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4 pages of Government forms from Argentina (marriage, birth, immigration related), filled out in barely legible handwriting, sent to me in .pf form of poor quality scans. A tough job, but I got it done!
Gobierno / Política
positiva ASTA-USA: Mr. Baldwin's availability, rates, and professionalism made him a joy to work with.
Translation Volumen: 7682 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages: portugués al inglés
History of Portuguese Cardiology & related...
Portions of a book about the history of cardiology in Portugal and various key individuals in it´s develpment. Very interesting project!
Medicina: Cardiología
positiva Blue Board outsourcer (20 to 50 entries): No hay comentarios.
Translation Volumen: 1255 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages: español al inglés
Repertoire of Jurisprudence (legal literature)
information regarding disposition on a particular contract case, spanish law, legal resource.
Derecho: contrato(s)
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Translation Volumen: 5113 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages: francés al inglés
Nondiscrimintion study on European Enterprises
A study on the development and implementation of non-discriminatory practices in European companies.
Recursos humanos
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Translation Volumen: 7936 words Completado el: Mar 2006 Languages: español al inglés
Service agreement between tech provider and food distributor
A network database service contract between a major technology provider and an international food distributor. WEEKEND RUSH JOB
Translation Volumen: 36000 words Completado el: Feb 2006 Languages: portugués al inglés
Protocol of Clinical Study Experimental Diabetes Medication
Back-tanslations of a Protocol for a Clinical Study on an experimental diabetes treatment, instruction manuals and medical questionnaires.
Medicina: Farmacia, Medicina: Salud
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Translation Volumen: 3721 words Completado el: Apr 2005 Languages: español al inglés
Panama Cable/Wireless eADSL User Manuals
Informática: Sistemas, redes
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40 comentarios
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Visa, Marque, Giro, MasterCard, PayPal, Cash, Western Union
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<3 employees
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Brazilian reais (brl), Canadian dollars (cad), Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), U. S. dollars (usd)
Muestras de traducción: 7
español al inglés: Re-Housing Notification
Texto de origen - español Re: Reasignación de vivienda en New Q Terrace
WResidential es el Administrador del nuevo Q Terrace. Nos han contratado los Propietarios para facilitar su regreso al renovado Q Terrace. Nuestros registros indican que usted ha sido reubicado temporalmente como parte de la Fase I de Quinnipiac Terrace y es momento de reasignarle una vivienda. Este es la primera notificación de su intención de retornar a Q Terrace.
Como preparación para su regreso al nuevo Q Terrace, necesitamos información actualizada sobre la composición del grupo familiar y los ingresos totales de la familia. Esta información es para asegurarse de que usted sea reubicado correctamente y que WinnResidential cumple con las regulaciones de vivienda y con el Memorándum de Acuerdo (Re: Derechos de los residentes de Quinnipiac Terrace durante la renovación) existente entre la Dirección de la Vivienda de New Haven y los Residentes de Q Terrace.
Para nosotros es importante que todas las familias que cumplen con los requisitos tengan la posibilidad de regresar a Q Terrace. Puede arriesgar su derecho a regresar a Q Terrace si no recibimos los formularios completados de “Intención de retorno” y de evaluación.
Por favor complete cuidadosamente y envíe estos formularios a la Oficina de administración de Q Terrace en el sobre con el domicilio impreso que se adjunta. A fin de cumplir con los requisitos de reubicación en Q Terrace, debe enviar el formulario de Evaluación de Reasignación de Vivienda y el formulario de Intención de Realojamiento antes del 28 de febrero de 2006.
También adjuntamos una reseña del proceso de reasignación de vivienda y sus derechos con respecto a cuándo puede regresar así como cualquier beneficio que le corresponda según el Memorándum de Acuerdo.
WinnResidential tiene el compromiso de reubicarlo en su hogar construido a nuevo en Q Terrace. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de Administración llamando al (203) xxx-xxx.
Traducción - inglés Re: Reassignment of housing in New Q Terrace
Dear Tenant,
WResidential is the Administrator of the new Q Terrace. We have been contracted by the Proprietors to facilitate your return to the renovated Q Terrace. Our records indicate that you have been temporarily relocated as part of Phase 1 of the Quinnipiac Terrace and it is time to reassign you housing. This is the first notification of your intent to return to Q Terrace.
