Powwow Report for México - Mexico City (Sep 11 2004)

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Report from  Elías Sauza
<p>The September 2004 Mexico City powwow met at Martha Mauri's house in Naucalpan in north-west metropolitan Mexico City. Even seasoned Mexico City residents found it a challenge to navigate their way through the scenic maze of streets up the mountainside to Martha's neighborhood. But when we reached our destination we found that the spacious party room and panoramic view made it worth while. Martha and her husband Robert graciously welcomed their guests with a choice of soft drinks or spirits. While most of the 30-odd attendees were locals, ProZians from the states of Tabasco, Nuevo Le�n, Morelos, Mexico State, Puebla and Guanajuato also made the journey.

<p>Shortly after 1:00 pm the more formal part of the meeting got underway as we waited for the tacos to finish grilling. As most of us had never met face to face, we gathered into one large circle and took turns introducing ourselves. We each spoke about our translating or interpreting experience. A number of participants also talked about the paths that had led them to the translating life. For some this involved a degree in translation, while others came to the profession from another career. A few participants who practice other, related professions also shared their experiences.

<p>Few of us had ever met before, except, in a few cases, over the telephone. The powwow was an opportunity to finally meet the faces, voices and personalities behind the profiles and nicknames that we have come know through ProZ. It will make a difference in the way we view each other from now on (for example in hotly contested terminology disagreements in KudoZ).

<p>After the introductions, we moved on to a number of items that had been suggested for the meeting agenda. The first was the eternal problem of low rates. While a consensus was impossible, the suggestion that we should agree to reject jobs below a certain level met with general approval. The ensuing discussion included the topics of pricing translations by the page or by the word, and whether to quote editing and proofreading by the word or by the hour.

<p>Other topics followed, such as rates for translations using CAT tools. Some participants who use Trados spoke of the advantages of this tool, and members who do not use any of these programs had the opportunity to hear first hand about its benefits.

<p>As the afternoon wore on, interruptions to the agenda became more frequent, and it became increasingly evident that many participants felt that the time would be better spent in individual discussions than a general meeting. During one of the many breaks, those whose ProZ identity had not been verified were able to present their identification.

<p>Our fellow ProZian Lillian van der Broek had been going to read some of her poetry to the group, but unfortunately time ran out. However she kindly donated two books of her poetry for a draw. The last group activity of the afternoon was the obligatory photograph. Everyone who had brought a camera got a chance to record the event, and Beatriz Gallardo and her partner also shot a video.

<p>We exchanged ideas for the next powwow. We hope it may take place early next year, and that it will attract new participants as well as the attendees of the September 11, 2004 Mexico City Powwow.

<h3>Mexico City Powwow, September 11, 2004.
<b>In attendance: </b>
<li>Alfredo Gonz�lez
<li>Beatriz Gallardo
<li>El�as Sauza
<li>Gabriela Lozano
<li>Heather Drake
<li>Helene Levesque
<li>Irene Cudich
<li>Iris Reta
<li>Jos� Luis Velasco
<li>Juan Bernal
<li>Juan Jacob
<li>Lesley Clarke
<li>Lillian van den Broeck
<li>Luis Rey Ballesteros
<li>Margaret Schroeder
<li>Mariela Somohano
<li>Martha Mauri
<li>M�nica Negrete
<li>Nat�n V�zquez
<li>Niamh Mary Ruddy
<li>Patricia Gonz�lez
<li>Ren� Garc�a
<li>Rosa Mar�a de la Pe�a
<li>Rufino P. de la Sierra
<li>Sandra de la Vega
<li>Stephen McCann
<li>Teresita de Jes�s Barroso
<li>Tracey Pritchard
<li>Verania de Parres
<li>Yazmin Osoyo
<li>Tere Aguilar

<i>Reporter:</i> El�as Sauza<br>
<i>English version:</i> Margaret Schroeder (GoodWords)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Margaret Schroeder
Yazmin Osoyo
Alfredo Gonzalez
Hélène Lévesque
Mónica Negrete
Rufino Pérez De La Sierra
Juan Bernal
Lillian van den Broeck
Irene Cudich
Elías Sauza
Mariela Somohano (X)
Beatriz Gallardo
Nat�n V�zquez
Juan Jacob
Lesley Clarke
Gabriela Lozano
Stephen McCann
tere aguilar
Rene Garcia

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 2 '05  Margaret Schroeder: Nuevo pow-wow el 17 de dic.
Para los que aún no estén inscritos: http://www.proz.com/powwow/773
Oct 6 '04  Irene Cudich: directorio
Hola Elías:
Pues no he recibido el directorio de marras. Mi dirección es [email protected]