Tax Residency Certificate
Autor de la hebra: Neil Coffey
Neil Coffey
Neil Coffey  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
francés al inglés
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Apr 30, 2010

Because I'm not VAT-registered, an EU client has asked if I can provide a Tax Residency Certificate to prove I pay UK taxes. I understand from rumours that HMRC can provide such a thing, but I haven't actually found any information on their web site, and my tax office appear to be just not answering their phone (not even putting me in a queue and telling me how important my call is to them, but literaly just playing a message saying "all our advisors are busy" and hanging up...!)

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Because I'm not VAT-registered, an EU client has asked if I can provide a Tax Residency Certificate to prove I pay UK taxes. I understand from rumours that HMRC can provide such a thing, but I haven't actually found any information on their web site, and my tax office appear to be just not answering their phone (not even putting me in a queue and telling me how important my call is to them, but literaly just playing a message saying "all our advisors are busy" and hanging up...!)

So to save sanity, I was considering just making the request in writing. Has anybody had any experience of this: do they really exist, what information was needed about the requesting company in order to issue one, and how long did it take?

Irritatingly, I'm guessing this may be a more frequent request now that the new EU VAT regulations are in place.

Linda Kelly
Linda Kelly  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
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P60? Apr 30, 2010

You should get one of these from the Inland Revenue each year - surely this should prove tax-paying status?

Neil Coffey
Neil Coffey  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
francés al inglés
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P60 is for employees Apr 30, 2010

Linda -- P60s are for employees, not self-employed. As far as I can see, there's really no public document issued to self-employed taxpayers. I suppose in the worst case, I may see if a tax bill with private information blacked out would suffice, but they do seem to be het up on having a "Tax Residency Certificate" for some reason.

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
Miembro 2005
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Certificado de residencia fiscal? Apr 30, 2010

Hi Neil,

Is it a Spanish client, by any chance? One of mine insists on being sent a "certificado de residencia fiscal" each year. When they first asked for it, I didn't have a clue what they were on about, but eventually I worked out that I needed to write to the Inland Revenue asking for the certificate and they just sent it to me.

You can see my post from 2005, when I w
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Hi Neil,

Is it a Spanish client, by any chance? One of mine insists on being sent a "certificado de residencia fiscal" each year. When they first asked for it, I didn't have a clue what they were on about, but eventually I worked out that I needed to write to the Inland Revenue asking for the certificate and they just sent it to me.

You can see my post from 2005, when I was first asked for it, here

Hope that helps!


Linda Kelly
Linda Kelly  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
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Aaaah, sorry... Apr 30, 2010

... I was an employee in the UK so I didn't know that. Rebecca's post seems better advice then. You know how some European countries (all??) like their bureaucracy!

Neil Coffey
Neil Coffey  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
francés al inglés
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Actually not a Spanish client Apr 30, 2010

Rebecca -- It's actually not a Spanish client, but your answer is really helpful. If you don't mind me asking, did you just write to the Inland Revenue and say "please send me a tax residency certificate", or did you have to actually produce some document yourself for them to rubber-stamp? -- I seem to have read conflicting information about this.

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
Miembro 2005
español al inglés
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No form to fill out Apr 30, 2010

Hi Neil,

As far as I'm aware there is no form to fill out, I simply wrote explaining that I was self-employed and that a Spanish client required evidence that I was a UK resident and tax payer. The certificate they sent me is in Spanish and English and I forwarded it on. I have to do the same thing each year when it expires.

Hope that helps!


Edit: Oops, sorry, just realised that wasn't exactly what you'd asked! I didn't write the certi
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Hi Neil,

As far as I'm aware there is no form to fill out, I simply wrote explaining that I was self-employed and that a Spanish client required evidence that I was a UK resident and tax payer. The certificate they sent me is in Spanish and English and I forwarded it on. I have to do the same thing each year when it expires.

Hope that helps!


Edit: Oops, sorry, just realised that wasn't exactly what you'd asked! I didn't write the certificate myself, they did it for me!

[Edited at 2010-04-30 17:18 GMT]

Peter Shortall
Peter Shortall  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
rumano al inglés
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Can take a while Apr 30, 2010

I was asked to do something similar by a Romania-based client a while ago. I contacted HMRC in writing, without sending them any supporting documentation of any kind, and it took a few weeks for them to get back to me, though they said the delay was due to the fact that I hadn't written to the right department. It was more of a letter than a certificate that they sent me, but it was accepted by the client. When I go home tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig it out and see exactly what they said in th... See more
I was asked to do something similar by a Romania-based client a while ago. I contacted HMRC in writing, without sending them any supporting documentation of any kind, and it took a few weeks for them to get back to me, though they said the delay was due to the fact that I hadn't written to the right department. It was more of a letter than a certificate that they sent me, but it was accepted by the client. When I go home tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig it out and see exactly what they said in their reply.

[Edited at 2010-04-30 20:51 GMT]

Williamson  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
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A body corporate. May 1, 2010

What in the case of a ltd. One of our colleagues is outside the UK, but has a formed a ltd. The ltd. is a person in its own right.
I guess the Companies number suffices given that the client can do a webcheck?

Peter Shortall
Peter Shortall  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
rumano al inglés
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Couldn't find letter May 3, 2010

I've rifled through my folders but cannot find that letter now, unfortunately. Anyway, as I mentioned, you can get the letter you need by writing to them. Maybe it would be worth phoning HMRC to find out which department deals with such requests, and then you may get a reply sooner than I did.

Susanna Garcia
Susanna Garcia  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
italiano al inglés
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In Memoriam
certificate May 3, 2010

The commercialista of the Italian agency I work for sent me a form to sign which just basically stated that, in order to avoid being taxed twice, I confirmed I was a UK resident. I'd already told them I didn't have a tax residency certificate.
If anyone would like a copy of the form, e-mail me and I'll send it to you - perhaps you could adapt it to your language, mine's in Italian.

Reino Unido
Local time: 20:30
italiano al inglés
Tax Certificate Nov 3, 2017

You can do it online, which is what I have being doing for the last 6 or 7 seven years, since they closed the local office, which did it for you and sent it in the post.
The url is:
You will need to enter your online ID with HMRC (or set up one if
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You can do it online, which is what I have being doing for the last 6 or 7 seven years, since they closed the local office, which did it for you and sent it in the post.
The url is:
You will need to enter your online ID with HMRC (or set up one if you haven't already done so). You probably have one if you do self-assessment for tax returns.
It is easier to do it via email (no id confirmation phone calls) and takes about 10 days for the certificate to arrive.
The relevant clauses in the double taxation agreement are 4 and 14.

[Edited at 2017-11-03 15:13 GMT]


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Tax Residency Certificate

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