emilie Moulettes - featured on Mar 4, 2009
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What is your preferred tool for creating invoices?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 3, 2009
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Do you charge different rates depending on the file format?
By Madalena Ribeiro - featured on Mar 2, 2009
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Do you usually take a lunch break?
By techwriter (X) - featured on Feb 27, 2009
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Are most of your clients proficient in your target language(s)?
By Pompeo Lattanzi - featured on Feb 25, 2009
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Do you perform free test translations?
By Julianne Rowland - featured on Feb 25, 2009
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Have you ever worked as a team with one or more translators?
By Annett Hieber - featured on Feb 23, 2009
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Are your rates for direct clients higher (as compared to agencies)?
By Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison - featured on Feb 23, 2009
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My very last task before delivering a translation is...
By María Eugenia Wachtendorff - featured on Feb 19, 2009
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Have you ever bitten off more than you could chew?
By Colin Ryan (X) - featured on Feb 19, 2009
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Have you ever been recommended by fellow translators?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 18, 2009
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How many functional computers assigned to translation do you have at home?
By Alejandro Moreno-Ramos - featured on Feb 16, 2009
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What is your main source of happiness in life?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 16, 2009
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Do you accept handwritten documents for translation?
By Joan Berglund - featured on Feb 13, 2009
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Have you seen changes in accepted usage of your mother tongue in the last 20 years?
By John Cutler - featured on Feb 12, 2009
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Do you see yourself as a polyglot? Please share.
By Ron Peek - featured on Feb 11, 2009
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In how many fields do you regularly work?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 10, 2009
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Workwise, was January the slowest you have had in years?
By Alan Corbo, CT - featured on Feb 9, 2009
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Would you reduce your rates if a client asked for it?
By Stephen Rifkind - featured on Feb 6, 2009
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5926 polls, displaying 4851 through 4900