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Best rate = Lowest rate
Autor de la hebra: sjmdcl (X)
Lincoln Hui
Lincoln Hui  Identity Verified
Hong Kong
Local time: 07:25
chino al inglés
+ ...
Problem? Apr 13, 2015

There's nothing preventing you from quoting whatever rate you want, unless you consider yourself easily influenced.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
inglés al portugués
+ ...
In Memoriam
Actually, it could be used to your benefit Apr 13, 2015

Lincoln Hui wrote:

There's nothing preventing you from quoting whatever rate you want, unless you consider yourself easily influenced.

Consider this:

My best rate is 'X'.

It applies only when you meet the following conditions:

- All assigned files to be received by the date scheduled, no waiting for files that are still being finalized.
- Clear and complete instructions at the outset; no changes while the translation is under way.
- Prompt response to queries relevant to dubious wording or content in the source text.
- Full payment on the agreed date, via the agreed method.
- No "zombies". While any flaws detected in the translation will be promptly corrected, no new changes or forgotten tidbits will be submitted after delivery.

Noncompliance to any of the above conditions may result in a higher rate.

Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:25
Miembro 2006
español al neerlandés
+ ...
Give me your best rate ..... Apr 13, 2015

..... = delete!

Thank you Windows (or any OS for that matter) for that unique feature.

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 19:25
Miembro 2005
inglés al chino
+ ...
I thought everybody knew that best rate = lowest rate Apr 13, 2015

since long time ago.

[Edited at 2015-04-13 21:19 GMT]

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
inglés al portugués
+ ...
In Memoriam
That's the very point: not necessarily Apr 13, 2015

jyuan_us wrote:

I thought everybody knew that best rate = lowest rate since long time ago.

For instance, Proz subscription rates:
  • $90.00 USD (6-month)
  • $133.00 USD (1-year)

    The lowest rate is $90 for 6 mos., i.e. $15.00/month (you can't subscribe for less)
    The best rate is $133/year, i.e. $11.08/month (you pay less per month)

    If the translator is located overseas, the customer doesn't know how much of the payment will be 'lost' using different payment methods/terms to that specific country. It will be up to the translator to enlighten them on how to minimize that loss.

    Once, a long while ago, I was wiring my home TV distribution system. So I went to an electronic parts store, to purchase some 30 F-type connectors to fit on the cables. The salesman advised me to buy a sealed 100-pack of them, since it would cost HALF of what I'd pay for those 30 loose units. I still have plenty of them around.

    AFAIK a translator in the USA receiving via PayPal and transferring the funds to his/her bank account will get the full amount credited. Here in Brazil, PayPal deducts 6.5% in fees + 3.5% in lower-than-market currency exchange rate. Few US translation agencies knew that before I told them.

    Any prospect mincing words by mixing best/lowest rates will have disclosed their true intent: they are not looking for a translator; all they want is a patsy they can outsmart.

  • Thayenga
    Thayenga  Identity Verified
    Local time: 01:25
    Miembro 2009
    inglés al alemán
    + ...
    No problem Apr 14, 2015

    Lincoln Hui wrote:

    There's nothing preventing you from quoting whatever rate you want, unless you consider yourself easily influenced.

    Yes, there is no reason to quote within any rate range provided by an outsourcer.

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