Glossary entry

español term or phrase:

al margen de la ley

inglés translation:

(terrorism, counterintelligence) subversive groups / elements

Added to glossary by Michael Powers (PhD)
Jun 13, 2005 18:24
19 yrs ago
57 viewers *
español term

al margen de la ley

español al inglés Jurídico/Patentes Derecho: (general)
De Colombia

We must have an idiomatic way of saying this.

Constancia de la FISCSAL TRECE - UNAIM, de que había evidencias de personas al margen de la ley interesadas en atenta contra la vida e integridad personal del señor Briagadier General MANZANA PERA FRESA o su familia.

Proposed translations

6 horas

subversive groups / elements/subjects

For sure !

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subversive elements operating within its jurisdiction. ... algunos Estados al
margen de la comunidad internacional en abierto desconocimiento ... - Páginas similares
Declaración del designado como Embajador por la Casa Blanca ...
Los narcotraficantes y los grupos armados al margen de la ley están sintiendo la
... The US and Colombia agree that the narco-trafficker and subversive ... - 25k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] Untitled
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grupos armados al margen de la ley, la. producción y comercialización de drogas
ilegales ... Between 1990 and 2000, the subversive groups ... estrategia_cooperacion.pdf - Páginas similares
Peer comment(s):

agree Patrick Weill
2995 días
agree Orkoyen (X) : Yes—to subvert
5746 días
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "There are a lot of good suggestions for answering this particular phrase; however, within the context of counterintelligence, specifically in Colombia with FARC, ELN, paramilitary, etc., I believe this is the best answer. In the glossary I will clarify that this is the translation in terrorism and counterintelligence usage."
2 minutos

outside the law...

...could be a version.

Peer comment(s):

agree bigedsenior
10 horas
agree Marcelo González : this is the idea (as it descibes where they operate) :-)
2 días 30 minutos
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3 minutos

individuals outside the law

Peer comment(s):

agree guenthpw : Your answer would be correct for the Spanish term "fuera de la ley", but not for "al margen de la ley". Sorry. Marcelo González' answer is the most accurate translation: "(who operate) on the fringe of (the) law"
5342 días
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4 minutos

(who operate) on the fringe of (the) law

And he wrote appeals freelance, still hovering on the fringe of law. "I really never wanted to practice," Schachter says. "I was always casting around for ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Private Detective Still Wrontful: Supreme Court... shadowing and stealthily taking photos and roam on the fringe of law, gain the legal identity, and thus walking under the sun in a stately manner? ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Destination Hollywood Tribute to The GodfatherHis specialty … hard edged, gritty characters that exist on the fringe of law-abiding society. But as he has shown recently, he's equally at home in all-out ... movies/godfather/overview_content.shtml - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

TemplateOn the fringe of law enforcement for many years, and with increased and diverse settlement occurring, especially of senior citizens, which has brought ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

Pluralism and Anarchism - Kenneth Maddock... a mixed bag of idealists, intellectuals, crackpots, visionaries, malcontents and individuals drifting on the fringe of law and conventional morality. ... - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

ALIEN FIRES: 2199 AD extracted from Sewer Docs by Underdogs for ...... to a mining colony on a planet called Galaxy's End, a Babel of alien cultures, life with smugglers and rogues, existing on the fringe of law and order. ... a/alienfires/files/alienfires.txt - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Centar za liberalno-demokratske studijeFields of his professional interest encompass civil law and various topics on the fringe of law and economics. He is President of Judiciary Committee of the ... - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

Political SandwichThe Lt. Colonel, having worked with civilians as an Amy Intelligence officer, says that civilian interrogators are on the fringe of law. ... - 28k - Jun 12, 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

LP: Police: Man Arrested in BTK Serial Killings... 17. To: Trina1 (#0). What got me was the 'petty tyrant' nature of this guy. A compliance officer on the fringe of law enforcement and monitoring. ... - 30k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] BOOK RE VIE WSFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
taken on the fringe of law; yet they. must always bear in mind the over-. riding importance of maintaining sov-. ereignty. (By “sovereignty” ... doi/10.1111/j.1533-8525.1967.tb01056.x/abs/ - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Burns (X)
32 minutos
Thank you, Daniel :-)
agree Marina Soldati
2 horas
Gracias, Marina, y saludos desde Nuevo México :-))
agree Christina Courtright : best choice in this context
16 horas
thanks :-))
agree guenthpw : Go to him for translations. He knows Spanish!
5342 días
Even more than a decade later, love the feedback!!! Cheers and many thanks :-)
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4 minutos


