Poll: How do you pronounce the "ProZ" in ProZ.com?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Feb 11, 2018

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How do you pronounce the "ProZ" in ProZ.com?".

This poll was originally submitted by Agneta Pallinder. View the poll results »

Local time: 22:23
español al inglés
+ ...
= Proze Feb 11, 2018

Spock says: "Logically, captain, it should rhyme with 'pros' and 'prose'. But humans are fickle and are may pronounce it however it suits them."

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:23
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Other Feb 11, 2018

I say it in Portuguese and in Portuguese the final “z” sounds more or less like an “s” (Prós).

Agneta Pallinder
Agneta Pallinder  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 21:23
Miembro 2014
sueco al inglés
+ ...
I say Pro-zed and feel silly doing it Feb 11, 2018

Which is why I was interested in how other people pronounce this hybrid of a name.

Sharon Toh, MITI MCIL
Sharon Toh, MITI MCIL
Local time: 04:23
Miembro 2009
chino al inglés
+ ...
Pro-zed as well Feb 11, 2018

Agneta Pallinder wrote:

I say Pro-zed and feel silly doing it... Which is why I was interested in how other people pronounce this hybrid of a name.

Um... I say that too. I was perhaps affected by the Z being capitalised.

Rachael Clayton
Anna Herbst
Anna Herbst  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
inglés al sueco
+ ...

Proze Feb 11, 2018

Never thought about any other pronunciation than "pros" for professionals, and understood the capital Z in ProZ and KudoZ to be a trademark of sorts, so I find all the different options presented here quite fascinating.


O María Elena Guerrero
O María Elena Guerrero  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:23
Miembro 2004
inglés al español
+ ...
Proz Feb 11, 2018

I say Prozeta (in Spanish)

Joohee Kim
Joohee Kim  Identity Verified
República de Corea (Corea del Sur)
Local time: 05:23
inglés al coreano
+ ...
Prozz Feb 11, 2018

I thought it's based on the pronunciation of "Pros," a plural form of "pro."

Harry Blake Paz Bonzano
Harry Blake Paz Bonzano  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:23
Miembro 2014
español al italiano
+ ...
Same Feb 11, 2018

Joohee Kim wrote:

I thought it's based on the pronunciation of "Pros," a plural form of "pro."

Same here, it is just "z" instead of "s". Not only that, in English language "s" can be pronounced as /ɪz/, /s/ and /z/. To me it just makes sense to pronounce it as /z/.

From http://www.grammar.cl/english/pronunciation-final-s.htm

If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced consonant (or sound), then the S is pronounced like a Z /z/(without creating another syllable). This Z sound is similar to the sound a bee makes zzzz.

We also use this ending when the word ends in a vowel sound (e.g. bees, flies etc.)

Examples of words ending in the /z/ sound:

B: crabs, rubs
D: cards, words, rides, ends
G: rugs, bags, begs
L: deals calls, falls, hills
M: plums, dreams
N: fans, drains, runs, pens
NG: kings, belongs, sings
R: wears, cures
V: gloves, wives, shelves, drives
Y: plays, boys, says,
THE: clothes, bathes, breathes
VOWEL SOUNDS: sees, fleas

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:23
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
As in Cos lettuce ... Feb 11, 2018

I am usually speaking Danish when I pronounce it, and Danish does not often use a voiced 'z' sound.
So it is a sort of light 's' like Cos lettuce, not a prolonged ss as in moss, boss etc.

In English I pronounce it with a z, but with a short o, like the Wizard of Oz or the first syllable of Aussies or Boswell. It was some time before I discovered it was thought of as Pros (professionals) and Prose.

Juan Gil
Juan Gil
Local time: 16:23
inglés al español
Pros Feb 11, 2018

The friend who introduced me to the site called it 'Pros', so it's the way I say it.

Prozzie Feb 11, 2018

It’s all about prostituting ourselves innit?

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 22:23
inglés al alemán
Protz Feb 11, 2018

I say "Pro-zee", but I've heard several Germans pronounce it as "Protz" ("tz" sounding like in "let's"), or pun on this in writing: "protzen" means "to boast" or "to show off".

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
Miembro 2014
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Pro-zee Feb 12, 2018

neilmac wrote:

Spock says: "Logically, captain, it should rhyme with 'pros' and 'prose'. But humans are fickle and are may pronounce it however it suits them."

This was likely the intent of those who created the name.
However, I use it a lot in Portuguese, speaking to other Brazilians, and we say "Pro-Zê", as the "Z" at the end of a word does not sound like the plural "S", as it does in English. Thus, we automatically say "Pro-Zee" in English, pursuant to the logical thinking in Portuguese.

Rachel Fell
Rachel Fell  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 21:23
francés al inglés
+ ...
Interesting Feb 13, 2018

As a UK speaker, I've only ever thought of it as rhyming with "was" or "because"


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Poll: How do you pronounce the "ProZ" in ProZ.com?

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