Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Mini Vocabolario milanese italiano (dialetto italiano). 1 986 termini.
Dizionario dialettale di Gallicchio
Maria Grazia Balzano | http://www.dizionariogallic.altervi...
Gentile visitatore, gentile visitatrice, sono lieta di ospitarti all'interno di questo sito, realizzato per la comunità e quindi patrimonio di tutti. Il nostro paese è ricco di tradizioni, alcune delle quali ancora da riscoprire e salvaguardare. Anche il dialetto, inteso in questo senso, costituisce memoria storica del paese e rappresenta un el... View more
Markets have a language all their own and within that language, forex has its own dialect. Here are some terms we commonly use in our commentary.
معجم المصطلحات العامية
crowdsourced |
A community based monolingual dictionary of Arabic colloquial terms in various dialects - a bit like the Urban Dictionary. Useful for literary translators.
Glosario automoción EN-ES
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence |
The English-Spanish Glossary has been compiled by a panel of bilingual technical experts and takes into account the various dialects of Spanish commonly spoken.
Finnish-English glossary of FINNISH DISHES
Marianna Paavonkallio |
FINNISH DISHES Suomalaisia ruokalajeja Various regional dishes with dialectal names are omitted, unless they are known or consumed throughout Finland. These pages are maintained only as a part-time hobby. The author is not a trained translator nor a specialist in any types of food or cooking related matters.
Glossary of Election Terms 2007
US Election Assistance Commission |
The Glossary of Key Election Terminology provides a translation of election terms from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. It contains 1,843 terms and phrases used in the administration of elections in the United States. To ensure the translations were culturally and linguistically appropriate, terms were translated and reviewed by a mu... View more
Dizionario dei dialetti
Simonelli Editore / Dialettando |
Tutti i dialetti italiani
Cerca le parole dialettali e il loro equivalente nella lingua italiana.
Here you can find some of the more common words that may be heard when visiting Scotland. For example: Are you real?=A term which means, "do you have any idea what you are talking about?" Braw=Good.
Glossary of Spanish Terminology/Términos de Elecciones
Texas Secretary of State |
This glossary is an collection of election terms used by the Elections Division and election officials across the state. These have been translated/approved by a Federally certified Spanish translator, as well as the Elections Division translator. Please note that Spanish translation may vary according to region and dialect, but for purposes of con... View more
Le Dictionnaire de la Zone
Cobra Le Cynique |
Tout l'argot des banlieues
(1236 mots, 150 expressions)
Aujourd'hui la zone, pour beaucoup, est synonyme de ghetto, de violence, de jeunesse inculte et agressive, de rap et d'immigration. Au travers de son langage emprunté à l'argot classique, au verlan et diverses dialectes (européens, africains, antillais,…) la zone tente de s'inventer... View more
Dictionary of neologisms |
"This website is being developed as a record of new and evolving words and phrases in the English language, with special reference to UK English usage. One of its prime aims is to act as a repository for new words and phrases which are not otherwise listed on the Net - or at least not found by Search Engines. Hence the working title: Dictionary of ... View more
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
Bayerisch-Hochdeutsch Lexikon
Mathias Sepulke |
Kleines bayerisches Lexikon
Berliner W�rter von A bis Z
Peter Schlobinsky |
Berliner Wörter und Begriffe. Regionalismen und Umgangssprache
El lunfardo es el dialecto utilizado en la mayoría de los tangos para referirse a diferentes cosas en términos especiales. El Lunfardo puede ser considerado como el idioma del tango argentino.
Catalan |
It a web page destined to Catalan terminology in many areas such as Arts, literature, technology, ect. There are various services offered by the web page: Terminology, a neoloteca (a library of new formed words, a online library where you can seek a book related with a terminology; an user service, personalized, etc. Very useful for those who wis... View more
Aussie Slang - How to speak Australian Slang and communicate with Australians.
Warwick Bone - Owner of |
There is a fairly comprehensive collection of terms in the Dictionary, just over 600 as of 26th January 2001 (Australia Day - Yea!) and the plan is to expand on this on an ongoing basis. Researching into Aussie Slang also led the author to numerous other sites about other forms of slang or dialects. These are presented in the Global Slang & Dial... View more
Glossary of landscape and nature terms |
Glossary of landscape and nature terms used in Spanish and other Peninsula languages and dialects in Spain. All Spanish birds and mammals are included in Castilian-English and Latin.
Australian Slang
search engine |
The great tool for non-Australians who need to understand what an Aussie tells them!
Dictionary of Danish dialects - Jysk ordbog
Peter Skautrup Centret for jysk dialektforskning |
Dictionary of Danish dialects - Jysk orbog
Modern German Dialects
University of Exeter |
A comprehensive source of information about German dialects. There are links to German glossaries and dictionaries.
Detailed dictionary Level of language: mostly colloquial and vulgar, metaphors, phrases
This dictionary is the outcome of 8 years of project-work. Most of the data were collected by project-members in the field, other data were taken from recent and reliable publications.