Peer comment(s):

agree Miguel Falquez-Certain
1 minuto
Muchas gracias Nigelguy. :-)
agree Gabriela Rodriguez
5 minutos
Muchas gracias Gaby. :-)
neutral duchess : bit too cowboys and indians for me, sorry
12 minutos
Gracias por tu opinión.
agree Margarita Gonzalez
32 minutos
Muchas gracias Marga. :-)
agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
4 horas
Muchas gracias Manuel.
agree zemba : De acuerdo, María.
8 horas
Muchas gracias Zemba. :-)
agree Oso (X) : ¶:^)
11 horas
Mil gracias Oso. Rocky te manda saluditos.
agree Clara Nino
1 día 3 horas
Muchas gracias Clisaz. :-)
agree Alicia Casal : Muchas gracias Clisaz.
1 día 7 horas
disagree guenthpw : This answer fits the term "fuera de la ley"
5342 días
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13 minutos

criminal elements

Not sure why, but sounds better than just plain 'criminals'.
Peer comment(s):

agree Margarita Palatnik (X)
5 minutos
Thanks, Margarita
agree Carlos Diaz de Leon
7 minutos
Thanks, Carlos
15 minutos
Thank you, Transcript
agree Mijo Schyllert
20 minutos
Thanks, Mijo
agree Maria Arcelus
2 horas
Thank you, Maria
agree Manuel Cedeño Berrueta : I like this one, but I also like “outlaw”.
3 horas
Thanks, Manuel
disagree Marcelo González : Sorry dutchess. :-) >The problem is that we have to describe where these individuals operate... :-)) >Doesn't this describe the actual people, and not so much the envirnonment in which they work (i.e., "al margen de la ley")?
1 día 20 horas
Thanks, actually I know what you're saying, but it's just that I was looking at this particular context. Otherwise I would have perhaps said 'criminal', 'illegal' but then what what would you do with 'people'?
disagree guenthpw : Your answer fits the question "elementos criminales". The most faithful translation remains: "(who operate) on the fringe of (the) law" by Marcelo González.
5342 días
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22 minutos

criminal elements

Not sure why, but sounds better than just plain 'criminals'.
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47 minutos

who skirt the law

To lie along or form the edge of; border: the creek that skirts our property.
To pass around rather than across or through: changed their course to skirt the storm.
To pass close to; miss narrowly: The bullet skirted an artery.
To evade, as by circumlocution: skirted the controversial issue

("Donors skirt campaign finance law").

JAPAN LAW: STOCK EXCHANGES-Securities manipulators? ... and that it is permissible for them in their omnipotence to skirt the law and distort markets, STOCK_EXCHANGES_SECURITIES_MANIPULATORS.html

Note added at 50 mins (2005-06-13 19:15:42 GMT)

oops...the verb definition
Peer comment(s):

agree guenthpw : But the best answer is the most faithful translation: "(who operate) on the fringe of (the) law" by Marcelo González.
5342 días
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57 minutos

on the outskirts of the law

Usurping Law For the Rule of Man
... war betrays the young men and women who enlisted to defend their country, not to make it a hegemonic empire that operates on the outskirts of the law. ... Articles4/Abulhawa_Usurping-Law.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 58 mins (2005-06-13 19:23:46 GMT)

Providers of sale-leasebacks deny that they\'re all a loan
Sale-leasebacks, says spokeswoman Mary Jackson, are \"coming from a perspective of surviving on the outskirts of the law.\" ... - Similar pages

FrontierTimes - Outlaws - Belle Starr
Moreover, life lived on the outskirts of the law begs an important question—how to make a law-breaker the protagonist in a young adult book without inviting ... - 44k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

disagree guenthpw : "Outskirts" is already outside. "Fringes" is like "on the edge", i.e., not quite outside. One step farther and you are on the other side. You then are looking in from the "outskirts."
5342 días
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4 horas
español term (edited): personas al margen de la ley


1. one who disobeys the law.


