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Poll: Have you ever worked with server-based TMs?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Mar 27, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever worked with server-based TMs?".

This poll was originally submitted by Nicole Blanc

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever worked with server-based TMs?".

This poll was originally submitted by Nicole Blanc

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:26
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Had to vote other! Mar 27, 2009

Yes I have. And it was neither 'just perfect' nor was it 'unstable'. It was fine, it was an interesting experience. It was an online-based tool which updated the global TM every time a new unit was entered and worked well, meant various translators could work on a project without having to constantly coordinate on terms.

Although I did feel like big brother could watch me and see how fast I made progress through the work!

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
República Checa
Local time: 23:26
francés al inglés
+ ...
It's not the stability, there are other problems Mar 27, 2009

Essentially, the main reason for using a server-based TM is to share it between several translators. In large projects handled by many translators, it can greatly simplify the task of keeping the terminology, style, etc. uniform throughout the project. It can also allow senior translators and editors to help their less experienced colleagues. However, my personal experience with shared TMs has been exactly the opposite: the clients attempted to force me to use someone else's segments, which ofte... See more
Essentially, the main reason for using a server-based TM is to share it between several translators. In large projects handled by many translators, it can greatly simplify the task of keeping the terminology, style, etc. uniform throughout the project. It can also allow senior translators and editors to help their less experienced colleagues. However, my personal experience with shared TMs has been exactly the opposite: the clients attempted to force me to use someone else's segments, which often came from a totally different topic, or were stylistically poor (if not outright wrong). Thus, the use of shared TMs is only justified when the database is routinely checked by a very experienced maintainer. Ideally, all new entries should remain "in limbo" until committed by the editor/maintainer.

A different kind of server-based TMs are those using the SaaS (software as a service) business model. Personally, I am too often on the road, with slow and unreliable mobile connections, and so would prefer a local TM instead. Some of my clients impose very strict confidentiality obligations, which might also preclude me from using such services (and even without such provisions, I would think twice before entrusting my data to a network-based provider). Finally, I object to the SaaS model ideologically, being strongly in favor of the open-source model.

Sophie Dzhygir
Sophie Dzhygir  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:26
alemán al francés
+ ...
Yes but it is unstable Mar 27, 2009

This is what I voted, although my thoughts about it go a step further.
It is unstable because the fact your Internet connection could go down is always a risk. And because the remote server could crash, or (what does happen) because it is just overloaded and thus slow, which slows down your work.
Apart from that, there were other contras in my experience, but they were partly related to the tool itself, which I find unefficien
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This is what I voted, although my thoughts about it go a step further.
It is unstable because the fact your Internet connection could go down is always a risk. And because the remote server could crash, or (what does happen) because it is just overloaded and thus slow, which slows down your work.
Apart from that, there were other contras in my experience, but they were partly related to the tool itself, which I find unefficient.
Though, something bad with all server-based TM (or at least I can guess so) is that you have no control over them and cannot retrieve them.

Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Cristina Heraud-van Tol  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:26
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
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Yes, and it's just perfect Mar 27, 2009

A couple companies I've worked with, offer this feature and it was really good, helped me finish the job quicker and offered me a whole variety of options and resources to work with/choose from.

Andrea Riffo
Andrea Riffo  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:26
inglés al español
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Nope Mar 27, 2009

And I'm hesitant to do it, since the (admittedly) only server-based TM I've ever tested was a propietary one and the servers were SO.DAMNED.SLOW. The TM would take a good couple of seconds to save and get the next segment (it wasn't a connection problem on my end, btw), and I could just picture myself working on a big project ... ::shudder::

I'm open to the possibility of giving it another shot, though, since things may have improved since then (a couple of years ago) and I'm sure t
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And I'm hesitant to do it, since the (admittedly) only server-based TM I've ever tested was a propietary one and the servers were SO.DAMNED.SLOW. The TM would take a good couple of seconds to save and get the next segment (it wasn't a connection problem on my end, btw), and I could just picture myself working on a big project ... ::shudder::

I'm open to the possibility of giving it another shot, though, since things may have improved since then (a couple of years ago) and I'm sure there must be better server-based CAT tools/systems than the one I'm referring to.


[Edited at 2009-03-27 13:56 GMT]

Angela Dickson (X)
Angela Dickson (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:26
francés al inglés
+ ...
Yes Mar 27, 2009

and I voted 'other - N/A' because it was neither perfect nor just unstable. Mostly it's fine, but sometimes it's slow, in which case I work off-line and upload the content when it's faster again.

Jenn Mercer
Jenn Mercer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:26
Miembro 2009
francés al inglés
It *sounds* like a nice idea, but... Mar 27, 2009

I have not been asked to use a server-based TM yet, but it sounds like a logical idea. It has the potential to save a lot of time with syncing up large projects. However.... from my experience with other server-based systems I can certainly see the potential for slow servers and incompatibility issues with browsers and operating systems.