In preparation for your return to the new Q Terrace, we need current information regarding the composition of your family and the total family income. This information is to ensure that you are relocated correctly, and that WinnResidential complies with housing regulations and with the Agreement Notice (Re: Q Terrace residents' rights during the renovation) existing between the New Haven Housing Director and the Q Terrace Residents.
It is important to us that all families comply with the requirements in order to be able to return to Q Terrace. You may risk loss of your right to return to Q Terrace if we do not receive the completed "Intent to Return" and evaluation forms.
Please carefully complete and send these forms to the Q Terrace Administration Office in the enclosed preprinted envelope. According to the relocation requirements for Q Terrace, you must send the form, "Housing Reassignment Evaluation" and the "Intent to Return" form before February 28, 2006.
We have also enclosed an overview of the re-housing process and your rights in respect to when you may return and any benefits due you according to the Agreement Notice.
WinnResidential is committed to relocating you to your newly built home in QTerrace. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Administration Office at (203) xxx-xxx.
inglés al portugués: O Evanhelo de São Tomas
Texto de origen - inglés The Gospel of St. Thomas
These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.
1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."
2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. And after they have reigned they will rest."
3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."
4. Jesus said, "The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live. For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."
5. Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And there is nothing buried that will not be raised."
6. His disciples asked him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?" Jesus said, "Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed."
7. Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."
8. And he said, The person is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish. Among them the wise fisherman discovered a fine large fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea, and easily chose the large fish. Anyone here with two good ears had better listen!
9. Jesus said, Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the road, and the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on rock, and they didn't take root in the soil and didn't produce heads of grain. Others fell on thorns, and they choked the seeds and worms ate them. And others fell on good soil, and it produced a good crop: it yielded sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure.
10. Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes."
Traducción - portugués O Evangelho de São Tomás
Estes são os provérbios secretos que o Jesus vivo falou e Dydimous Judas Tomás gravou.
1. E disse, "Quem quer que descobre que a interpretação destes provérbios não provará a morte."
2. Jesus disse, "aqueles que procuram não deve parar de procurar até que encontrem. Quando encontrarem, estarão perturbados. Quando estiverem perturbados, maravilhar-se-ao, e reinarão sobre tudo. E depois que tenham reinado, descansarão."
3. Jesus disse, "se seus líderes lhe disserem, ' olhem, o reino (do pai) está no céu, ' então os pássaros do céu os precederão. Se lhe disserem, ' estás no mar, ' então os peixes os precederão. Em vez disso, o reino está dentro de você e é fora de você. Quando vocês se conheçerem, a seguir vocês estarão conhecido, e vocês compreenderão que vocês são crianças do pai vivo. Mas se vocês não se conhecerem, então vocês vivem na pobreza, e vocês são a pobreza."
4. Jesus falou, "a pessoa velha nos dias não hesitará pedir a uma criança pequena com sete dias de idade sobre o lugar da vida, e essa pessoa viverá. Por que muitos dos primeiros sejam últimos, e transformem-se único."
5. Jesus disse, "sabe o que é na frente de sua face, e o que é escondida de você lhe será divulgada. Por que não há nada escondido que não será revelado. E não há nada enterrado que não será levantado."
6. Seus discípulos perguntaram-lhe e disseram-lhe, "você quer que nos jejuamos? Como devemos nós rezar? Devemos nós dar à caridade? Que dieta nós devemos observar?" Jesus falou, "não mintam, e não façam o que vocês odeia, porque todas as coisas são divulgadas antes do céu. Apesar de tudo, não há nada escondido que não será revelado, e não há nada coberto que não remanesçe coberto."
7. Jesus disse, "afortunado é o leão que o ser humano comerá, de modo que o leão se torne humano. E sujo é o ser humano que o leão comerá, e o leão ainda se tornará humano."
8. E disse, a pessoa é como um pescador sábio que lançou sua rede ao mar e a extraia do mar completa de peixes pequenos. Entre eles o pescador sábio descobriu um peixe grande. Lançou todos os peixes pequenos de volta ao mar, e escolheu fàcilmente o peixe grande. Quem quer aqui com as duas orelhas boas deve melhor escutar!
