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Poll: Have you ever contacted end clients directly?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Local time: 19:33
español al inglés
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Yes Jun 14, 2012

Because most of my clients are "end clients".

However, I have never contacted end clients if working through/on behalf of an agency, although I have tried occasionally, in order to find out what something in the original text was supposed to mean, or the purpose of the translated text. But agencies often prefer not to bother the clients with such "trivial" details, or would rather contact them themselves (perhaps they're worried I might try to "steal" their clients from them).
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Because most of my clients are "end clients".

However, I have never contacted end clients if working through/on behalf of an agency, although I have tried occasionally, in order to find out what something in the original text was supposed to mean, or the purpose of the translated text. But agencies often prefer not to bother the clients with such "trivial" details, or would rather contact them themselves (perhaps they're worried I might try to "steal" their clients from them).

This is another reason why I prefer to deal directly with clients, as consulting the client/author is is often the only way to ensure an accurate translation of the original.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
español al inglés
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Sometimes, yes Jun 14, 2012

Yes, but only when asked to by the agency and I always send the agency a cc of what I've said.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
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Yes Jun 14, 2012

Oliver Lawrence wrote:

I think the question is talking about
by-passing the agency, when an agency is involved. Implicitly, the "end client" is not your immediate client.

Susana González Tuya wrote:

I think I misunderstood the question...

I though it was meant as in offering your services and work directly with them, but then I guess it would have said direct clients???

Because most of my clients are end/direct clients.
When working with an agency, I have never contacted the end client. That's the agency's job and responsibility.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:33
Miembro 2007
+ ...
As the agency wishes Jun 14, 2012

Veronica Lupascu wrote:
Usually my client just informs me that there is a project to be done for his client X and then we communicate directly.

This happens quite often with one of my agency clients. Basically, I'm always happy to have direct contact with the end-client, but cutting the agency out of the loop, or going over their head, or whatever you want to call it, is totally out of the question. If you only know the end client exists because of the agency's intervention, well then, it's clearly the agency's client, not your own.


Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington
Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:33
inglés al español
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Same with me Jun 14, 2012

Susana González Tuya wrote:

I think I misunderstood the question...

I though it was meant as in offering your services and work directly with them, but then I guess it would have said direct clients???

I answered yes, but I should have answered no.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
inglés al portugués
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In Memoriam
Mostly about video, and local agencies Jun 14, 2012

Few PMs have a clue about video work. They don't know what questions to ask the client, no idea on what options to offer, so the information the client gives is often useless. So they tell me to contact the client directly, or advise me that the client will phone me.

Sometimes the client takes the chance to ask me about costs, and in these cases I only talk about relative costs, e.g. this will cost twice as much, 20% less, etc. If they ask me for specific figures, I tell them that I
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Few PMs have a clue about video work. They don't know what questions to ask the client, no idea on what options to offer, so the information the client gives is often useless. So they tell me to contact the client directly, or advise me that the client will phone me.

Sometimes the client takes the chance to ask me about costs, and in these cases I only talk about relative costs, e.g. this will cost twice as much, 20% less, etc. If they ask me for specific figures, I tell them that I don't deal with money, they'll have to negotiate that with the agency.

Sometimes this is impossible. Agency in country #1, end-client in country #2, myself in country #3. Bottom line is that one client had most of a video/DVD project redone (and paid for) three times on top of the first one. I couldn't help it. Every time I delivered it, they said, "Aha! So it is possible to do this? Then we want you to add that, that, and more that!". The PM learned so much in the process that I'd say he became a reasonable expert in video/DVD.

I can really cut costs in video work, however unless the PM is a video expert, I'll have to discuss options with the end client. Despite NDAs, my strict personal ethics forbid me to work for them directly. Nevertheless, now and them PMs say that the end-client's budget is tight and the project is overly complex, so they hand me the whole job on a silver platter, step out, and wish me good luck.

Rolf Kern
Rolf Kern  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
inglés al alemán
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In Memoriam
Yes Jun 14, 2012

I am working for a Swiss agency that instructs me on their PO to contact the end client (name, direct phone, email) in case of any question. But I must mention then that I am working for said agency.

I am working for an other Swiss agency that very often gives me the direct phone number of the person of the end client.

This is all for quality reasons. Everything else in unprofessional.

Putting questions by way of the personnel of the agency works only in ve
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I am working for a Swiss agency that instructs me on their PO to contact the end client (name, direct phone, email) in case of any question. But I must mention then that I am working for said agency.

I am working for an other Swiss agency that very often gives me the direct phone number of the person of the end client.

This is all for quality reasons. Everything else in unprofessional.

Putting questions by way of the personnel of the agency works only in very simple cases, because many answers often call for a counter-question. This does not work with this system.


Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:33
portugués al inglés
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how else? Jun 14, 2012

How else is one to acquire and/or communicate with them?

I mean, I do not communicate with the end client when I am working for an agency, since that would violate most contracts, but, I also market directly to end clients for whom I work without the middle-man.

Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:33
No Jun 14, 2012

In principle, the agency is the intermediary. Direct contact with the agency's client, unless authorised by the agency is unethical in my view. Three-way communication can also be quite messy.

I did have a strange, reverse situation once, though.

I received work from an agency for whom I translated on a regular basis. The document came from one of *my* direct clients whom I had had for a number of years. Upon completion of the job, I did mention to the agency that I f
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In principle, the agency is the intermediary. Direct contact with the agency's client, unless authorised by the agency is unethical in my view. Three-way communication can also be quite messy.

I did have a strange, reverse situation once, though.

I received work from an agency for whom I translated on a regular basis. The document came from one of *my* direct clients whom I had had for a number of years. Upon completion of the job, I did mention to the agency that I found it strange that my direct client had chosen on this occasion to go through the agency. The agency said that they did not know it was my direct client. Fair enough.

When I was next in contact with my direct client, I queried this action on their part. It turned out it was all down to a new staff member using her "initiative". The new member of staff and I were introduced to each other, and she was told I was "their" translator.

Apparently, if anyone else in the organisation needed a translation, all they had to do was ask the receptionist to "get Allison".

Problem solved. My direct client continued to send their work exclusively to me for years after that.

Alison Sparks (X)
Alison Sparks (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
francés al inglés
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Yes Jun 15, 2012

but only at the direct request of an agency.

Otherwise I agree with Sheila's comments.

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Poll: Have you ever contacted end clients directly?

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