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Non-paying Solicitors
Autor de la hebra: Laura Mussutto
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 15:21
japonés al inglés
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Legal non-payers Oct 11, 2017

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Laura Mussutto
Laura Mussutto  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:21
inglés al italiano
+ ...
@Michael Newton Oct 11, 2017

Michael Newton wrote:

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Well, I'd have to make my sandwich board, pay for the train or fuel/car park and waste a day's work to do this... I suppose it's cheaper and less time-consuming to make a BB entry and post something on a LinkedIn forum, with a much bigger audience too as their name will come up in Google searches!

Axelle H.
Axelle H.  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
inglés al francés
where in UK ? Oct 11, 2017

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Michael Newton wrote:

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Well, I'd have to make my sandwich board, pay for the train or fuel/car park and waste a day's work to do this... I suppose it's cheaper and less time-consuming to make a BB entry and post something on a LinkedIn forum, with a much bigger audience too as their name will come up in Google searches!

Let us know which city/area, in case they are not far away from one of us I will be glad to help if I can.

Josephine Cassar
Josephine Cassar  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
Miembro 2012
inglés al maltés
+ ...
Just a suggestion... Oct 11, 2017

When the same thing happened to me, (not solicitors though), I searched on Facebook to see if they had a page and when I found them, I posted a comment, something along the lines-please pay-and then they paid, removed the post and emailed me the following 'We thank you for finding recourse in other sources to request payment, amidst the fact that company X had a long-standing collaboration with you. We thank you for past collaboration'. Naturally, I thanked them too as it was a considerable amou... See more
When the same thing happened to me, (not solicitors though), I searched on Facebook to see if they had a page and when I found them, I posted a comment, something along the lines-please pay-and then they paid, removed the post and emailed me the following 'We thank you for finding recourse in other sources to request payment, amidst the fact that company X had a long-standing collaboration with you. We thank you for past collaboration'. Naturally, I thanked them too as it was a considerable amount and I did not want to run the risk of not being paid or having to 'find recourse in other sources' when they did not answer my emails or mobile phone calls which went to voicemail till I withheld my number and they answered thinking it would be someone commissioning a translation. Of course, the collaboration was mutually beneficial! Maybe you can try something but careful what you say and how you word it. Pity, as I had enjoyed working with them and liked their projects till this happened but I do not want to run the risk of not being paid. I had another payment which was due and which was paid fast enough after! Good luck.

[Edited at 2017-10-11 14:12 GMT]

Laura Mussutto
Laura Mussutto  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:21
inglés al italiano
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Location Oct 11, 2017

Axelle H. wrote:

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Michael Newton wrote:

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Well, I'd have to make my sandwich board, pay for the train or fuel/car park and waste a day's work to do this... I suppose it's cheaper and less time-consuming to make a BB entry and post something on a LinkedIn forum, with a much bigger audience too as their name will come up in Google searches!

Let us know which city/area, in case they are not far away from one of us I will be glad to help if I can.

They are in Isleworth, West London

Axelle H.
Axelle H.  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
inglés al francés
... Oct 11, 2017

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Axelle H. wrote:

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Michael Newton wrote:

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Well, I'd have to make my sandwich board, pay for the train or fuel/car park and waste a day's work to do this... I suppose it's cheaper and less time-consuming to make a BB entry and post something on a LinkedIn forum, with a much bigger audience too as their name will come up in Google searches!

Let us know which city/area, in case they are not far away from one of us I will be glad to help if I can.

They are in Isleworth, West London

I am in Warwickshire so a little too far away I am afraid ;( Hope you will find a solution soon

Laura Mussutto
Laura Mussutto  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:21
inglés al italiano
+ ...
@Axelle Oct 11, 2017

Axelle H. wrote:

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Axelle H. wrote:

Laura Mussutto wrote:

Michael Newton wrote:

I say the following only half in jest:
What about wearing one of those old-fashioned sandwich board advertisements, one board in front, one board in back?
The wording being "Dewey Cheatem and Howe" (or "Lye Cheate and Steele") are no longer able to pay their debts. We're taking up a collection. Please give. Every little bit helps". Then parade back and forth in front of their building to shame them. But then there are those pesky English libel laws.

Well, I'd have to make my sandwich board, pay for the train or fuel/car park and waste a day's work to do this... I suppose it's cheaper and less time-consuming to make a BB entry and post something on a LinkedIn forum, with a much bigger audience too as their name will come up in Google searches!

Let us know which city/area, in case they are not far away from one of us I will be glad to help if I can.

They are in Isleworth, West London

I am in Warwickshire so a little too far away I am afraid ;( Hope you will find a solution soon

Thanks Axelle!