9.Jesus disse, olhem, o semeador saiu, levando um punhado das sementes, e dispersou-as. Algumas caíram na estrada, e os pássaros vieram recolhê-las. Outras caíram na pedra, e não fizeram raiz no solo e não produziram as cabeças grãos. Outras caíram nos espinhos, e bloquearam as sementes e as minhocas comeram-nas. E outras caíram no solo bom, e produziram uma boa colheita: rendeu sessenta por medida e cento vinte por a medida.
10. Jesus disse, "Eu tenho lançado o fogo sobre o mundo, e olhai, eu estou guardando-o até que chameje."
francés al inglés: Cease
Texto de origen - francés Monsieur Bashar XXXXXXXXXX,
Nos services de Dubai ont constater avec grande surprise que vous avez émis et que vous utiliser des cartes de visites avec le sigle XXX et le nom XXXXXXXXXXXX.
L’utilisation du nom XXXXXXXXXXXX et du sigle XXX est protégée par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que le droit au nom.
Leur utilisation par des tiers autres qu’XXX elle-même ou ses employés directs est strictement interdite et passible de poursuites judiciaires, d’action en responsabilité et de paiement de dommages et intérêts.
Dès lors, nous vous mettons par la présente en demeure de retirer immédiatement de la circulation toutes les cartes de visites portant une ou/et l’autre des inscriptions précitées, respectivement de requérir de vos employés et contacts la restitution de ces cartes ainsi que de les informés par écrit et clairement que vous-même ainsi que vos éventuels employés ou partenaires ne pas sont affiliés, employés ou représentants de XXXXXXXXXXXX. Nous vous demandons de nous faire parvenir par courrier toutes les cartes de visites précitées ainsi qu’une copie de la lettre d’information.
Au vu des faits, XXX stoppe immédiatement et sans nouveau préavis sa relation d’affaires avec vous au sens de l’art. 17 du contrat de partenariat du 11 novembre 2005 et n’acceptera plus de nouveaux clients par votre intermédiaire au sens de l’art. 9 dudit contrat.
Nous vous prions de croire, Monsieur Bashar XXXXXXXXXX, à l’assurance de notre considération distinguée.
Traducción - inglés Mr. Bashar XXXXXXXXXX,
Our offices in Dubai have noted with great surprise that you have been selling and using calling cards with the initials XXX and the name XXXXXXXXXX.
The use of the name XXXXXXXXXX and initials XXX is protected by our intellectual property rights. Their use by third parties other than XXX itself or its employees is strictly prohibited and liable to legal proceedings, liability and payment for damages.
Consequently, we demand that you immediately withdraw from circulation all the calling cards carrying either of the above mentioned inscriptions, and further require of you to inform all of your employees and contacts clearly in writing that you and your employees or partners are not affiliated with, employed by or representatives of XXXXXXXXXX.
We ask you to forward to us by mail all the above mentioned calling cards as well as a copy of the notification.
In effect, unless these conditions are met forthwith, XXX will immediately discontinue its business connection with you within the meaning of art. 17 of the contract of partnership of November 11, 2005, without further notice, and will not accept any more new customers through your intermediary within the meaning of art. 9 of the aforesaid contract.
We urge you to comply, Mr. Bashar XXXXXXXXXXi, with the assurance of our distinguished consideration.
inglés al portugués: sobre Amor, O Profeta de Kahlil Gibran
Texto de origen - inglés Then said Almitra, Speak to us of Love.
And he raised his head and looked uon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to hi,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may woundyou.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though is voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caressess your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God´s sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life´s hearts.
But if in your fear you would seek only love´s peace and love´s pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love´s threshing floor,
Ino the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Loves gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possess not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, ¨God is in my heart,¨ but rather, ¨I am in the hearts of God.¨
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
but if you love and must have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and b e like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wakje at dawn with a winged hears and give thanks for another day of lovein;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love´s ecstaasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips.
(from The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran)
Traducción - portugués Pois, Almitra pediu ao profeta,
fala-nos do amor.
E ele levantou a cabeça e olhou em cima do povo, e uma grande tranqüilidade caiu em cima deles.
e com uma voz grande disse:
Quando o amor o chamar, siga-o, ainda que suas maneiras sejam duras e íngremes;
e quando as asas dele o abraçar, renda-se a ele, embora a espada escondida dentro de suas penas possam o ferir.
E quando ele o falar, acredite nele...
Ainda que a voz dele possa despedaçar os seus sonhos,
como o vento frio do norte devasta o jardim florido...
