R U seruiously?
Autor de la hebra: Emal Ghamsharick
Emal Ghamsharick
Emal Ghamsharick  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Nov 12, 2014

Here's an excerpt from a newsletter by a known translation sweatshop. Their average rate per word is 0.03 USD. That's HALF of what you'd consider a shitty price nowadays.

There's also some secret business info)

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Here's an excerpt from a newsletter by a known translation sweatshop. Their average rate per word is 0.03 USD. That's HALF of what you'd consider a shitty price nowadays.

There's also some secret business info)

Full post: http://noordertranslation.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/r-u-seiruosly-gengo/

Salam Alrawi
Salam Alrawi  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:20
inglés al árabe
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Rent is cheap Nov 12, 2014

Emal Ghamsharick wrote:

Here's an excerpt from a newsletter by a known translation sweatshop. Their average rate per word is 0.03 USD. That's HALF of what you'd consider a shitty price nowadays.

There's also some secret business info)

Full post: http://noordertranslation.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/r-u-seiruosly-gengo/

If and I say if, if German are translating for 0.03 per source of word, I would assume that the rent there is $100 a month. I better move there

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Rents Nov 12, 2014

Salam Alrawi wrote:

Emal Ghamsharick wrote:

Here's an excerpt from a newsletter by a known translation sweatshop. Their average rate per word is 0.03 USD. That's HALF of what you'd consider a shitty price nowadays.

There's also some secret business info)

Full post: http://noordertranslation.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/r-u-seiruosly-gengo/

If and I say if, if German are translating for 0.03 per source of word, I would assume that the rent there is $100 a month. I better move there

Well, if you show me a decent place for € 100.00/month I'd move there immediately.

Jitka Komarkova (Mgr.)
Jitka Komarkova (Mgr.)  Identity Verified
República Checa
Local time: 01:20
inglés al checo
+ ...
Gengo recruited at PROZ as well Nov 12, 2014

I remember Gengo having recruited their staff at PROZ as well... I signed in to find out what was going on, seeing the rates, I just realized I would not use this tool in the future. However, I still keep receiving their job invitations for as low prices as 0.03 USD per word in my language combination - rarely also so-called PRO jobs for 0.08 USD per word. I simply do not work for them at any rate. However, when - every day and for a week or so - I kept receiving invitations to tens/hu
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I remember Gengo having recruited their staff at PROZ as well... I signed in to find out what was going on, seeing the rates, I just realized I would not use this tool in the future. However, I still keep receiving their job invitations for as low prices as 0.03 USD per word in my language combination - rarely also so-called PRO jobs for 0.08 USD per word. I simply do not work for them at any rate. However, when - every day and for a week or so - I kept receiving invitations to tens/hundreds of approx. 20 USD jobs at the rate of 0.03 USD per work - do you know what happened? You gradually see how jobs are placed; only some jobs which nobody wanted to process reappeared and - eventually - all jobs were placed. May this imply that people from PROZ are also willing to work for this? Maybe. Maybe not.

On the other hand, it does not have to be Gengo to request unsustainably (humiliating) low rates. Recently, I was approached by a recruiter from a leading COMPANY providing software and service solutions for language translation being offered 0.03 EUR (yes, EUR, however, still 0.03). When informing the recruiter that my rate is not really any close to what she offered, I got the following reply:

As for the rate the maximum I can offer is 0,035 Euro/ word.
I would appreciate your acceptance.

Regardless the rate, I must admit that "I would appreciate your acceptance" made me a bit angry. I take it probably too personal but it felt a bit uppish. Of course, I refused the cooperation proposal and am happy with my clients who seek quality, not the lowest possible rates.

However, this proves that not only emerging canny tools but also established leading companies may wish to treat you as a slave...

[Edited at 2014-11-12 09:21 GMT]

Mervyn Henderson (X)
Mervyn Henderson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
español al inglés
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In the URL in Emal's first post ... Nov 12, 2014

... wot is "pick-up time" and why is it important? Is it the time taken from the first phone call to place an order until the order is placed?


Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 01:20
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
@Emal Nov 12, 2014

Emal Ghamsharick wrote:
Here's an excerpt from a newsletter by a known translation sweatshop.

You say "It currently takes them 8 hours (!) to place a job! That’s almost a full business day.", presumably based on the "pick-up time" graph that states that the average pick-up time was 485 minutes in October.

But as far as I can tell, "pick-up time" at Gengo means the duration from the time that a translator accepts a job to the time that he delivers a job. What you are referring to (time to place a job) is what Gengo calls "first action time", and in October the average first action time was about 12 minutes.

My guess is that the short first action times along with long pick-up times might be caused by translators grabbing jobs as soon as they can (e.g. via a smartphone, during the day), but not actually starting on the jobs for a long time (e.g. only after they get home).

Emal Ghamsharick
Emal Ghamsharick  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:20
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Thanks for clarifying Nov 15, 2014

Gotta update that. They're really into metrics these Gengo people. Maybe they also wanna sell to Lionbridge and look like they're placing a lot of jobs and micromanaging people to the fingertips. Good thing Germany has a lot of government agencies that keep prices up - if you get in. I wonder how languages without governments stay translated...


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R U seruiously?

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