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| pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ... | pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ...
再向哪�... See more | | | pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ...
Seals And Crofts Lyrics - Windflowers Lyrics
windflowers, my father told me not to go near them
he said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away
windflowers, beautiful windflowers, i couldn't wait to touch them
to smell them i held them closely and now i cant break away
their sweet boutque disappears like... See more 有說政治是鴉片,可是罌粟花是美麗的。就送上這首WINDFLOWERS
Seals And Crofts Lyrics - Windflowers Lyrics
windflowers, my father told me not to go near them
he said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away
windflowers, beautiful windflowers, i couldn't wait to touch them
to smell them i held them closely and now i cant break away
their sweet boutque disappears like the vapor in the desert
so...take them away son.....
windflowers....ancient windflowers their beauty captures every
young dreamer who lingered near them
ancient winflowers i love you
repeat once
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSTlLYMo02w ▲ Collapse | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwán Local time: 03:16 inglés al chino + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA
pkchan wrote:
血紅的罌粟花可比 Dracula 喜愛吸取的人血,被吸了血的人們也會因此渴望吸血,因此十年媳婦養成婆,冤冤相報還往往報錯了人,所以人間的戲劇演不完同樣的不合理內容。要斬斷這種 vicious circle 唯一的方法是從人自己的心裡根除不當的權力慾望:不當,指的是在 (往往不知何來的) 不合理的權力結構中未經眾人授予、不受節制的權力。如果能夠自己發現那些 unchecked power,由自己加以節制,紅纓頂上的紅就不會是別人的鮮血,政治就一點也不可怕,而會是合理的正常運作。
PK 提供的這首歌,意義我還不明白,不過調子還不錯。 | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ... 沒有特別意思,正如你所說,調子非常優美,當時在校園十分流行 | Jan 21, 2007 |
风之花-Windflowers 今天翻看以前的文件,无意中发现了一首好听的老歌:齐秦齐豫版的Windflowers(风之花),查看了歌曲文件的日期,竟然是1998年的。
传说希腊神话中有一个深得太阳女神阿波罗喜爱,名叫风信子的年轻美男子,被充满醋意的西风神苏菲洛误杀,风信子的血泊中片刻就长出了一种神奇美丽的花,心痛着的阿波罗女神把这朵盛开在血泊中的美丽�... See more 风之花-Windflowers 今天翻看以前的文件,无意中发现了一首好听的老歌:齐秦齐豫版的Windflowers(风之花),查看了歌曲文件的日期,竟然是1998年的。
Windflowers,my father told me not to go near them,he said he feared them always,and he told me that they carried him away.
Windflowers,beautiful windflowers, I couldn''t wait to touch them, to smell them I held them closely, and now I cannot break away ,their sweet bouquet disppears,like the vapor in the desert,so take a warning, son.
Windflowers,Ancient windflowers, their beauty captures every young dreamer,who lingers near them, but Ancient windflowers,I love you.
Windflowers,my father told me not to go near them,he feared them always, said they carried him away. windflowers,I couldn''t wait to touch them, to smell them,I held them closely, now,I cannot break away,their sweet bouquet disppears, like the vapor in the desert,take a warning,son. windflowers,their beauty captures every young dreamer, who lingers near them,Ancient windflowers,I love you.
渥特豪斯 (John William Waterhouse 1849-1917) 的名画《Windflowers》风之花
原创文章如转载,请注明:转载自月光博客 [ http://www.williamlong.info/ ]
本文链接地址:http://www.williamlong.info/archives/452.html ▲ Collapse | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwán Local time: 03:16 inglés al chino + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA
pkchan wrote:
Hyacinth was one of Appollo's male lovers. Hyacinth was a Spartan prince, very handsome and athletic. The pair were practicing throwing the discus when Hyacinth was struck by one, blown off course by Zephyrus, who was jealous of Apollo and loved Hyacinth as well. When Hyacinth died, Apollo created the flower from his blood.