Laura Mussutto
Laura Mussutto  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 20:21
inglés al italiano
+ ...
There lies the problem... Oct 11, 2017

Josephine Cassar wrote:

When the same thing happened to me, (not solicitors though), I searched on Facebook to see if they had a page and when I found them, I posted a comment, something along the lines-please pay-and then they paid, removed the post and emailed me the following 'We thank you for finding recourse in other sources to request payment, amidst the fact that company X had a long-standing collaboration with you. We thank you for past collaboration'. Naturally, I thanked them too as it was a considerable amount and I did not want to run the risk of not being paid or having to 'find recourse in other sources' when they did not answer my emails or mobile phone calls which went to voicemail till I withheld my number and they answered thinking it would be someone commissioning a translation. Of course, the collaboration was mutually beneficial! Maybe you can try something but careful what you say and how you word it. Pity, as I had enjoyed working with them and liked their projects till this happened but I do not want to run the risk of not being paid. I had another payment which was due and which was paid fast enough after! Good luck.

[Edited at 2017-10-11 14:12 GMT]

Thanks Josephine. They do have a facebook page, but the fact that they are solicitors is the reason why I sought help here, as they clearly have the upper hand in dealing with things...

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:21
Miembro 2007
+ ...
"Don't care was made to care", as the rhyme goes Oct 11, 2017

Laura Mussutto wrote:
I invoiced them back in January (!) for a translation related to a divorce covered by legal aid. I have phoned them, emailed them and finally emailed them again saying that if they don't pay me by this Friday I will take appropriate action to ensure they settle the invoice.

They know the law inside-out, and you've let this go on for 7-8 months (depending on the payment due date) without really escalating it at all. They know very well that before you can take any legal action against them you'll need to officially inform them of the debt via a final demand letter to their registered office - a paper letter sent by registered post. They're probably waiting until they receive that before they finally pay up.

Of course, it's a despicable way to do business and they deserve to be called out for it, but hopefully you'll get your money sooner or later. Meanwhile, I'd personally be inclined to make as big a fuss about it as possible. Reputation must be something a solicitor's practice values incredibly highly, so I'd want to shame them here on the BB, on similar sites and other networking platforms, and maybe even drop a line to whatever professional organisation they belong to. I'm very out of touch with the UK, but I imagine they belong to some association or society that wouldn't think much of that sort of behaviour by its members.

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
francés al inglés
Small claims court Oct 11, 2017

You need to take action. One way or another, the firm has been relying to date on the fact that you have not taken any action for 10 months. Simple : recorded delivery letter, with IBAN, if payment not credit to your account within 7 days, small claims court. Don't forget to add interest to the amount you claim, from due date + 1 day onwawrds, at whatever rate you specified on the contract, or whatever rate is provided for under UK law.

Then do it.

If you have all the r
... See more
You need to take action. One way or another, the firm has been relying to date on the fact that you have not taken any action for 10 months. Simple : recorded delivery letter, with IBAN, if payment not credit to your account within 7 days, small claims court. Don't forget to add interest to the amount you claim, from due date + 1 day onwawrds, at whatever rate you specified on the contract, or whatever rate is provided for under UK law.

Then do it.

If you have all the right paperwork, (proof that the work was ordered, that you supplied it, with an invoice, and that you have requested payment to no effect), getting a jdugment debt entered against the firm will be a walk in the park. Very often, people ignore judgments. However, a professional firm will not be happy having a judgment against them; it can restrict their access to various financial services, particularly credit. So, it may actually work with these guys.

Finally, contact the Law Society. Failure to pay invocies is likely to be considered as conduct unbecoming, other whatever they call it. Although statutory professional bodies are not replacement courts, they do have internal disciplinary committees who take unkindly to this type of behaviour. The Ethics department may be able to help - and it may scare the firm into paying. Indicate that you are sending a copy of the letter to the Law Soc.

http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/support-services/ethics/ As I say, there is a strong chance that the Law Soc will reply that the courts are there for this sort of thing. If you do get a judgment debt entered against the firm, that may be of interest to the Law Soc though.

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
francés al inglés
Great minds! Oct 11, 2017

Sheila Wilson wrote:

... but I imagine they belong to some association or society that wouldn't think much of that sort of behaviour by its members.

Great minds think alike Sheila.

I used to work in the Ethics and Discipline department of an accountancy statutory professional body. I can still recall what was then the catch-all phrase "conduct unbecoming to a member of the profession" article 27 (a) of the Rules of Professional Conduct, hence my termino above. I handled all incoming complaints, a common one of which was a member failing to reply to a client's correspondence. 9 times out of 10, when a letter was sent from the prof body, we obtained an answer with some explanation/excuse and things would get sorted out one way or another. When it didn't get cleared up with our intervention, we would indicate the famous art. 27(a) catch-all and indicate that failure to XYZ within whatever time, would result in referral to the Investigations Committee. No-one likes that sort of thing so it is a good way to smoke them out.

This goes in your favour as it means you have a couple of sensititive spots to press. Sitting and hoping is never a good idea. It's time to show your teeth and bite if necessary. Chances are that a serious growl will do.

[Edited at 2017-10-11 15:20 GMT]

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Non-paying Solicitors

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