The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

español al inglés Medicina: Salud Translation Glossary

español term inglés translation
ajuste estacional de stock Seasonal stock adjustments
Al descender a grupos quinquenales reducing [the data] to five-year age groups
Entered by: Chris Bruton
al examen AREG, REH, LOTEP (AREG > aparente regular estado general) in apparent good general condition
al marcar cada lesión creada, and as each of the created lesions are indicated/marked/shown
al margen de su acción en el peso apart from their action/effect on (body) weight
Entered by: Emma Goldsmith
Al que... (ver, please) Any person
al tomar una baja graduación del ángulo By taking a low angle of graduation
Entered by: liz askew
alacranismo scorpion envenomation
alcalosis metabolica hipopotasemica hypokal/a/emic metabolic alkalosis
alfafetoproteina (AFP) alphafetoprotein (AFP)
algiacusia odynacusis
ALGODONOSAS PERIHILIARES BILATERALES bilateral perihilar fluffy/cotton wool-like
alición a flattening or smoothing out (if referring to alisar)
alimentos nutritivos agrícolas y pecuarios nutritious farm products
Alquilglicosuro de alcohol graso alkylglycoside fatty acid ester
Entered by: Isabelle Villancher
alta exigida self-discharge
Entered by: Richard Hill
altas y bajas sick leaves and reincorporations
Alteración de la ejecución Disturbance in executive function/ing
Entered by: liz askew
Alteracion cualitativa de la relacion social qualitative impairment in social interaction
Entered by: liz askew
alumnado de las titulaciones sanitarias healthcare professionals
alza catre Bed Raiser / bed lifter
ambulando walking
AMEV-Name of an operation???? Endouterine Manual Aspiration
AMOH/BX bone marrow aspiration and bone biopsy
Entered by: wendy griswold
Amonestación con apercibimiento Reprimand and warning
Amputarse his leg was amputated
Entered by: liz askew
Analítica perfil UPYS (sangre) UPYS profile analysis (blood)
anamnesis por aparatos history [by system(s)]
Entered by: David Russell
anatomía de corte (human) sectional anatomy
Entered by: liz askew
andador de paseo rollator
aneuploidía aneuploidy
Entered by: Lamprini Kosma
aneuploide aneuploid
Entered by: Lamprini Kosma
angiografia isotopica renal renal isotopic angiography
anhedonia anhedonia
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
ANI elevada increased necro-inflammatory activity
Entered by: Joseph Tein
anillo neurorretiniano neuroretinal rim
Entered by: Fernando Tognis
anorexic-like (sindrome) similar a la anorexia
ante planteos de diagnósticos diferenciales potencialmente tratables as results of/ due to proposed/suggested potentially treatable differential diagnoses
antecedentes del IMP interrogatorio médico-psicológico
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