An introduction to translating for film and television

Format: Webinar presentations
Topic: Getting established in the translation industry

Course summary
Start time:Jul 1, 2010 16:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Time and date: Duration 1 hour

This webinar already took place. The video on Paul's session is now available here
Summary:A webinar aimed at established and aspiring translators who would like to move into subtitling.
Topics to be covered during this presentation:
• Short presenter's introduction and story of establishing herself as a film translator
• Main differences between translation for print and translation for moving images
• Main principles of subtitling
• Problem solving and creative translation
• What kind of work is available
• Source and target languages
• Required language ability
• Equipment and software
• Markets and rates
Registration & payment information
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Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

Participation fee includes:

• access to webinar session.
• unlimited access to the webinar recording.

How do I purchase my spot?

To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
System requirements
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For PC-based Organizers and Attendees

• Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server or 2000 (Linux is not supported)
• Required: Internet Explorer® 6.0 or newer, or Mozilla® Firefox® 3.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled) . If needed, download Java here.
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better recommended
• Recommended: Minimum of Pentium® class 1GHz CPU with 512 MB of RAM (2 GB of RAM for Windows Vista)

For Mac®-based Users

• Required: Mac OS® X 10.4 (Tiger®), OS X 10.5 (Leopard®), OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard®)
• Required: Safari™ 3.0 or newer, Firefox® 2.0 or newer; (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL or better recommended
• Required: PowerPC G4/G5 or Intel processor, 512 MB of RAM or better

To Use VoIP

• Required: Fast Internet connection (384 kbps or more recommended)
• Required: Microphone and speakers (USB headset recommended)


• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a telephone headset or hands-free speaker phone.
• Turn off any streaming media applications that may take up bandwidth and resource-intensive applications that may be taxing processor ability.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.
• Please mute your phone during the training course to ensure that there is no background noise during the audio section.

Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
Created by
Paul Memmi    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Paul Memmi has a passion for signs, signs we send to each other, and that some make into great works of art or great thoughts.
This passion led him to become a translator - a messenger as well as an interpreter - and to teach his profession at university.
It has also made him write for cinema and create fine art works. His collages illustrate his website.
If the subtitled image aims to be perceived as a ready-made expression, one can also be fascinated by its aesthetic as a collage, that is, according to Eisenstein, cinema itself.
General discussions on this training

An introduction to translating for film and television
Concetta Sorace
Concetta Sorace Identity Verified
Local time: 15:48
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Course frequencyJun 17, 2010

I registered for the above initiative, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to take part in it yet. About that, I'd like to know the frequency of this course, so that I can realize whether it is worth "attending" it now or waiting for the next (hopefully soon-coming) one .

Thanks in advance.


Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
inglés al español
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You will get access to the videoJun 17, 2010

Hi Concetta,

Note as a registrant to this webinar you will have access to the video recording, in case you are not able to attend eventually. Attending a webinar certainly gives you the advantage of interacting with the presenter, but the videos are the exact recordings of the online events. Videos are also for sale on demand after the event.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.



Ines R.
Ines R.
Local time: 15:48
español al alemán
+ ...
time zoneJun 25, 2010

Dear Anna

I was looking the timezone but could you please tell me if for Spain (Barcelona) is really 18:00 o'clock.

Thank you


Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Find your local time zone compared to training starting timeJun 25, 2010

Dear Inés,

The course start time is 16:00 GMT - this is 18:00 in Spain as you are GMT + 2 right now.

By default, all times are shown on the site in GMT. However, registered users can choose to see times in their preferred time zone instead. In addition to setting your time zone, you can specify whether you prefer to see times using a 12- or 24-hour clock, for example.
To edit your date and time preferences, click the time zone link that is shown at the top of each pag
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Dear Inés,

The course start time is 16:00 GMT - this is 18:00 in Spain as you are GMT + 2 right now.

By default, all times are shown on the site in GMT. However, registered users can choose to see times in their preferred time zone instead. In addition to setting your time zone, you can specify whether you prefer to see times using a 12- or 24-hour clock, for example.
To edit your date and time preferences, click the time zone link that is shown at the top of each page. You can also edit at various pages in your profile, or even faster, just use the (click here to edit your time zone) link next to the course time. After you set your profile time, you will see the course starting time in your local time zone and in GMT for reference.

There are also other useful websites to do time zone conversions. One I recommend is There you will find a time zone calculator that takes into account daylight saving time.

I suggest you watch this short video in FAQs to see how you can set GMT offset with profile and use the Time and date website:

Hope you enjoy the webinar!



Dina Mardiana
Dina Mardiana
Local time: 15:48
inglés al indonesio
+ ...
VoIP Jun 27, 2010

Hello Soledad, may I use skype instead of VoIP? I read the information on the internet stating that skype also uses the VoIP technology.

Thanks beforehand,

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
No need to use Skype or other to join by VOIPJun 28, 2010

Dear Dina,

You don't have to use Skype or other instant messaging software to join online sessions. What is more, it is strongly recommended that you turn off any streaming media applications that may take up bandwidth and resource-intensive applications that may be taxing processor ability.

To join the webinar by VOIP you just need a stable Internet connection and a headset or speakers. You should click the access link some minutes before the announced time and s
... See more
Dear Dina,

You don't have to use Skype or other instant messaging software to join online sessions. What is more, it is strongly recommended that you turn off any streaming media applications that may take up bandwidth and resource-intensive applications that may be taxing processor ability.

