This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Golden Triangle Monthly Meetup

July 29, 2015, 8:30 am
CanadáGuelphIn personinglés
Fionn MacCool's
494 Edinburgh Road South
Guelph, ON N1G 4Z1

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (8) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
XTom Ellett (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Suzanne Deliscar   ...  y
Ana Brause   ...  y
Ranjit Padda   ...  m
Xhfischer   ...  
Malang Henri Biaye   ...  y
John Coakley   ...  
Lisa Maldonado   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Guelph - Canada
Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
+ ...
I'll be in Ireland at the time Jul 21, 2015

Thanks for the invite, but I'll be in Ireland that week. Have a good one.

Tom Ellett (X)
Tom Ellett (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:23
noruego al inglés
+ ...
Apologies to non-local members who received invitations to this powwow Jul 22, 2015

There appears to be a problem with ProZ's geographical targeting system for powwow invitations. Several members in faraway countries have been kind enough to thank me for the invitation and send their regrets. I noticed that a couple of them were in Barcelona, so I suspect there is some confusion between CA = Catalan and CA = Canada.

Elena Novski
Elena Novski
Local time: 15:23
ruso al inglés
+ ...
Thank you! Jul 22, 2015

Dear Tom,

thanks for the invitation.
Sorry I cannot make it. Enjoy your quality time!

Boffin Inc
Boffin Inc
Local time: 15:23
inglés al chino
+ ...
Thank you! Jul 22, 2015

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately I won't be available by then. Next time.

Maja Petrovska
Maja Petrovska  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
macedonio al inglés
+ ...
Thank you! Jul 23, 2015

Hi Tom,

Thank you for the invite. I'm sorry I cannot make it.


KristelV  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
francés al español
+ ...
Thank you! Jul 23, 2015

Hello Tom,

Thanks for the invite. I won't be able to assist unfortunately. Maybe next time.

All the best,

Muhammad Akhtar
Muhammad Akhtar
Local time: 15:23
urdu al panyabí
+ ...
Thanks Jul 25, 2015

Hi Tom,
Nice to hear about this event but would not be able to attend due to already scheduled commitments.

Good Luck!
Muhammad Jamil Akhtar

Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
Miembro 2002
inglés al noruego
+ ...
Some day I'll make it to Guelph for a meetup Jul 27, 2015

However, this one is too close to my departure for Europe/Norway


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