Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 29 results
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
Definitions appear in Spanish.
Spanish-English glossary of economics & trade terms.
Spanish-English glossary of automotive parts and terms.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. By Keith R. Long. In the course of CIMRI's work, we have found a need for a compilation of Spanish geological and mining terminology that goes beyond the few Spanish-English geological dictionaries available. Even geologists who are fluent in Spanish often encounter local terminology or jerg... View more
Spanish-English and English-Spanish (US English) Glossary of terms relating to mortgages, loans, real-estate sector
Curiosity Media 2008 |
Founded in 1999, SpanishDict is a leading online Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and language learning website. A family-run operation, SpanishDict aims to provide the highest quality Spanish educational materials available anywhere. Our site seeks not only to develop rock-solid resources for learning Spanish, we also hope to cultivate a f... View more
English to Spanish and Spanish to English of Finance Terms
Spanish translators Services | http://www.spanish-translator-servi...
This Spanish-English / English-Spanish dictionary is intended to serve as a convenient and reliable English-Spanish and English-Spanish reference tool and is designed to be essential for investors of any type. Areas covered include stocks and bonds, foreign currencies, derivatives, banks and other financial institutions and much more.
Glossary of Criminal Legal Terminology (Spanish-English / English-Spanish)
Isabel Mauvecin-Laguzzi, Staff Translator at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia |
This Glossary is constantly updated and tries to accommodate the correspondence -hardly available in regular bilingual dictionaries- between the Criminal Legal Terminology applied in the D.C. Criminal Code and D.C. Justice System and the Spanish terms in Criminal Codes from Latin American Countries.
Spanish-English available at
Transit Glossary
Spanish-English Dictionary
Universidad de Granada. España |
General dictionary with an emphasis on library science/ librarianship/ library terminology
Diccionario general con énfasis en terminología de biblioteconomía/ bibliotecología/ bibliotecas
Spanish-English Insurance and Annuity Glossary
Glosario de seguros español-inglés
(From the author) - As with any dictionary, especially one striving to be comprehensive, this is a constant work in progress. I’d be delighted to accept submissions and corrections. I’ve also tended to group nouns and adjectives that relate to a particular verb with the verb, so there are some things here that aren’t strictly alphabetical, but shou... View more
Diccionario multilingüe de términos náuticos (ES-EN-FR)
From the Diccionario Náutico website |
An online trilingual (Spanish-English-French) glossary of nautical terms. Diccionario náutico, vocabulario marítimo, diccionario marinero, nomenclatura náutica, glosario marítimo, términos náuticos, terminología náutica, diccionario marítimo, glosario naval, vocabulario náutico, nomenclatura del buque, diccionario naval, léxico marinero.
Linguistic terms
David Tuggy T. , Albert Bickford |
Linguistic terms Spanish-English glossary
Vocabulario de las t�cnicas publicitarias
Clemente Ferrer Rosell� (Presidente del Instituto Europeo de Marketing, Comunicaci�n y Publicidad) |
Spanish-English glossary on advertising techniques with definitions.
Only English equivalents of terms are provided; descriptions and explanations are in Spanish.
Breve glosario de t�rminos de marina
Manuel Rodr�guez Barrientos |
Spanish-English-French seafaring glossary compiled by a captain of the merchant marine. PDF, downloadable.
PDF document - Spanish-English glossary of terms.
Glosario de términos de la industria del petróleo
Sistemas Industriales S.A. |
Spanish-English glossary of oil industry terms.
131-page English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionary of Footwear Terms in Pdf format including:
General dictionary
English-Spanish and Spanish-English Engyclopaedia on several topics
Notas galénicas Los cierres de los envases farmacéuticos
Servicio de Traducción Roche |
well documented and very detailed Spanish-English
Spanish-English Internet Online Dictionary. Right now it contains 19,500 entries, less than 14,000 words, separated into several pages.
Bilingual Business glossary by A.D. Miles. Neologisms, Newsletter and email updates.
Sometimes it is not easy to find the words for freight car parts in a regular Spanish to English dictionary so we have provided a cross reference for your convenience and help in communicating. Algunas veces no es fįcil encontrar las palabras apropiadas para partes de carros de carga, en un Diccionario regular Espańol-Inglés, asi que tenemos que p... View more
For a quick check-up of everyday words.