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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Let's get together and welcome summer

July 1, 2017, 2:30 pm
PortugalFaroIn personportugués
Let's get together, welcome summer, and meet fellow translators.

Event Venue: Chelsea - Pizza & Pasta, Rua 1º de Dezembro, nº9, Faro

This restaurant is at the heart of the city, in one of the most iconic pedestrian streets of Faro. Don't worry, there are plenty of parking spots around, and they are free on Saturday after 1 pm.

The restaurant, the bistro and the ice cream shop are next to each other and share a terrace outside, so it is possible to order a wide variety of food and beverages.

Pizzas and ice creams are made in loco at the restaurant. You can see the pizza chef preparing and cooking them, and you can also have a taste of the different ice cream flavours before you buy.

If you are curious, you can check their pages, with the map, some examples of their menu:

Ice Cream Shop:

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (22) / Confirmed: 10 / Tentative: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Ana Catarina Lopes  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Isabel Vidigal   ...  
Fatima Noronha   ...  y
Catarina Lopes   ...  y
Allison Wright (X)   Até Sábado!  y
Yolanda Sánchez   Sentindo muito, afinal não posso. Espero por uma nova oportunidade...  n
Tassilo Martin   ...  m
Nicole Eustace   ...  y
Ana Sofia Correia   ...  m
Cristina Luz   Cristina Luz  n
Jose A.Cabral   ...  
Elda Veiga   ...  y
Silvia Martins   ...  y
Ana Silva Dias   ...  y
Paula Ribeiro   ...  m
Margarida Relva   Margarida Relva  n
Paula Esteves   Paula Esteves  m
XLiliane Lopez (X)   Liliane Lopez  m
Cristina Correia   Cristina Correia  m
Deolinda Esteves   ...  y
Ellyde   ...  
Sílvia Machinho   ...  y

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