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Poll: Have you ever forgotten to invoice your clients because you were overloaded?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Apr 8, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever forgotten to invoice your clients because you were overloaded?".

This poll was originally submitted by Claudia Iglesias

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever forgotten to invoice your clients because you were overloaded?".

This poll was originally submitted by Claudia Iglesias

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Jocelyne S
Jocelyne S  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
francés al inglés
+ ...
No Apr 8, 2009

As far as I know, I've never forgotten to invoice a client, but I have put off doing so for a few days because I was too busy.

I generally invoice my regular clients at the end of the month, which can be anywhere between the 30th and the 8th or 10th of the following month depending on my schedule.

I always invoice new clients when I deliver or shortly thereafter.


Oliver Lawrence
Oliver Lawrence  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
italiano al inglés
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No Apr 8, 2009

Postponed yes, forgotten no.

Joan Berglund
Joan Berglund  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:16
Miembro 2008
francés al inglés
didn't exactly forget Apr 8, 2009

I lost a bunch of invoicing info for a particular client that I had not entered into my accounting program yet when I moved and Comcast locked me out of my mailbox and lost all my info. My system was to keep orders in my inbox until the invoice was entered into my accounting and sent. I was behind because I was so busy between work and moving, but I thought the info would be there for me - I reckoned without Comcast's efficient (not) customer service. Luckily the client had the info and paid ... See more
I lost a bunch of invoicing info for a particular client that I had not entered into my accounting program yet when I moved and Comcast locked me out of my mailbox and lost all my info. My system was to keep orders in my inbox until the invoice was entered into my accounting and sent. I was behind because I was so busy between work and moving, but I thought the info would be there for me - I reckoned without Comcast's efficient (not) customer service. Luckily the client had the info and paid me.Collapse

Samir Sami
Samir Sami
Local time: 00:16
árabe al inglés
+ ...
Short-term memory loss! and money loss too! Apr 8, 2009

Only due to overloads (not necessarily translation), you forget to send, but this comes for only a couple of days. Then the normal process starts over.

Anyway, I believe that to forget to invoice, is much easier than to forget to get your due payment received. I hope that we won't get that message from the outsourcer with "Oh! So sorry. I forgot to pay you back". It happened to me, and I knew it was a case of "oblivion", as there have been other inquiries about payments.

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Only due to overloads (not necessarily translation), you forget to send, but this comes for only a couple of days. Then the normal process starts over.

Anyway, I believe that to forget to invoice, is much easier than to forget to get your due payment received. I hope that we won't get that message from the outsourcer with "Oh! So sorry. I forgot to pay you back". It happened to me, and I knew it was a case of "oblivion", as there have been other inquiries about payments.

It would be very kind of the outsourcer to send you a gentle reminder. It happens

Samira Khalid
Samira Khalid
Local time: 01:16
inglés al urdu
+ ...
Lost info Apr 8, 2009

I didn't exactly forget to invoice. I thought I would do it at the end of the month. By that time, I had lost some cruicial info. Lost a small amount only, but learnt a valuable lesson.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 14:16
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
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Often Apr 8, 2009

I have to confess that I have so much stuff on my plate that I often forget to invoice the small jobs. I have even let jobs slip through the cracks and never invoiced them at all. Add procrastination on top, and we're looking at my biggest problem. As you can see, I'm good at shooting myself in the foot.

Big jobs are different. I'm pretty good about those.

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
inglés al italiano
forgot, made mistakes... Apr 8, 2009

I forgot a couple of times, my client reminded me, but invoicing is always a mess... I send wrong invoices, wrong amounts...
I think I need to pay more attention!!

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 23:16
inglés al alemán
+ ...
pre-invoicing... Apr 8, 2009

Hi! I have learned to develop this habit since two years. The clients were getting forgetful of my services rendered and that had costed extra energy showing them the files and all the details. So I had started pre-invoicing and sending out a contract so that we both know what we are at. Brandis

Jeff Whittaker
Jeff Whittaker  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:16
español al inglés
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No Apr 8, 2009

I answered NO because I always send the invoice along with the job.

Alaa Zeineldine
Alaa Zeineldine  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:16
Miembro 2002
inglés al árabe
+ ...
No, but postponed some Apr 8, 2009

Because I have a habit of forgetting things and letting them fall through the cracks, I use two Outlook task lists to mitigate this problem. They are named "jobs" and "invoices".

As soon as an assignment is confirmed, I add it to the "jobs" list, usually by dragging and dropping the relevant email into that task list to make this as effortless as possible. I do add some key information to indicate the client and the deadline.

Once the job is completed, I add it to the
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Because I have a habit of forgetting things and letting them fall through the cracks, I use two Outlook task lists to mitigate this problem. They are named "jobs" and "invoices".

As soon as an assignment is confirmed, I add it to the "jobs" list, usually by dragging and dropping the relevant email into that task list to make this as effortless as possible. I do add some key information to indicate the client and the deadline.

Once the job is completed, I add it to the "invoices" list, usually by copying the same entry from the "jobs" list. Then I check it done in the jobs list. In that order.

Once I have sent an invoice, I check the entry in the "invoices" list. From that time on, the invoice is tracked by my accounting software.

As an additional memory aid, I do not remove entries from either list until payment is received. I just check them as done.

- Alaa

[Edited at 2009-04-08 21:17 GMT]

Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:16
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Same here Apr 9, 2009

Jeff Whittaker wrote:

I answered NO because I always send the invoice along with the job.

This is my usual routine, too, although I do work for one client that I have to invoice once a month and I forgot a couple of times.

Anna Katikhina
Anna Katikhina  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 14:16
inglés al ruso
+ ...
No, but... Apr 9, 2009

Me too, I always send the invoice along with the translation. But from time to time I forget to remind the client about overdue payments.

Oh! now that I'm saying it, I'll go and remind one of them about the last payment

Barbara Turchetto
Barbara Turchetto  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
Miembro 2008
alemán al italiano
+ ...
no! Apr 9, 2009

I generally invoice my clients a week after sending the translation and so far I have never forgotten to do it.
Sometimes THEY "forget" to pay me for my work!!!

Nesrin  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:16
inglés al árabe
+ ...
Nice foolproof tips, Alaa Apr 9, 2009

Alaa Zeineldine wrote:

Because I have a habit of forgetting things and letting them fall through the cracks, I use two Outlook task lists to mitigate this problem. They are named "jobs" and "invoices".

As soon as an assignment is confirmed, I add it to the "jobs" list, usually by dragging and dropping the relevant email into that task list to make this as effortless as possible. I do add some key information to indicate the client and the deadline.

Once the job is completed, I add it to the "invoices" list, usually by copying the same entry from the "jobs" list. Then I check it done in the jobs list. In that order.

Once I have sent an invoice, I check the entry in the "invoices" list. From that time on, the invoice is tracked by my accounting software.

As an additional memory aid, I do not remove entries from either list until payment is received. I just check them as done.

- Alaa

[Edited at 2009-04-08 21:17 GMT]


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Poll: Have you ever forgotten to invoice your clients because you were overloaded?

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