Archived polls

5926 polls, displaying 1851 through 1900
Do you set yourself an annual budget for work tools, training, etc.?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 29, 2017
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Do you use a watermark on your resume/CV?
By Edward Potter - featured on Jul 28, 2017
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If there were more time in the day, I would:
By anonymous - featured on Jul 27, 2017
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Should a client send rejection notices to everyone who isn't chosen for a project?
By Harishankar Shahi - featured on Jul 26, 2017
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Which is the main way you have acquired knowledge in your area of expertise?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 25, 2017
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Which running event would be your preferred choice at the "Translation Olympics"?
By R. Alex Jenkins - featured on Jul 24, 2017
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The best time of my life is / was / will be:
By Sheila Wilson - featured on Jul 23, 2017
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Do you use more than one internet service provider in case of outages?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 22, 2017
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In 2017, which has been the best month for you so far, professionally speaking?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 21, 2017
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How long after sending a price quote do you follow up on it?
By Catharine Cellier-Smart - featured on Jul 20, 2017
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At least 60% of freelancers say they started freelancing by choice. Are you one of them?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 19, 2017
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Digital Storytelling is a growing market of content. Is that a new opportunity for linguists?
By Paulo Caldeira - featured on Jul 18, 2017
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Most likely to put me in a good mood (if I'm not already):
By anonymous - featured on Jul 17, 2017
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Most likely to put me in a bad mood:
By anonymous - featured on Jul 16, 2017
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Do you have a portfolio of previous work you can show potential clients?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 15, 2017
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Are you experiencing problems with scammers and clients not paying more frequently?
By Helene Olsen Richards - featured on Jul 14, 2017
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Where do your direct clients come from?
By Toby Wakely - featured on Jul 13, 2017
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Do you find the content you have to translate interesting?
By Helen Portefaix - featured on Jul 12, 2017
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I do my term research...
By anonymous - featured on Jul 11, 2017
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Why can't people call translators "translators"? Which of these have you seen most frequently?
By Roser Bosch Casademont - featured on Jul 10, 2017
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In general, how would you describe your outlook on the future of freelance translation?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 9, 2017
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Would you rather get more clients, or make more money from existing clients?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 8, 2017
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To how many professional translation associations do you belong?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 7, 2017
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Are you planning a career change, out of translation?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 6, 2017
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How long should a fair translation test be?
By Ahmad Habab - featured on Jul 5, 2017
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How many active clients do you have at the moment?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 4, 2017
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In general, have your rates over the last 12 months gone up, gone down, or stayed the same?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 3, 2017
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How do you socialize as a freelancer who works alone at home?
By Marcel Gomez - featured on Jul 2, 2017
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Which state-funded initiative for the protection of minority languages is most cost-effective?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 1, 2017
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You get a dream job offer but must travel to a far-away country for the duration of the project.
By Ramona Z. - featured on Jun 30, 2017
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In the future, large translation service providers...
By Leon Hunter - featured on Jun 29, 2017
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Do you have a website/brand and use it with a paid email provider (e.g. [email protected])?
By Armando Calderon - featured on Jun 28, 2017
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Do you provide your clients with your TMs related to your projects if they ask for them?
By Ahmed ALEM - featured on Jun 27, 2017
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How much of the work you receive is created by non-native speakers, in your opinion?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 26, 2017
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Do you find it helpful having a webpage or a blog to get more jobs as a freelance translator?
By Jina Yeo - featured on Jun 25, 2017
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Have you ever questioned the quality of your work?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 24, 2017
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Have you ever been asked to quote on the same document by different clients?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 23, 2017
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On how many translation-related portals are you registered?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 22, 2017
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How many Blue Board ratings have you made for outsourcers you've worked with?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 21, 2017
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What to you see as the biggest threat to your business income?
By Muriel Vasconcellos - featured on Jun 20, 2017
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Have you ever purchased software which turned out to be useless to you?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 19, 2017
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How many hours are there in a reasonable freelancer's work day?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 18, 2017
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Do you have a network of experts who help you with difficult terminology/understanding?
By Martin Maciazka - featured on Jun 17, 2017
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Have you found it difficult to get clients to provide public feedback or testimonials for you?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 16, 2017
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Have you ever contacted the owners of your favorite websites or products to offer your services?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 15, 2017
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Have you ever acted as a mentor to less experienced translators?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 14, 2017
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Do you ever dream in the language(s) in which you are not native?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 13, 2017
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Do you find yourself mentally translating when you read something in your source language?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 12, 2017
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Do you feel like you have just the right number of clients at the moment?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 11, 2017
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Have you ever received a gift or a bonus from a client?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 10, 2017
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5926 polls, displaying 1851 through 1900