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Poll: Your preferred CAT is?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
May 12, 2022

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Your preferred CAT is?".

This poll was originally submitted by Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer. View the poll results »

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:20
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
No CAT for me (running the risk of repeating myself) May 12, 2022

I’m one of those dinosaurs who don’t use CAT tools. I used Trados when I worked in-house and I deeply disliked it. I particularly hated all the time wasted aligning and re-aligning documents. I also used XTM for a while at the request of a long-standing customer but it only served to reaffirm my dislike: what was fed into the system had not been updated or was clearly wrong and I wasted more time updating and correcting it, and justifying to the client why it was wrong, than I would have tra... See more
I’m one of those dinosaurs who don’t use CAT tools. I used Trados when I worked in-house and I deeply disliked it. I particularly hated all the time wasted aligning and re-aligning documents. I also used XTM for a while at the request of a long-standing customer but it only served to reaffirm my dislike: what was fed into the system had not been updated or was clearly wrong and I wasted more time updating and correcting it, and justifying to the client why it was wrong, than I would have translating from scratch. Anyway, most of the texts I translate are different with a very small number of repetitions, with one exception: my longest-standing customer tends to have extremely repetitive texts, but nothing that the Word search function can’t solve easily. So, as long as I continue receiving all the work I need I will happily get along without them…Collapse

Heather Oland
Christopher Schröder
Rita Utt
Vi Pukite
Mónica Algazi
Philip Taylor
Achim Hahn
Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2020
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Trados Studio May 12, 2022

I have worked with numerous CAT tools, old and new, local and online, but for me there is no better tool overall than Trados Studio. While it has horrid memory management and dodgy QA, it is also by far the most performant and visually intuitive tool, though more or less tied with memoQ. While memoQ has slightly better QA, all my memoQ jobs are done on various clients' servers, so I am not getting local-class performance out of it.

As far as most online/cloud-based CATs are concerne
... See more
I have worked with numerous CAT tools, old and new, local and online, but for me there is no better tool overall than Trados Studio. While it has horrid memory management and dodgy QA, it is also by far the most performant and visually intuitive tool, though more or less tied with memoQ. While memoQ has slightly better QA, all my memoQ jobs are done on various clients' servers, so I am not getting local-class performance out of it.

As far as most online/cloud-based CATs are concerned, I often cannot help wondering why anyone would even expend the effort. Memsource is pretty decent, but XTM and Smartling have really served as a deterrent from cloud tools in all their glorious slowness, ugliness and uselessness.

Michael Harris
Eric Azevedo
Philippe Noth
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2020
francés al neerlandés
+ ...
Trados. May 12, 2022

I learnt to work with it during my education in the late 90's, further used it during my first working experience as an inhouse translator and am still using it as a freelancer today.

It's so basic and long-standing that I'm surprised to learn that there are translators that still don't even use a CAT tool.

Fernanda Ayre
Angie Garbarino
Christine Andersen
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
inglés al turco
I hate MemoQ May 12, 2022

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my hate for MemoQ. The most inconvenient tool ever created.

Lingua 5B
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Michael Harris
Gennady Lapardin
Angie Garbarino
Lisa Schuchardt
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2012
inglés al danés
+ ...
I prefer Wordfast PRO May 12, 2022

Second is MemoQ.

BTW: I work on several other client-sponsored CAT tools such as Wordbee, which has some good features too.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia y Herzegovina
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2009
inglés al croata
+ ...
Trados Studio May 12, 2022

Trados is in no way perfect, especially since the RWS merger, but among those that I tried is the best. Their customer service (since RWS) is terrible though.

Memoq is like a Trados copycat, but extremely cumbersome and never user friendly. I really don’t like it.

Eric Azevedo
sindy cremer
Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2020
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Worse than XTM and Across? May 12, 2022

Baran Keki wrote:

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my hate for MemoQ. The most inconvenient tool ever created.

By no means do I intend to question your experiences and preferences, but is memoQ really worse than XTM or Across (or the abomination that is crossWeb)?