太陽神 Appollo 是男性,月神 Diana 是女性。Hyacinth 的故事可說是另一種斷背山,陽剛之戀。在古希臘和古羅馬,同性戀並不被視為敗德,想想也有他們的道理。
* 今晚半夜從台北趕回家中,因為三個正在進行的項目,有兩個明天必須交稿,另一個項目雖然到月底才交稿,但似乎有進度落後的跡象,我得準備因應,幸好早已預備了一組人員在不得已的情況下介入上一組人員進行的工作。Project Management 需要相當的技巧,一方面要掌握進度,另一方面要掌握預算。有時發現估計錯誤,只能自己漏夜趕工。一月已步入下旬,該付給人家的工資又要張羅妥當了。這工作說不苦也苦,說苦也不苦。不開公司的壞處就是樣樣得自己來,連會計都得自己做。看來我得找一棵風信子了。呵呵。
** 忘了說一下,我原本文科出身,所以對希臘、羅馬神話相當熟悉。Appollo 在神話裡是個愛樂者,為了音樂,他可以犧牲自己的權益。關於 Appollo 這個興趣有不少有趣的故事。
[Edited at 2007-01-21 21:24] | | | pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ... My endless love | Jan 21, 2007 |
Lionel Richie › Endless Love (4:26) albums · lyrics
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中文 mailprintvotesmallerlarger
(duet with diana ross)
My love,
Theres only you in my life
The only thing thats bright
My first love,
Youre every breath tha... See more Lionel Richie › Endless Love (4:26) albums · lyrics
languages +
中文 mailprintvotesmallerlarger
(duet with diana ross)
My love,
Theres only you in my life
The only thing thats bright
My first love,
Youre every breath that I take
Youre every step I make
And i
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...
And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
Ill hold you close in my arms
I cant resist your charms
And love
Oh, love
Ill be a fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh, you know I dont mind
cause you,
You mean the world to me
I know
I know
Ive found in you
My endless love
Boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, booom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
Oooh, and love
Oh, love
Ill be that fool
For you,
Im sure
You know I dont mind
Oh you know-
I dont mind
And, yes
Youll be the only one
cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And Ill give it all to you
My love
My love, my love
My endless love
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWhzwuuoz8E&mode=related&search= ▲ Collapse | | | Julia Zou China Local time: 03:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ...
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
[太陽神 Appollo 是男性,月神 Diana 是女性。Hyacinth 的故事可說是另一種斷背山,陽剛之戀。在古希臘和古羅馬,同性戀並不被視為敗德,想想也有他們的道理。
[Edited at 2007-01-21 21:24]
你说到在古希腊和古罗马,同性恋并不视为败德。的确如此,古希腊神话里,不仅有同性恋、还有自恋(如narcissus)以及乱伦(如Zeus和他的姐姐Hera、 Gaea与儿子Uranus等等)。有人说,这些故事正好反映出远古时代群婚杂交的真实状况。这种说法当然是站在无神论的角度来讲的。但我相信,这个世界还是持有神论观点的人居多。既然这些人都是天神,难道他们还不知道伦理道德吗?对于这个问题,我是不知道答案的。Wenjer应该知道吧,因为你说“想想也有他们的道理”。那么,道理是什么呢? :-) | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ... The age of Aquarius | Jan 23, 2007 |
Aquarius Lyrics (Hair)
Hair - Aquarius Lyrics
When the moon is in the Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns
with MarsThen peace will guide the planetsAnd love
will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age
of AquariusThe age of AquariusAquarius!Aquarius!Harmony and understandingSympathy
and trust aboundingNo more falsehoods or derisionsGolding living dreams of visionsMystic crystal
revalationAnd the mind's true liberationAquarius!Aquarius!When the... See more Aquarius Lyrics (Hair)
Hair - Aquarius Lyrics
When the moon is in the Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns
with MarsThen peace will guide the planetsAnd love
will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age
of AquariusThe age of AquariusAquarius!Aquarius!Harmony and understandingSympathy
and trust aboundingNo more falsehoods or derisionsGolding living dreams of visionsMystic crystal
revalationAnd the mind's true liberationAquarius!Aquarius!When the moon is in the
Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns with MarsThen peace
will guide the planetsAnd love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of AquariusThe age
of AquariusAquarius!Aquarius!Harmony and
understandingSympathy and trust aboundingNo more
falsehoods or derisionsGolding living dreams of visionsMystic crystal revalationAnd the mind's true
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhbxI5eVnM4 ▲ Collapse | | | wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 13:16 chino al inglés + ...
pkchan wrote:
Lionel Richie › Endless Love
That was a wonderful performance... beautiful.
