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Poll: Do you listen to music while translating?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jul 28, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you listen to music while translating?".

This poll was originally submitted by Evan Wilson. View the poll results »

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
turco al inglés
+ ...
No, never ... Jul 28, 2013

... unless you count the chirping of birds outside.

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
Always Jul 28, 2013

Just cannot listen English music when translating in pairs not involving English, in this case (given that I virtually like English rock music only), I go for television.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Yes, always Jul 28, 2013

as background music - Radio

Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:40
francés al inglés
Sometimes, to drown out intrusive noises Jul 28, 2013

It has to be something bland, such as Radio 2, so that it doesn't distract me, and I switch it off as soon as possible.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:40
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
No Jul 28, 2013

I prefer silence (but for the inevitable traffic noise, occasional siren or overhead plane going by as I live in an urban environment) or at the most a very low volume TV on in the background.

Local time: 17:40
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes, often Jul 28, 2013

However, I distinguish between "listening to" music, which to me suggests actually paying attention to the music, and "having aural wallpaper" in the background. It's just something pulsing away in the background to fill in what I often find to be the disconcerting void of its absence.

I sometimes also work with the TV on, but without "watching" it. It's just there.

Noura Tawil
Noura Tawil  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
Miembro 2013
inglés al árabe
Rarely.. Jul 28, 2013

Only -and not always- when I'm translating an easy subject. However, the music must be without lyrics.. I almost exclusively go to Yanni's music, I have chosen a few dozens of his "calmer" pieces and put them all in one folder.
I can't listen to stimulating music or music with lyrics when I translate, my brain just shuts off, or worse.. Produces baby babbling!

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:40
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
No, never Jul 28, 2013

Language has its own rhythm, and it's important to capture that. I find music very distracting when I'm working.

Cindy Presne
Cindy Presne  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
inglés al francés
+ ...
Most of the time Jul 28, 2013

I couldn't live without music!
But rather instrumentral pieces (often symphonies) than songs, I find lyrics very distracting.
Interestingly however, music tends to bother me when I proofread...

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:40
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Yes, often Jul 28, 2013

I need something to drown out the hyopnotic, mind-numbing, incessant drone of the computers.
However, like Cindy, lyrics are definitely distracting. So, it's easy listening Jazz or fusion, or termed differently by an old acquaintance "elevator music."

"Language has its own rhythm,"
Since I translate only technical stuff, the language would only translate into the bashing and clanking of metal ...
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I need something to drown out the hyopnotic, mind-numbing, incessant drone of the computers.
However, like Cindy, lyrics are definitely distracting. So, it's easy listening Jazz or fusion, or termed differently by an old acquaintance "elevator music."

"Language has its own rhythm,"
Since I translate only technical stuff, the language would only translate into the bashing and clanking of metal

Suzan Hamer
Suzan Hamer  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:40
+ ...
I have a special "Work Music" iTunes playlist Jul 28, 2013

that I play low as background (can't really say "that I listen to") when I proofread, edit or translate. Soothing, unobtrusive classical music, obviously with no lyrics to distract, such as Beethoven piano sonatas, Bach cello suites, and Mozart. Funny thing is, I am now conditioned to go into "work mode" the moment I hear the first note.

Edited to add that final proofreading of all work is done in absolute silence... (except for the sound of me reading out loud.)

... See more
that I play low as background (can't really say "that I listen to") when I proofread, edit or translate. Soothing, unobtrusive classical music, obviously with no lyrics to distract, such as Beethoven piano sonatas, Bach cello suites, and Mozart. Funny thing is, I am now conditioned to go into "work mode" the moment I hear the first note.

Edited to add that final proofreading of all work is done in absolute silence... (except for the sound of me reading out loud.)

[Edited at 2013-07-28 10:53 GMT]

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:40
Miembro 2007
+ ...
I can't stop my husband practising Jul 28, 2013

But, like neilmac, I don't actually listen. Hubby often asks if it was OK and he's exasperated when I say I wasn't listening. Apparently, my body language says I'm really into the music. It just shows that mind and body aren't always on the same page.

Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons)
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Sometimes Jul 28, 2013

If I have to cover annoying noises from the outside or when the text is particularly boring and technical.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Sometimes Jul 28, 2013

Sometimes the radio is on. Other times "Taps" or "Il silencio" float into my office from the cemetary. Sometimes there's nothing but silence, rare in this city. Other times the song "within" takes over and "plays" on while I'm working. And then there's this sound that can best be covered by White Noise.

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