Por que, além de o coroar, ele também o crucifica.
Para além de seu crescimento, ele existe para a sua podação.
Mesmo quando ele subir a sua altura para acariciar os seus ramos mais macios que estremecem ao sol,
também ele o desceria a suas raízes e agitá-las-ão aderidas à terra...
Como polias do milho, recolhê-lo-á para si mesmo
O debulha para fazê-lo despido...
O peneira para libera-lo das suas cascas...
O moe até que fique branco e puro..
E o amassa até que seja moldável...
Pois, ele o cozinha em seu forno sagrado para você tornar-se pão sagrado...
Para a Sagrada Festa de Deus!
Tudo isso o amor vai fazer para você,
só para você saber todos os segredos do seu coração...
E para que neste conhecimento, você chege a ser um fragmento do coração da Vida...
Mas, se com medo, você só procurar a paz e o prazer do amor,
É melhor que você cubra a sua nudez, e saia do caminho do amor,
Para ficar no mundo sem estações,
Onde riria, mas não todas as suas risadas,
e choraria, mas não todas as suas lágrimas...
O Amor só da de si mesmo, e pega nada mas do que si mesmo...
O Amor não possui, e não pode ser possuído...
Por que o Amor é bastante á si mesmo.
Quando você amar, não deve falar,
Deus fique no meu coração...
mas fale, Eu fico no coração de Deus!
E nem pense que possa dirigir o curso de Amor...
Por que, o Amor, se achar você merecedor, dirigir o seu curso...
O Amor só tem um desejo: para satisfazer de si mesmo...
Mas, se você ama, e necessite ter desejos, deixe eles ser os seguintes:
Derreter e ser como um ribeirão corrente,
para cantar a sua canção pela madrugada.
Saber a dor de tanta ternura...
Ser ferido pelo seu próprio conhecimento de Amor...
e sangrar com abundância da felicidade....
Acordar com a coração alado
e agradecer mas um dia de Amor.
Descansar ao meio do dia e meditar no êxtase do amor...
E voltar a noite com agradecimento...
Então, dormir com uma prece no coração para a sua amada,
e uma canção de louvor no seus lábios.
de O Profeta, de Kahlil Gibran
traduzido para a & a baldwin
portugués al inglés: Prefacio - Preface
Texto de origen - portugués Olhar... Olhar para observar, compreender, descobrir, explicar: quando o que se vê é misterioso ou intrigante. Olhar para guardar, arquivar, acautelar, defender, preservar: quando o que se vê é perecível e valioso. Olhar para testemunhar, contar, relembrar: quando o que vê esclarece ou ensina. Olhar para não esquecer, olhar para perpetuar porque a vida, no seu fluir suave ou tumultuoso é, sobretudo, memória...
Este é um largo olhar de muitos olhos e foi sobretudo o último dos propósitos o que o inspirou, fragmentos de vida que a memória de vários reteve e que aqui se arquivam e, assim, se acautelam, para que não se percam.
A memória singular – no objecto ou no sujeito – é importante, mas só adquire densidade e significado na multiplicidade do que foi testemunhado neste fluir da vida, do passado ao futuro, e na pluralidade dos pontos de vista, na diversidade dos olhares.
O que aqui se recolhe é isso mesmo, memórias singulares para construir a nossa memória colectiva, de vidas outras que de alguma forma marcaram os que as evocam, de lugares que existindo ainda, o tempo transformou e que, conhecendo-os pelos outros como eram, adquirem aos nossos olhos espessura e relevo, memórias de experiências que deram corpo à realidade que é hoje a nossa e que nos ajudam a compreendê-la e, assim, a estimá-la...
Traducción - inglés To look...look to observe, comprehend, discover, explain, when that which is seen is mysterious or intriguing. To look to keep, to archive, to caution, to defend, to preserve: when that which is seen is perishable and valuable. To look to testify, to tell, to remember: when that which is seen clarifies or teaches. To look to not forget, to look to perpetuate because life, whether in your sweet current or tumultuous deluge is, above all, memory.
This is a great watch of many eyes and was above all the last of the propositions that he inspired, fragments of life that the memory of a few retained and that here are archived and, thus, guarded, so that it may not be lost.