Here's a more recent performance by Lionel Ritchie himself, together with Beverley Knight ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaOaI42RNN4 | | | Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwán Local time: 03:16 inglés al chino + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA
Juliazou wrote:
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
[太陽神 Appollo 是男性,月神 Diana 是女性。Hyacinth 的故事可說是另一種斷背山,陽剛之戀。在古希臘和古羅馬,同性戀並不被視為敗德,想想也有他們的道理。
你说到在古希腊和古罗马,同性恋并不视为败德。的确如此,古希腊神话里,不仅有同性恋、还有自恋(如narcissus)以及乱伦(如Zeus和他的姐姐Hera、 Gaea与儿子Uranus等等)。有人说,这些故事正好反映出远古时代群婚杂交的真实状况。这种说法当然是站在无神论的角度来讲的。但我相信,这个世界还是持有神论观点的人居多。既然这些人都是天神,难道他们还不知道伦理道德吗?对于这个问题,我是不知道答案的。Wenjer应该知道吧,因为你说“想想也有他们的道理”。那么,道理是什么呢? :-)
前些日子和几位朋友在家中喝茶聊天,谈到特殊性癖好。我说,不管出于怎样的原因成为有特殊性癖好者,我们都应该尊重他们的存在,也祝他们找到「合适伴」;任何人与人之间的关系中,令人厌恶的只是欺骗、伪装、胁迫、操弄、诱拐等等不正直的手段。套用德国主张堕胎除罪化的女权运动者所说的 "My belly belongs to me.",对于那些有特殊性癖好者的「召唤」,我会回应以 "My ass belongs to me."。
前日 epicure 君*在时论广场上向社会大众解说「愉虐SM次文化的真面目」,言之成理,果然如我一向的浅见:这世间无奇不有,虐待他人可以得到「愉悦」,时有所闻;被人虐待也能「很爽」,这倒新鲜。我庆幸所谓的「愉虐」被称为「次文化」,不是「主流文化」,还不至于把台湾变成「泛爱岛 (pan-sexual island)」。
epicure 君认为,虐待一个人正是他(们)表达爱的方式。如果这种方式也算正常,不知还有多少人会被「爱死了」。在人权发达的今日世界里,奴隶与主人的关系确实「难得」,恐怕比美满的婚姻还要难得。我只纳闷,有人可以用「一生的托付和誓约」,自甘为奴地「进入奴隶与主人的关系」?真有那样的人,倒也该尊重,并祝福他/她(们)找到可以托付终身的主人。
实在说,你情我愿的成人关起门来干些什么,谁也管不着。五花大绑地捆粽子、搔脚底等等游戏,倒也蛮有趣的;但要虐待所爱的人来「愉悦(自己)」,相信绝大多数的人和我一样,都会不忍。epicure 君在该文里说是「安全、神智、纯自愿 (safe, sane and consensual)」,好象不对,应该是「大家欢喜甘愿」;不过,问题是:不想再继续下去,可不可以反悔?
既然有如此的「次文化」大张旗鼓地存在着,存在便是合理,世间的道理原本是颠来倒去都说得通,实在不想批评此道中人,只想说:如果你也认为 "My ass belongs to me.",遇到有此倾向者,除非你的人生目的在于为奴之快乐,否则尚未发生意外之前,趁早 Save your ass!
* 那位仁兄用 epicure 这样的笔名,正是表示他崇尚 Epicure 的享乐哲学,我原本在我的响应里把他这个名字翻译成「伊癖揪虏」,编辑大人们大概认为太过刺激,所以改回他的原笔名 epicure。
世间真的无奇不有,我的原则只是:只要不妨碍我,我都尊重。人们可以用刀、用枪、用炮、用飞弹胁迫我,可以把我关起来,可以让我无处表达思想,但思想还是我的。Opinions are free, aren't they?
[Edited at 2007-01-23 02:03] | | | wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 13:16 chino al inglés + ... soulfulness versus pitchiness | Jan 23, 2007 |
wherestip wrote:
Here's a more recent performance by Lionel Ritchie himself, together with Beverley Knight ...
Actually, I do hear some pitch problems at the end of Beverley Knight's performance there. As they say on American Idol, "That was very pitchy!" 
So perhaps the Chinese couple was better. However, as some people see it, it's all about soul when it comes to songs like this.
To me the best artists are the ones that are both soulful and always stay in tune. To not sing off key is kind of a must for me
[Edited at 2007-01-23 02:43] | |
pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ...
wherestip wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Here's a more recent performance by Lionel Ritchie himself, together with Beverley Knight ...
Actually, I do hear some pitch problems at the end of Beverley Knight's performance there. As they say on American Idol, "That was very pitchy!"
So perhaps the Chinese couple was better. But as some people see it, it's all about soul when it comes to songs like this.
To me the best artists are the ones that are both soulful and sing in key. To not sing off key is kind of a must for me
[Edited at 2007-01-23 01:40]
一個是寶島天王歌后鄧麗君,另一個是香港自強的男兒林子祥,唱起情歌來,還是羞人答答,含情脈脈的,有著東方人內涵、韻味。唱罷,男的還輕輕吻她的手背,進而兩次吻她的臉。在八十年代的香港,已是非常大膽的演出,亦是很自然的。這是導演的要求,還是他們即興的表演,已是不得而知了。論歌藝,兩人都表現得很小心,沒有「爛老」Lionel 那樣放,其實亦非常配合歌詞的內容,比較是美,而應有說不出的下文,亦讓觀眾、聽眾不其然產生墮入感,又有誰不羨慕這種無盡的愛呢! | | | pkchan Estados Unidos Local time: 14:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ... 再介紹盲仙另一首名曲: 心中的風車 | Jan 24, 2007 |
The Windmills Of Your Mind
Jose Feliciano
Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnaval balloon
Like a carousell that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on it's face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Lik... See more The Windmills Of Your Mind
Jose Feliciano
Round, like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel.
