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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Autor de la hebra: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:36
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Hoity-toity lifestyle Dec 12, 2015

ysun wrote:

北京市延庆县 原乡美利坚:


Wow, impressive indeed! But I wonder who the major target audience is for these poorly written English advertisements?

Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:36
inglés al chino
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“Clone" Dec 12, 2015

ysun wrote: 国之瑰宝


ysun wrote: 国之奇葩
“The Clone of My Hometown in China”:

北京市延庆县 原乡美利坚:


延庆的原乡美利坚和他们的网站都可谓是奇葩; 不知他们能不能 “克隆” Jackson Hole 的动植物.

[Edited at 2015-12-12 18:21 GMT]

Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:36
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克隆 Dec 12, 2015

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:36
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PBS DVD about John Denver Dec 12, 2015


Editorial Reviews

Explore the life of the man behind the music! One of the world's best-know and best-loved performers, John Denver earned international acclaim as a songwriter, performer, actor, environmentalist, and humanitarian. Denver's career spanned four decades and his music has outlasted countless musical trends and garnered numerous awards and honors.
This definitive documentary explores the private life and public legacy of John Denver. Exclusive accounts from those closest to him reveal the man behind the music in an intimate profile to mark the anniversary of his 70th birthday. Featuring pivotal people in Denver's life, from his former managers to his son, brother, and former wives. - Special Features: Never-before-seen extended interviews with Denver's former manager Jerry Weintraub, Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul And Mary, Denver's first wife Annie Denver, and more.

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
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乌托邦 Dec 13, 2015

wherestip wrote:


Wow, impressive indeed! But I wonder who the major target audience is for these poorly written English advertisements?




[Edited at 2015-12-13 00:31 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
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居庸关外的 Jackson Hole Dec 13, 2015


I still remember posting this news clip about this place reported by CNN's Steven Jiang quite well. It took me a while to locate it though.


ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
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克隆 Dec 13, 2015

QHE wrote:

延庆的原乡美利坚和他们的网站都可谓是奇葩; 不知他们能不能 “克隆” Jackson Hole 的动植物.

不光是 Jackson Hole 的动植物,还有很多更重要的东西是他们根本就无法“克隆”的。

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
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Why "pretend" to live in the wild west Dec 13, 2015

wherestip wrote:


I still remember posting this news clip about this place reported by CNN's Steven Jiang quite well. It took me a while to locate it though.



I am wondering why these people don't just immigrate to the United States since they love the American lifestyle so much.

[Edited at 2015-12-14 14:14 GMT]

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Local time: 18:36
inglés al chino
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过家家 Dec 14, 2015

ysun wrote:


大略地通读了一下《假装住在美国西部》(像是在过家家 ),我怎么觉得通篇读起来味如嚼蜡。撇开一些很蹩脚的译文不说,把 “America represents wilderness and freedom” 翻译为“美国代表着狂野与自由”,IMO, 其中对 wilderness 的处理很不贴切。

[Edited at 2015-12-14 15:57 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:36
Miembro 2006
inglés al chino
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Baseboard Heater Dec 14, 2015


ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
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Vitality Air Dec 14, 2015

加上 Vitality Air (100% Pure Rocky Mountain Air),就更能“引以为傲”了!

《加拿大售卖瓶装新鲜空气 中国客户近日数量飙升》

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
chino al inglés
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Oxygen Dec 15, 2015

I knew I posted something similar in the past.


ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
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Oxygen Dec 15, 2015


Thank you for introducing the Boost, which might be a necessity under certain circumstances. When I visited the summit of Pines Peak in Colorado in 2011, I truly felt that the "100% pure Rocky Mountain air" was not good enough for me although I could breathe as much as I wanted free of charge. Next time when I visit Pines Peak or any other 14ers, I will definitely take several bottles of the Boost with me. ...
See more

Thank you for introducing the Boost, which might be a necessity under certain circumstances. When I visited the summit of Pines Peak in Colorado in 2011, I truly felt that the "100% pure Rocky Mountain air" was not good enough for me although I could breathe as much as I wanted free of charge. Next time when I visit Pines Peak or any other 14ers, I will definitely take several bottles of the Boost with me.



[Edited at 2015-12-15 06:20 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
chino al inglés
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Banff, Alberta Dec 15, 2015

  "据加拿大星网报道,阿尔伯塔省的两位创业者Paquette以及Moses Lam在开玩笑的时候,想出了这个点子,售卖阿尔伯塔省的新鲜空气。

  他们最初把阿尔伯塔省Banffe (sic) 的山野空气放进密封的塑料袋,在eBay上售卖,标价9毛9。此后,他们再次尝试进行销售,结果,第二袋新鲜空气卖出了168美元。"



According to Wikipedia: "At an elevation of 1,400 m (4,600 ft) to 1,630 m (5,350 ft), Banff is the community with the second highest elevation in Alberta after Lake Louise."

But for $168 a pop, I'd go for the Boost (95% pure oxygen). 

[Edited at 2015-12-15 15:33 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:36
inglés al chino
+ ...
杯水车薪 Dec 15, 2015

wherestip wrote:

  "据加拿大星网报道,阿尔伯塔省的两位创业者Paquette以及Moses Lam在开玩笑的时候,想出了这个点子,售卖阿尔伯塔省的新鲜空气。

  他们最初把阿尔伯塔省Banffe (sic) 的山野空气放进密封的塑料袋,在eBay上售卖,标价9毛9。此后,他们再次尝试进行销售,结果,第二袋新鲜空气卖出了168美元。"


Banff, Alberta 真是个美丽清净的好地方。不过,连那两位创业者自己都觉得出这个点子是开玩笑,竟然还有不少人愿意去买。可见,事情实在是到了令人无法忍受的地步。但是,雾霾不是一天两天的事情,袋装新鲜空气无异于杯水车薪。那些人钱再多,靠烧钱也不是解决问题的根本办法。

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