The remembrance alone – in the object or in the subject – is important, but only acquires density and significance in the multiplicity of that which was witnessed in this flow of life, of the past to the future, and in the plurality of the points of view, in the diversity of the eyes.
That which is recollected here is this same, singular memories to construct a new collective memory, of other lives that in some form marked those that they evoked, of places that still exist, transformed by time and that, known by others as they were, acquire weight and depth in our eyes, memories of experiences that gave body to the reality that it is today and ours, and that help us to comprehend that reality and, thus, truly value it.
francés al inglés: Master Owl´s Lesson
Texto de origen - francés La Leçon de Maître Hibou
C´est ne pas une journée comme les autres pour les habitants de la Forêt des Rêves Bleus. En effet, c´ést aujourd'hui que Maître Hibou va faire la class. Tout le mond se prépare. Winnie prend un cahier tout neuf. Porcinet son plus beau crayon et Tigrou, eh bien... Tigrou, lui, ne prend rien, car il n´a pas envie d´aller ã l´école!
-Allez, dépêche-toi, Tigrou, nous allons être en retard, lui dit Winnie.
-Je n´ai pas envie ! Répond Tigrou.
-Mais, aller ã l´lecole c´est amusant, ajoute Porcinet.
-Pas pour moi ! s'exclame Tigger. Je préfère bonder et rigoler ! Youi !
Tigrou se met à souter à droite, à gauche, devant derrière.
Il n´a vraiment pas envie d´aller à l´école.
À ce moment-là, Petit Gourou arrive avec son cartable. Winnie a une idée. Il s´approche de Petit Gourou et lui parle doucement à l´oreille. Petit Gourou sourit et va voir son ami Tigrou.
-S´il te plaît, Tigrou, tu voudrais bien m´aider à porter mon sac jusqu´à la classe ?
Il est très très lourd demande gentiment Petit Gourou.
Tigrou thinks for a moment..
-D´accord, Petit Gourou! Je t´accompagne, mais je ne reste pas! Répond Tigrou.
Tigrou prend le sac de Petit Gourou et l´accompagne jusqu´à la porte de la classe.
-Nous y sommes ! Dit Tigrou. Je te laisse.
-Non! Peux-tu apporter mon sac jusqu´à ma chaise? Demande Petite Gourou.
Tigrou accepte, il franchit las porte et Winnie et Porcinet se précipitent pour la fermer derrière lui!
Traducción - inglés Master Owl´s Lesson
This is no ordinary day for the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood. Today is special, because Master Owl is going to teach class. Everyone is getting ready. Pooh grabs his notebook right away; Piglet brings his most beautiful crayon, and Tigger...well, Tigger doesn´t bring anything, because he doesn´t want to go to school!
¨Hurry, Tigger!¨ says Pooh,¨We´re going to be late!¨
¨But, I don´t want to go!¨ Tigger responds.
¨B-b-but, going to school is FUN!¨ adds Piglet.
¨Not for me!¨ exclaims Tigger. I´d rather bounce and play! Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Tigger starts to bounce, to the left, to the right, forwards and backwards. He really doesn´t want to go to school.
Suddenly, Roo arrives with his backpack. Pooh has an idea. He approaches Roo and whispers quietly into his ear. Roo smiles and goes to see his friend, Tigger.
¨Please, Tigger, would you help me carry my backpack to class? It´s very heavy.¨ Roo sweetly asks.
Tigger thinks for a second.
¨Okay, Roo-buddy! I´ll come with you, but I
won´t stay!¨ Tigger replies.
Tigger takes Roo´s backpack and goes with Roo just to the school door.
¨Here we are, Roo!¨ says Tigger, ¨See ya later!¨
¨Oh, no, Tigger,¨ says Roo,¨Would you carry my backpack to my seat?¨
Tigger agrees. He enters the doorway and Pooh and Piglet immediately close it behind him!
inglés al español: An Open Letter to Employees
Last week, we agreed with the Labor Board in Boston to hold an election at our operation on March 22. The election is being conducted so that you and other eligible XXXXX employees can decide if you want to bring an outside group – the Teamsters union – into our workplace.
You will get the chance – on March 22 – to either vote “yes” or “no” to the Teamsters union. If you vote “yes” – you could end up paying $25 to $50 every month you work in union dues. If you decide to vote “no” – you can continue to work at XXXXX as we grow bigger – and never have to pay some outsider for the job you already have.
