Idiomas de trabajo:
inglés al francés
español al francés
francés (monolingüe)

Alexa Dubreuil
Forensic attention to detail

Sheffield, England, Reino Unido
Hora local: 18:43 GMT (GMT+0)

Idioma materno: francés (Variant: Standard-France) 
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* * * Translation - Desktop Publishing - Graphic design * * *

I am based in the UK where I work as a Freelance Translator from English/Spanish into French.
Note: I translate exclusively into my native language (French).

With my British associate who specialises in Graphic design and DTP, we offer a combined Translation and Graphic design service called IDFP:

Areas of expertise:
-Environment, Humanitarian/Social issues, Human rights, material for NGOs and International organisations
-Finance, Insurance, Legal, Business, Marketing, Quality management, European affairs
-Defence/Military, Technical, IT
-Human Resources, Training, Tourism/Travel and Sport

-Desktop Publishing (DTP)
-Graphic design

Other information:
-I have worked in the language/translation industry since 1994
-I started my Freelance business (IDFP Translation Services) in 2004
-Prior to being a Freelance translator, I worked at AXA (Worldwide leader in Insurance and Financial services) for over 5 years, including as a Translator and Project Manager
-I have a personal interest in environmental & humanitarian issues
-I was an Interpreter during the 1996 Olympic Games (Atlanta, USA) and the 1998 Football World Cup (Paris, France)
-Main CAT tool: SDL Trados Studio 2024 (including SDL MultiTerm 2024)
-IDFP in a few words = Quality + Reliability + Attention to detail + Versatility + Excellent IT skills

Please read the 100% positive feedback left by my clients on my WWA page.

Joined in August 2003.
Became Proz Platinum member in April 2004 and Certified Pro in October 2008.
Organised Proz powwow in Sheffield on October 2, 2004.

Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 552
Puntos de nivel PRO: 419

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
inglés al francés341
español al francés50
inglés al español4
inglés al italiano4
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Puntos en 3 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Mecánica / Ing. mecánica45
Negocios / Comercio (general)28
Viajes y turismo20
Derecho: contrato(s)16
Finanzas (general)16
TI (Tecnología de la información)16
Puntos en 26 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >
Palabras clave: translation, translator, general, environment, environnement, humanitarian, humanitaire, human rights, droits de l'homme, marketing. See more.translation, translator, general, environment, environnement, humanitarian, humanitaire, human rights, droits de l'homme, marketing, management, business, languages, langues, IT, computer, informatique, advertising, publicité, sports, sport, editing, database, glossary, glossaire, graphic, DTP, graphic design, website, site web, French, français, française, relecture, traduction, traducteur, commercial, PAO, base de données, graphisme, gestion de projets, transcription, hardware, software, insurance, assurance, multimedia, tourisme, tourism, sport, . See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Sep 29, 2024

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