To join the webinar by VOIP you just need a stable Internet connection and a headset or speakers. You should click the access link some minutes before the announced time and select VOIP as the audio options when you enter the webinar (you will have VOIP and telephone as the only possible options) Joining the webinar by VOIP does not incur in any extra cost for you.

Hope this made it clearer.



Cristina Ayuso (X)
Cristina Ayuso (X) Identity Verified
Local time: 15:48
inglés al español
+ ...
Question regarding the courseJun 30, 2010

Dear Soledad:

I am very interested in this course and I would like to ask you some questions.

First: Do participants receive any notification after taking part of it?

Second:Does this 17 euro amount include all (the 72 h. course and the 1 webinar)? or other payments will be included later on?

These 72 hours are specified in a determined schedule or we have free time to do this?

Will there be an exam or a test at the end?

Also, wil
... See more
Dear Soledad:

I am very interested in this course and I would like to ask you some questions.

First: Do participants receive any notification after taking part of it?

Second:Does this 17 euro amount include all (the 72 h. course and the 1 webinar)? or other payments will be included later on?

These 72 hours are specified in a determined schedule or we have free time to do this?

Will there be an exam or a test at the end?

Also, will this course be repeated more times later on?

It would be very kind if you could provide me with this information.

I look forward to your reply!

Cristina Ayuso

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 10:48
español al inglés
+ ...
possible confusion regarding 72 hoursJul 1, 2010

Concetta the webinar is one hour only. The payment is for access to that webinar and the recording of the webinar after the session today (you will be able to view the recording as often as you wish). There is no additional work or 72 hours of work. I believe the item you are referring to is this

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button
... See more
Concetta the webinar is one hour only. The payment is for access to that webinar and the recording of the webinar after the session today (you will be able to view the recording as often as you wish). There is no additional work or 72 hours of work. I believe the item you are referring to is this

How do I access the online platform?

72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.

This merely indicates that you should receive an access link automatically delivered to your inbox 72 hours prior to the start of the webinar.

We do indicate attendance in your profile when completed.

Hope that helps answer your questions.


Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Added more seats Jul 1, 2010

Given the demand on this webinar, we have added some more seats. Payment with paypal or credit card is only possible now.

The webinar will start in 2 hours.

Talk to you then!


Patrice Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:48
francés al inglés
+ ...
Just finished...Jul 1, 2010

And I just want to say it was fabulous, useful and Paul's philosophical insights into subtitling and dubbing were so appreciated.

Jenni Lukac (X)
Jenni Lukac (X) Identity Verified
Local time: 15:48
español al inglés
+ ...
I really enjoyed this informative sessionJul 2, 2010

The session was very useful. Paul was very generous to step in at the last moment and give the lecture. He made excellent use of the limited time to talk about the linguistic and technical aspects of translating for film and television as well as the professional preospects in the current market. He was very gracious during the question and answer session.

Ofelia Alberti
Ofelia Alberti Identity Verified
Local time: 15:48
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Not enough time for professional mattersJul 2, 2010

I attended the webinar yesterday and, though I enjoyed the privilege of a "private" lecture by Paul Memmi, I think one hour is not enough time for a philosophical approach. We could not get precise answers about professional matters or practical advice on how to get started, so maybe a longer session or more professional focus could have improved the lecture.
I appreciate your efforts (Proz staff and Paul Memmi's) and hope this is a useful contribution. Thank you!

Ines R.
Ines R.
Local time: 15:48
español al alemán
+ ...
another seminar with Paul would be good Jul 2, 2010


thank you to Paul and the team to organizes such a lesson. I think for getting a insight it was good, but what some people want to know are how to handle the quotes to the client and how they count it. As Paul mentioned yesterday the price is counted per subtitle. But often the client give the wordcount or the minutes of the video + the wordcount.

I think we should have the possibility to attend a second webinar with Paul if his time allows this.

... See more

thank you to Paul and the team to organizes such a lesson. I think for getting a insight it was good, but what some people want to know are how to handle the quotes to the client and how they count it. As Paul mentioned yesterday the price is counted per subtitle. But often the client give the wordcount or the minutes of the video + the wordcount.

I think we should have the possibility to attend a second webinar with Paul if his time allows this.

Kind regards


Eileen Banks
Eileen Banks
Local time: 11:48
inglés al español
+ ...
An introduction to translating for film and televisionJul 2, 2010

I enjoyed yesterday's webinar and appreciate the work and effort put in to make it all happen, despite last minute complications. I found that Paul's time was far too limited, he has a lot to offer and personally I think a follow up session would be very interesting.

Best regards,


Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Video on introduction to translating for film and televisionJul 6, 2010

Hi all,

The video on Paul's session is now available at

Those interested in this topic should check out the next session on July 8 at 16:00 GMT. In this one hour presentation Paul Memmi will talk about technical aspects of subtitling, going from the ancient i
... See more
Hi all,

The video on Paul's session is now available at

Those interested in this topic should check out the next session on July 8 at 16:00 GMT. In this one hour presentation Paul Memmi will talk about technical aspects of subtitling, going from the ancient intertitles to today subtitles. He will also make an introduction to concise writing, a topic he anticipated in this presentation and that most likely will be dedicated a full session in the future. There will also be time for some good recommendations to colleagues that would like to try subtitling and Q&A with the attendees. See the full program and register now at:

Hope to "see" you around on Thursday!




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