Stepan Konev
Gennady Lapardin
Anette Hilgendag
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:20
inglés al turco
Never used those May 12, 2022

Alex Lichanow wrote:

By no means do I intend to question your experiences and preferences, but is memoQ really worse than XTM or Across (or the abomination that is crossWeb)?

I've never used Across (though I've heard about it a lot) or crossWeb. I vaguely remember using XTM one time, but I believe I did the translation in Trados Studio and then conveniently imported the xliff file into XTM.
Btw thinking of rubbish CAT tools, I remember one particular experience with Transit NXT, I think it was even worse than MemoQ.
MemoQ is just unnecessarily complicated, and you're sure you'll run into issues getting a CAL license and then start emailing to and fro with the translation agency for hours before resolving the problem and getting down to the work at hand.

Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Gennady Lapardin
Anette Hilgendag
Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2012
inglés al neerlandés
+ ...
Wordfast and MemoQ May 12, 2022

I enjoyed reading other people's experience with the various CAT tools - this is an extremely subjective area, it seems.
I find Wordfast Pro (version 3) and MemoQ both very intuitive and easy to use. I have rarely had any issues obtaining a CAL license.

I find XTM rather slow and hated Across when I accepted a project using this software, although this was some years ago. I also find Wordbee very slow and lacking in some useful features.
Memsource tends to work OK for me
... See more
I enjoyed reading other people's experience with the various CAT tools - this is an extremely subjective area, it seems.
I find Wordfast Pro (version 3) and MemoQ both very intuitive and easy to use. I have rarely had any issues obtaining a CAL license.

I find XTM rather slow and hated Across when I accepted a project using this software, although this was some years ago. I also find Wordbee very slow and lacking in some useful features.
Memsource tends to work OK for me, but not being able to import my own TMs is a great downside for me.

Alex Lichanow
Stepan Konev
Anna Gorska
Rabie El Magdouli
Matthias Brombach
Matthias Brombach  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2007
neerlandés al alemán
+ ...
Deja Vu May 12, 2022

... even when not mentioned in the poll, and it still doesn't need to be hidden.

Jorge Payan
Gennady Lapardin
Anette Hilgendag
Denis Danchenko
María Luciana Rolón
María Luciana Rolón  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Miembro 2016
inglés al portugués
+ ...
So many Trados fans... May 12, 2022

Wow. Did I miss something? Does it finally handle TBs half as well as MemoQ? Are the same decade-old bugs gone?

Honestly, worst QA, worst TB integration, bugs all the time... I guess it's good if you have some very specific needs, like solving alignment issues. And it propagates TM matches really fast too. But that's it IMO.

Fernanda Ayre
Anita Hedman
Rabie El Magdouli
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia y Herzegovina
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2009
inglés al croata
+ ...
Full screen issues. May 12, 2022

María Luciana Rolón wrote:

Wow. Did I miss something? Does it finally handle TBs half as well as MemoQ? Are the same decade-old bugs gone?

Honestly, worst QA, worst TB integration, bugs all the time... I guess it's good if you have some very specific needs, like solving alignment issues. And it propagates TM matches really fast too. But that's it IMO.

I prefer the large full screen display of segments with large font that Trados offers. Memoq feels like I'm working on my phone or tablet, and hurting my eyes and my head terribly.

If you are copying someone else's tool, you should make it better, not worse.

[Edited at 2022-05-12 10:43 GMT]

Baran Keki
Irving Reyes
Irving Reyes  Identity Verified
República Dominicana
Local time: 19:20
inglés al español
+ ...
OmegaT May 12, 2022

Well, seems like Noone uses OmegaT, but it is awesome.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
MemoQ vs Trados May 12, 2022

Lingua 5B wrote:
Memoq is like a Trados copycat, but extremely cumbersome and never user friendly.

My impression (as a semi-regular user of both) is that they are utterly different. There is no "copycat" aspect that I can think of. Their workflows are very different, and the way one uses or accesses the features are also different. Both have strengths and weaknesses that the other doesn't have.

Stepan Konev
Fernanda Ayre
Anita Hedman
Jorge Payan
Rita Translator
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Poll: Your preferred CAT is?

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