We believe that having the XXXXX at our small operation is not the best way for us to work together. Some XXXXX employees have already come to us and told us that they made a mistake and that they do not want the XXXXX here. We hope that – when you all get the chance to vote – the great majority will say no to the XXXXX and their union dues.
To help clear up any confusion we have attached a list of important questions you should be asking before the vote. We will get you answers to these and any questions you have about this.
La semana pasada, acordamos con el Labor Board (La Junta de Labor) en Boston para celebrar una elección en nuestra compañia el 22 de marzo. Se conduce la elección de modo que usted y otros empleados elegibles puedan decidir si ustedes desean traer un grupo exterior – el sindicato XXXXX – dentro de nuestro lugar de trabajo.
Usted tendrá la oportunidad, el 22 de marzo, votar ¨si¨ o ¨no¨ por lo que se refiere al sindicato Teamsters. Si usted vota ¨si¨, podría acabar pagando $25 hasta $50 cada mes que usted trabaja para la contribución del sindicato. Si usted elige votar ¨no¨, aún puede seguir trabajando a XXXXX mientras crecemos, y jamás tendrá que pagar a algún forastero el trabajo que ya tiene.
Creámos que dejar entrar los XXXXX en nuestro pequeña compañia no es el camino mejor para nosotros trabajamos juntos. Algúns empleados de XXXXX ya nos han abordado y dicho que ellos hicieron un error, y que ya no quieran los XXXXX aqui. Esperamos que, quando ustedes tienen la oportunidad de votar, la mayoría de ustedes eligirán decir NO a los Teamsters y sus contribuciónes de sindicato.
Para esclarecer cualquier confusion, hemos juntado una lista de cuestiones importantes que se deben preguntar antes que votar. Buscaremos y les entregaremos las respuestas de estes y cualquier otras preguntas que usted tiene por ello.
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Anaphraseus, Bitext2TMX, GNU/Linux OS, LaTeX, LibreOffice, Lokalize,, POEdit, TickleText, TransProCalc, various HTML editing tools, Virtaal, Other CAT tool, Other CAT tool, Wordfast
Soy un intérprete corte-cualificado del inglés/portugués, y profesor de inglés certificado en las escuelas públicas para los grados 7-12 en Connecticut, los E.E.U.U.. Tengo un B.A. en la literatura inglesa, 9 créditos hacia un maestro de de las ciencias de la información y la biblioteca, y un D.Div honorario en la religión y las mitologías comparativas, que también he enseñado. Estudié francés como menor, incluyendo cursos en el nivel graduado en la universidad de Purdue, despues de tener conseguido algunos créditos en examens debido a estudios anteriores, y ha estado hablando francés por más de 20 años. Aunque nací en los E.E.U.U. y hablo inglés nativemente, mi familia habla portugués brasileño en la casa. Tengo experiencia en el traducción de los artículos legales, contratos, formas del gobierno, artículos médicos (específicamente en respeto a la diabetes, pues soy diabético), protocolos clínicos, informes de la patología, correspondencia profesional, catálogos de la fotografía (la fotografía y los artes son mis manías, mi sitio de las fotos y artes:, catálogos de los produtos de saude y belleza, materiales de la comercialización, artículos literarios, textos religiosos, lanzamientos de prensa, poesía y más. Soy un usuario Software Livre, y tengo experiencia con el Mac OSX, Windows 98, 2000 y XP, y los sistemas de Linux. Como un profesor yo proporcioné el desarrollo profesional a mis colegas en respeto al uso de la tecnología del Internet en la sala de clase y la creación de las páginas de web. Soy un webmaster experimentado (mis sitios:,, y También proporciono los servicios del interprete en español/inglés y la traducción del españoles para inglés, que hablo de una base casi diaria con los amigos, membros de la familia y los compañeros de trabajo. También en mi equipo de la traducción, mi esposa hermosa y brillante, Amélia Costa-Baldwin, era profesor de las escuelas publicas de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Amélia habla portugués, español e inglés fluidamente y proporciona la traducción de inglés o del español al portugués brasileño. Cuando los requisitos del confidencialidad no nos prohíben de hacerlo, nos corregimos regularmente, para asegurar el trabajo de la alta calidad y la exactitud lingüística.
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.
Total de ptos. obtenidos: 110 Puntos de nivel PRO: 86