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnaval balloon
Like a carousell that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on it's face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
Like a tunnel that you follow
To a tunnel of it's own
Down a hollow to a cavern
Where the sun has never shone
Like a door that keeps revolving
In a half forgotten dream
Like the ripples from a pebble
Someone tosses in a stream.
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes on it's face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
Keys that jingle in your pocket
Words that jangle in your head
Why did summer go so quickly
Was it something that you said
Lovers walking allong the shore,
Leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming
Just the fingers of your hand
Pictures hanging in a hallway
And a fragment of a song
Half remembered names and faces
But to whom do they belong
When you knew that it was over
Were you suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning
To the color of her hair
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning,
On an ever spinning wheel
As the images unwind
Like the circle that you find
In the windmills of your mind
In the windmills of your mind
blog.sina.com.tw/ky543/article.php?pbgid=4925&page=36&entryid=7554 -
[Edited at 2007-01-24 04:39] ▲ Collapse | | | Julia Zou China Local time: 03:16 Miembro 2006 inglés al chino + ...
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
前些日子和几位朋友在家中喝茶聊天,谈到特殊性癖好。我说,不管出于怎样的原因成为有特殊性癖好者,我们都应该尊重他们的存在,也祝他们找到「合适伴」;任何人与人之间的关系中,令人厌恶的只是欺骗、伪装、胁迫、操弄、诱拐等等不正直的手段。套用德国主张堕胎除罪化的女权运动者所说的 "My belly belongs to me.",对于那些有特殊性癖好者的「召唤」,我会回应以 "My ass belongs to me."。
前日 epicure 君*在时论广场上向社会大众解说「愉虐SM次文化的真面目」,言之成理,果然如我一向的浅见:这世间无奇不有,虐待他人可以得到「愉悦」,时有所闻;被人虐待也能「很爽」,这倒新鲜。我庆幸所谓的「愉虐」被称为「次文化」,不是「主流文化」,还不至于把台湾变成「泛爱岛 (pan-sexual island)」。
epicure 君认为,虐待一个人正是他(们)表达爱的方式。如果这种方式也算正常,不知还有多少人会被「爱死了」。在人权发达的今日世界里,奴隶与主人的关系确实「难得」,恐怕比美满的婚姻还要难得。我只纳闷,有人可以用「一生的托付和誓约」,自甘为奴地「进入奴隶与主人的关系」?真有那样的人,倒也该尊重,并祝福他/她(们)找到可以托付终身的主人。
实在说,你情我愿的成人关起门来干些什么,谁也管不着。五花大绑地捆粽子、搔脚底等等游戏,倒也蛮有趣的;但要虐待所爱的人来「愉悦(自己)」,相信绝大多数的人和我一样,都会不忍。epicure 君在该文里说是「安全、神智、纯自愿 (safe, sane and consensual)」,好象不对,应该是「大家欢喜甘愿」;不过,问题是:不想再继续下去,可不可以反悔?
既然有如此的「次文化」大张旗鼓地存在着,存在便是合理,世间的道理原本是颠来倒去都说得通,实在不想批评此道中人,只想说:如果你也认为 "My ass belongs to me.",遇到有此倾向者,除非你的人生目的在于为奴之快乐,否则尚未发生意外之前,趁早 Save your ass!
* 那位仁兄用 epicure 这样的笔名,正是表示他崇尚 Epicure 的享乐哲学,我原本在我的响应里把他这个名字翻译成「伊癖揪虏」,编辑大人们大概认为太过刺激,所以改回他的原笔名 epicure。
世间真的无奇不有,我的原则只是:只要不妨碍我,我都尊重。人们可以用刀、用枪、用炮、用飞弹胁迫我,可以把我关起来,可以让我无处表达思想,但思想还是我的。Opinions are free, aren't they?
[Edited at 2007-01-23 02:03]
在不同的人所拥有的不同性取向或性态度这个问题上,我非常赞同你的观点(于我心有戚戚焉 )。我想:人类虽然主要由男人和女人组成,但是出现不同的排列组合现象还是比较符合自然规律的。所以不管是怎样的取向或态度,只要不妨碍、影响或危害他人和社会,应该是没有什么问题的吧。 | | | Páginas sobre el tema: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 唱歌吧......(Sing, Sing a Song...) Protemos translation business management system | Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
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