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i02-Intro to Consecutive Interpreting

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Susanne Reiche
Susanne Reiche  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:17
Miembro 2006
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Timing Jul 27, 2011

Hi Claudia,
Approx. how much time is spent on the issue of note taking and do you actually teach how to effectively take notes?
Thank you very much.


Claudia Brauer
Claudia Brauer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:17
Miembro 2011
inglés al español
+ ...
Timing Aug 9, 2011

Hello, Sussane. First of all, sorry for the delay in responding. Apparently my site was not properly linked and I did not receive this comment until today. Note taking is vital for interpreters. For me, it is a very important aspect. However, note taking is a skill that you develop only with practice. I will give you some of the basic principles and will guide you to some interesting ways to develop your note-taking abilities. HOWEVER, these are just GUIDELINES. First, because there are ... See more
Hello, Sussane. First of all, sorry for the delay in responding. Apparently my site was not properly linked and I did not receive this comment until today. Note taking is vital for interpreters. For me, it is a very important aspect. However, note taking is a skill that you develop only with practice. I will give you some of the basic principles and will guide you to some interesting ways to develop your note-taking abilities. HOWEVER, these are just GUIDELINES. First, because there are many proven methods for note taking and it will depend on which one is best for you personally (for example, I learned short-hand 20 years ago and it works fine for me.... my closest friend uses a system she develops, where she writes the two first letters of each word... that would take me hours... lol...). So, yes, I will give you guidelines to different systems you may adopt, but I will stress that you will have to PRACTICE practice practice to develop your skill. There are even online courses you can take that could help you (just like there are typing classes or computer classes... note taking is just a skill like typing... you acquire it with time). I hope this answers your question. Hope to "see" you around soon. Have a great day.Collapse

Massimo Caliaro
Massimo Caliaro  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:17
chino al italiano
Needed software Aug 10, 2011

Hello Claudia.
I would like to ask you is any specific software is needed; my operative system is Linux, should I use Microsoft Windows to join the training?
Sorry for the silly questions, it's the first time I join an online workshop!

Thank you,

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
System requirements Aug 10, 2011

Hello Massimo,

Thank you for considering to take the training.

Please note that you do not need to upload any special software to take the course, but Linux is not supported by GTW, I am afraid. Therefore you might need to use Microsoft Windows to join the training. Please check the Virtual platform system requirements area for more information. You might need to click on the area title to expand it.

Hope this helps and clarifies. Please let me know if you need a
... See more
Hello Massimo,

Thank you for considering to take the training.

Please note that you do not need to upload any special software to take the course, but Linux is not supported by GTW, I am afraid. Therefore you might need to use Microsoft Windows to join the training. Please check the Virtual platform system requirements area for more information. You might need to click on the area title to expand it.

Hope this helps and clarifies. Please let me know if you need anything else.

My bests,

Massimo Caliaro
Massimo Caliaro  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:17
chino al italiano
System requirements Aug 10, 2011

Thanks for your kind reply, Helen!


Prerna Bakshi (X)
Prerna Bakshi (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:17
hindi al inglés
+ ...
Certificate Sep 7, 2011

Hello Claudia,

My question to you is that since I am from Australia and a accreditted by NAATI, in order for me to revalidate points for my accreditation, it is mandatory for me to attend workshops etc arranged by them. Now, if I attend online, do you hink there van be some kind of certificate etc that mighr get delivered that I can show them as an evidence at the end of this year?


DJBarg (X)
DJBarg (X)
inglés al español
Question for Claudia Sep 16, 2011

Hi Claudia, do you have a class that uses specifically English and Spanish and is training for consecutive interpreting in the medical setting only? This is what I need to brush up on.

Claudia Brauer
Claudia Brauer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:17
Miembro 2011
inglés al español
+ ...
Certificate Sep 18, 2011

Hello, Prerna. Yes, ProZ will be issuing Certificates of Knowledge for Bundle participants at the end of the Bundle. These certificates will indicate that you took 15 hours of on-class instruction and the fact that it is or not online should not matter, at least in principle. Now then, you have to check with NAATI to make sure that they will validate the certificate. If they require you to submit any type of specific documentation, I'm sure we can arrange to provide it. Let me know if this ... See more
Hello, Prerna. Yes, ProZ will be issuing Certificates of Knowledge for Bundle participants at the end of the Bundle. These certificates will indicate that you took 15 hours of on-class instruction and the fact that it is or not online should not matter, at least in principle. Now then, you have to check with NAATI to make sure that they will validate the certificate. If they require you to submit any type of specific documentation, I'm sure we can arrange to provide it. Let me know if this answers your question. Have a great day!Collapse

Claudia Brauer
Claudia Brauer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:17
Miembro 2011
inglés al español
+ ...
English/Spanish Healthcare interpreting course Sep 18, 2011

Hello, DJBarg. No, at present we don't have a class that uses specifically English and Spanish and is training for consecutive interpreting in the medical setting only. We do have an Introduction to Telephone Interpreting in Spanish (see video list under education) and we have an upcoming session on healthcare interpreting but in English (with advise on how to work on your specific language pair). Maybe in 2012 we might develop something like what you are needing, but for the time being we don... See more
Hello, DJBarg. No, at present we don't have a class that uses specifically English and Spanish and is training for consecutive interpreting in the medical setting only. We do have an Introduction to Telephone Interpreting in Spanish (see video list under education) and we have an upcoming session on healthcare interpreting but in English (with advise on how to work on your specific language pair). Maybe in 2012 we might develop something like what you are needing, but for the time being we don't have it. However there are some resources you might be able to go to. The University of George has a 40 hr program (; Tennessee Foreign Language Institute has a 10 hr program (; New York University has another program ( Have a wonderful dayCollapse


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i02-Intro to Consecutive Interpreting

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