Sorry, Laurent, Kay and Gerard, I was heavily involved in other threads and haven't visited this one since I made my post nor have I been following its notifications.
Laurent Di Raimondo wrote:
As a well attired bride doesn't make a perfect spouse, excessive red tape doesn't make a perfect agency...
To be fairly honest, I -for one- am not opposed to REASONABLE requirements, but any company/employer must first show their "part of the investment".
You don't go to the store and say "I want a double-faced, fur-padded, camel-colored, silk-pocketed natural leather jacket" when all you have in your pocket is $5, or even worse (you're promised to have those $5 later).
I'm not charging you for meeting your requirements, but I need to know that you are worthy, I need to know that my effort will give back. At least, first agree on rate, volume and payment clearance, then reasonably require my part of the investment.
Asking for everything and giving nothing doesn't cut it!
Kay Denney wrote:
TBF these portals make life easier for the PMs, they have everything at their fingertips and simply work in the same portal all day long.
But, who are the actual money-generators? Us or PMs? Shouldn't we be the priority?
Even in underground trades like sex services, employers are becoming increasingly keen on preserving their money-generators.
I can't understand how we, actual service providers, can be the last element taken into any consideration by those companies!
Gerard de Noord wrote:
That's a very smart observation. They'll have the upper hand in all subsequent negotiations.
And, they do, because some of us wrongly let them.
[Edited at 2022-07-12 13:53 GMT]