Unfortunately, I think the only way to solve these problems will be to try the systems, find the problems and then provide thorough and dispassion
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I have not been asked to use a server-based TM yet, but it sounds like a logical idea. It has the potential to save a lot of time with syncing up large projects. However.... from my experience with other server-based systems I can certainly see the potential for slow servers and incompatibility issues with browsers and operating systems.

Unfortunately, I think the only way to solve these problems will be to try the systems, find the problems and then provide thorough and dispassionate feedback for improvement. Computer software in general seems to be moving in this direction so I would not be surprised if translation did the same.

Niina Lahokoski
Niina Lahokoski  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:26
Miembro 2008
inglés al finlandés
+ ...
OK Mar 27, 2009

I voted "Other" too, it was pretty good experience. Moving from one segment to another was pretty slow, the "translate to fuzzy" function especially so.

Riccardo Schiaffino
Riccardo Schiaffino  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 15:26
Miembro 2003
inglés al italiano
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Once again a missed opportunity to pose a meaningful question Mar 27, 2009

There is a huge gap between "yes, and it is just perfect" (tell me one thing that is perfect in this world), and "yes, and it is unstable".

Yes, I've worked with them, they are very stable, but (in my opinion), they are not perfect: depending on the kind of process one has put in place, they may work very well or they may be a horrible mess.

Gina W
Gina W
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:26
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
'Other' for me, too Mar 27, 2009

Mary Worby wrote:

Yes I have. And it was neither 'just perfect' nor was it 'unstable'.

Same here.

Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 14:26
Miembro 2001
alemán al italiano
+ ...
stable, but not perfect Mar 27, 2009


I have to agree with Riccardo. "They are unstable" is not true, but never ever run the risk of having to work at weekends with a TM-based TM only! Had I not asked for an extract, it'd have been the nightmare of nightmares.

There are some irritating aspects, but for team work they are a good solution. Provided that the team is good


[Edited at 2009-03-27 16:46 GMT]

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:26
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
They may be good for team projects... Mar 27, 2009

... but I work strictly solo, and I prefer not to.

I used one for a former client regularly, and it was a pain! I voted 'unstable', as this was true of most of my experience.

The server sometimes changed my keyboard over from Danish to German! I don't use the three extra letters in Danish a lot, as I translate into English, but they crop up in names and so on.

But suddenly the punctuation would go mad, and I could not even get a comma woithout using the mou
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... but I work strictly solo, and I prefer not to.

I used one for a former client regularly, and it was a pain! I voted 'unstable', as this was true of most of my experience.

The server sometimes changed my keyboard over from Danish to German! I don't use the three extra letters in Danish a lot, as I translate into English, but they crop up in names and so on.

But suddenly the punctuation would go mad, and I could not even get a comma woithout using the mouse and 'inserting a symbol'. When I typed x, y, z or w (as I thought) I would get something completely different. I make enough typos of my own, without the computer getting unpredictable. And SLOW! It went dead for half a minute to save as soon as the job was more than a couple of pages long. It was quite impossible to concentrate on translating when I was distracted by the mechanics all the time.

Then I had the same grouches as others have about the quality of the TM content - but that may apply to any TM supplied by clients, although you do have more control over them if you can download them.

Another client now has a far better server, and they do check and approve the input before it is added to the main TM, but it means I can't use my laptop so easily, and I often need to be mobile for personal reasons right now.

I don't see any advantage in server-based TMS!

[Edited at 2009-03-27 16:57 GMT]

Monika Coulson
Monika Coulson  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:26
Miembro 2001
inglés al albanés
+ ...
Yes, I do it everyday Mar 27, 2009

I have my own TM stored on my server. This gives me the chance to use any computer at home, and still have the same updated TM. The only downside is that I have to connect to the server (from any computer) when I need to access my TM. It's like having two computers on the same machine. I have gotten used to it, so it does not bother me any more.

Interesting poll question, thanks.

Have a great weekend eve
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I have my own TM stored on my server. This gives me the chance to use any computer at home, and still have the same updated TM. The only downside is that I have to connect to the server (from any computer) when I need to access my TM. It's like having two computers on the same machine. I have gotten used to it, so it does not bother me any more.

Interesting poll question, thanks.

Have a great weekend everyone,


Luisa Ramos, CT
Luisa Ramos, CT  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:26
inglés al español
Other too Mar 27, 2009

Mary Worby wrote:

Yes I have. And it was neither 'just perfect' nor was it 'unstable'. It was fine, it was an interesting experience. It was an online-based tool which updated the global TM every time a new unit was entered and worked well, meant various translators could work on a project without having to constantly coordinate on terms.

Although I did feel like big brother could watch me and see how fast I made progress through the work!

I just hate it. Slow (no, it is not my computer), not always up to date, same big brother feeling, cumbersome, segmentation not always right.

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