Related Words
culprit , criminal , outlaw , convict


Derived Forms
lawbreaking, [n.], adj.
Peer comment(s):

agree Oso (X) : ¶:^)
7 horas
Sr. Oso, es usted muy amable. Saludos Cordiales. 8-)
neutral Marcelo González : Es cierto lo que dice en cuanto a lo que aparece en la parte de abajo, pero su respuesta describe a la gente, y no el ambiente en que andan...>Sorry, colemh. This describes the people, not where they do their dastardly deeds...
1 día 20 horas
Marcelo, si observa con atención el párrafo que incluye el término, estoy contestando bajo el supuesto de “personas al margen de la ley”. Bajo este contexto lawbreakers es precisamente eso. Gracias por sus comentarios.
agree guenthpw : The first Spanish word for "lawbreaker" would be "infractor" or "delincuente" or "transgresor". The most faithful translation remains: "(who operate) on the fringe of (the) law" by Marcelo González.
5341 días
Thank you
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4 horas

In support of María’s answer.

We must remember that the meaning of words change with the pass of time; please see the current meaning of “outlaw”, not only its original meaning.

Best regards,

Quick definitions (Outlaw)
• noun: someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
• verb: declare illegal; outlaw

Main Entry: 1out•law
Pronunciation: 'aut-"lo
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English outlawe, from Old English utlaga, from Old Norse utlagi, from ut out (akin to Old English ut out) + lag-, log law -- more at OUT, LAW
1 : a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the law
2 a : a lawless person or a fugitive from the law b : a person or organization under a ban or restriction c : one that is unconventional or rebellious
3 : an animal (as a horse) that is wild and unmanageable
- outlaw adjective

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


NOUN: 1a. A fugitive from the law. b. A habitual criminal. c. A rebel; a nonconformist: a social outlaw. 2. A person excluded from normal legal protection and rights. 3. A wild or vicious horse or other animal.
TRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: out•lawed, out•law•ing, out•laws
1. To declare illegal: outlawed the sale of firearms. 2. To place under a ban; prohibit: outlawed smoking in the house. 3. To deprive (one declared to be a criminal fugitive) of the protection of the law.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English outlaue, from Old English tlaga, from Old Norse tlagi, from tlagr, outlawed, banished : t, out; see ud- in Appendix I + lög, law; see legh- in Appendix I.
WORD HISTORY: The word outlaw brings to mind the cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time, when guns were not yet invented but cattle stealing was. Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word tlagr, “outlawed, banished,” made up of t, “out,” and lög, “law.” An tlagi (derived from tlagr) was someone outside the protection of the law. The Scandinavians, who invaded and settled in England during the 8th through the 11th century, gave us the Old English word tlaga, which designated someone who because of criminal acts had to give up his property to the crown and could be killed without recrimination. The legal status of the outlaw became less severe over the course of the Middle Ages. However, the looser use of the word to designate criminals in general, which arose in Middle English, lives on in tales of the Wild West.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by the Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

All the best,
Peer comment(s):

disagree Marcelo González : With all due respect, common usage, in this context, "trumps" prescriptive authority. On hearing "outlaws" (the noun) many native speakers will always think of "Cowboys and Indians" and the Hollywood-hyped Jessie James. :-)
1 día 1 hora
Thank you for your comment, Marcelo; I will bear it in mind.
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7 horas

who would take the law in their own hands

Many interesting suggestions, but IN THIS CONTEXT, speaking of an attempt on the guy's life, I believe the intent of the author is slightly different from the literal meaning of the expression. He/she is not speaking of criminal elements generically, but rather people who feel strongly enough to take action outside the law. This is my take on the overall meaning of the text.
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8 horas


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5746 días

who undermine the law

to emphasize the chaotic/destructive nature of such action
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6363 días

outside the law; illegal

The expression refers to someone acting outside the law, an outlaw. If someone doesn't act according to the law, then their actions are outside the law or illegal.
Example sentence:

[...] juzgamiento de los crímenes cometidos contra la población civil por miembros de grupos armados al margen de la ley en Colombia.

[...] designed to prosecute crimes committed against the civilian population by armed groups operating outside the law in Colombia.

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