Archived polls

5926 polls, displaying 4501 through 4550
Do you send references upon potential clients' request?
By Oleg Delendyk - featured on Apr 25, 2010
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What would you like to improve most as a freelance translator ?
By Elodie Bonnafous - featured on Apr 24, 2010
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Has adding sample translations to your profile helped you to get new clients?
By Katia Perry - featured on Apr 23, 2010
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To how many associations for translators and interpreters do you belong?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 22, 2010
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What would be your main piece of advice to an unexperienced translator?
By Elodie Bonnafous - featured on Apr 21, 2010
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When working for long periods of time, do you take a break to stretch and/or exercise?
By Estelle Demontrond-Box - featured on Apr 20, 2010
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What would most help you increase your translation quality?
By Elodie Bonnafous - featured on Apr 19, 2010
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What time do you usually get up on working days?
By Dalibor Uhlik - featured on Apr 18, 2010
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Has the speed at which you translate increased over the last five years?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 17, 2010
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As a freelancer, what is your current work-life balance like?
By Alicja Weikop - featured on Apr 16, 2010
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Has specializing in certain fields increased your productivity as a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 15, 2010
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How many "regular clients" do you have?
By Gianluca Marras - featured on Apr 14, 2010
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What's your ideal translation employment situation?
By Marisa Schiavi (X) - featured on Apr 13, 2010
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How many countries have you had clients from in the past 12 months?
By Csaba Ban - featured on Apr 12, 2010
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Do you have native fluency in your source language(s)?
By Michele Fauble - featured on Apr 11, 2010
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Do you apply charges for late payment?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 10, 2010
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On average, how many hours of straight translation can you put in?
By Nikeeta Kulkarni - featured on Apr 9, 2010
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Do you ask for a purchase order (PO) before beginning to work on a project?
By Rebecca Hendry - featured on Apr 8, 2010
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How did you become interested in translating?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 7, 2010
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Have you used speech recognition software?
By Aurélie DANIEL - featured on Apr 6, 2010
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What's the first thing you do when you sit down at the computer each day?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 5, 2010
Check my email 85.2%
Check the news 4.5%
Varies from day to day, no set routine 3.5%
Catch up on some social networking 2.0%
Check the quick poll, of course 1.4%
Other - N/A 1.4%
Stare blankly at the screen a bit while the coffee kicks in 1.1%
Jump straight into the project I'm working on 0.9%
1476 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you work weekends?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 4, 2010
Often 41.0%
Depends on my workload 32.7%
Every once in a while 13.3%
What's a weekend? I'm too busy for those 9.2%
I never work weekends 2.2%
Other - N/A 1.5%
1438 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is generally the decisive factor in your deciding to accept a project?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 3, 2010
Pricing 36.1%
Topic 19.5%
Other - N/A 17.2%
None. I accept all projects. 13.3%
Volume 6.0%
Challenges posed by source text 4.7%
Simplicity of source text 3.1%
1494 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What kind of computer(s) do you use for your translation work?
By Hynek Palatin - featured on Apr 2, 2010
Just a laptop 33.0%
Mostly a desktop 24.1%
Just a desktop 21.5%
Desktop and laptop equally 10.5%
Mostly a laptop 9.9%
Other - N/A (please share) 1.0%
1939 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How would you rate the first quarter of this year professionally?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 1, 2010
Great. The year is off to a good start. 37.8%
Average. Neither great nor terrible. 36.8%
Poor. This first quarter was not good for me. 22.5%
Other - N/A 2.9%
1878 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which has been the most interesting project you have worked on so far?
By Cristina Heraud-van Tol - featured on Mar 31, 2010
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Have you "paid your dues" as a translator/interpreter?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 30, 2010
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Is it nescessary for an interpreter to have a native-like accent?
By Andrzej Niewiarowski - featured on Mar 29, 2010
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Do you check your email from your mobile phone?
By Ana Naglić - featured on Mar 28, 2010
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Your income as a translator/interpreter allows you to:
By Roberta Anderson - featured on Mar 27, 2010
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How many CAT tools do you use?
By M. Laut - featured on Mar 26, 2010
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Do you participate in translation-related training, seminars, courses or conferences?
By Lorenia Rincon - featured on Mar 25, 2010
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As a freelancer, do you employ a proofreader?
By Sue Stewart-Anderson (X) - featured on Mar 24, 2010
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How often do you outsource work to other translators?
By Astrid Elke Witte - featured on Mar 23, 2010
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Which term do you prefer: TEnTs or CAT tools?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 22, 2010
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Do you ever try to "improve" on a source text?
By Gwenydd Jones - featured on Mar 21, 2010
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Do you apply higher rates for urgent/weekend work?
By Siobhan Schoonhoff-Reilly - featured on Mar 20, 2010
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Are you worried about the future of translators?
By Steve Melling - featured on Mar 19, 2010
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What do you see as your greatest translation weakness?
By Lauren DeAre - featured on Mar 18, 2010
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How would you rate your computer knowledge?
By Ballistic - featured on Mar 17, 2010
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Freelancers: who sets your rates?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 16, 2010
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Have you ever disagreed with a client over the need of a purchase order (PO)?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 15, 2010
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Would you continue interpreting/translating if you suddenly got a large sum of money?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 14, 2010
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Have you ever done voluntary work for a non-profit organization or charitable cause?
By Aisha Maniar - featured on Mar 13, 2010
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Have you ever stopped working with a client because you just couldn't accept their rates anymore?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Mar 12, 2010
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Do you employ the services of an accountant/financial advisor?
By Rebecca Hendry - featured on Mar 11, 2010
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Do you think the social prestige of translators is high?
By Dr. Tilmann Kleinau - featured on Mar 10, 2010
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How many new clients have you worked for so far in the first quarter of 2010?
By Aisha Maniar - featured on Mar 9, 2010
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Have your relationships ever suffered due to your work?
By EirTranslations - featured on Mar 8, 2010
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They say, "Opportunity only knocks once".
By anonymous - featured on Mar 7, 2010
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5926 polls, displaying 4501 through 4550