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Poll: What do you like to hear while translating?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jan 2, 2007

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What do you like to hear while translating?"

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:26
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
+ ...
A tempo of music for a tempo of work Jan 2, 2007

I had to answer "Chill Out music", but meant to say "any music I find relaxing" most of the time.

At very busy times, I must push me a little bit with disco sound, soul, rock and roll, etc. Anything that can help me keep working after the first 10 hours each day!

Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 05:26
inglés al alemán
Living beings just doing their own thing Jan 2, 2007

Happy New Year everyone,

I like to hear the sounds of my colleague Katja munching rice cakes and wisecracking on life, the universe and everything.

But given that we are no longer employed in the same office, but now freelance in two different cities, I have since switched to hearing the sounds of nine small rodents munching rice cakes and fighting over their pecking order (can rodents have a "pecking" order?).

Greetz from Ricki,
who feels that nine
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Happy New Year everyone,

I like to hear the sounds of my colleague Katja munching rice cakes and wisecracking on life, the universe and everything.

But given that we are no longer employed in the same office, but now freelance in two different cities, I have since switched to hearing the sounds of nine small rodents munching rice cakes and fighting over their pecking order (can rodents have a "pecking" order?).

Greetz from Ricki,
who feels that nine tame rats adequately replace most co-workers in a medium-sized translation company.

William [Bill] Gray
William [Bill] Gray  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:26
Miembro 2006
+ ...
Actually... Jan 2, 2007

I responded "Absolute silence" since that was the closest to what I like best, but the "absolute" is not necessary.

I like to concentrate without other specific sounds around, but I don't have to lock myself away, or anything like that, to get my silence. Interruptions are welcomed from time to time, and I find that once I get involved in a translation, the other sounds are blocked out automatically.

Ask my wife, who frequently has to call me several times, to get my at
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I responded "Absolute silence" since that was the closest to what I like best, but the "absolute" is not necessary.

I like to concentrate without other specific sounds around, but I don't have to lock myself away, or anything like that, to get my silence. Interruptions are welcomed from time to time, and I find that once I get involved in a translation, the other sounds are blocked out automatically.

Ask my wife, who frequently has to call me several times, to get my attention!!


Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:26
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
mmmm Jan 2, 2007

I answered "Hard Rock Music" but actually I listen Bruce Springsteen's music only, which is rock but not hard.

BTW I listen his songs only when I translate from English, when from French into Italian, like right now, or from Dutch into Italian, it is impossible for me. (too many languages mixed)

Happy 2007 !!!

[Edited at 2007-01-02 14:08]

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 04:26
alemán al inglés
Who can work and watch TV at the same time?! Jan 2, 2007

I think radio and TV should be two separate categories. A little music may be conducive to working but how anyone can watch TV while purporting to translate in a professional manner is completely beyond my understanding!
PS. I answered 'silence'

Hipyan Nopri
Hipyan Nopri  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Miembro 2005
inglés al indonesio
+ ...
Absolute Silence Jan 2, 2007

In fact, I have two main tendencies - absolute silence for highly technical translations and slow, serene classical music as well as reggae (my two favourites) for technical and general translations.

I create this silence by working alone in a room with door, windows, and curtains closed, but good vents even though it is equipped with an AC. Nobody may come in just for chatting and wasting time.

In the beginning, this is extremely difficult to implement given the fact
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In fact, I have two main tendencies - absolute silence for highly technical translations and slow, serene classical music as well as reggae (my two favourites) for technical and general translations.

I create this silence by working alone in a room with door, windows, and curtains closed, but good vents even though it is equipped with an AC. Nobody may come in just for chatting and wasting time.

In the beginning, this is extremely difficult to implement given the fact that people wrongly perceive that being at home is equal to having no job. Then, they thought that I always have leisure time for chatting and wasting time with them. Refusing their coming was considered impolite.

Happy New Year Fellow Translators.

P.S.: I assume that what the asker means by the second option, Radio/TV, is its audio element. It is possible to hear music on TV while translating.

However, I can watch TV while translating. The monitor may function as TV monitor while at the same time I keep on translating because I can do blind typing (blind typing = not watching the keyboard or not watching the monitor). Nevertheless, I seldom do this. It is performed just to test my typing blindness and only for local jobs. I always check out the monitor during the ad breaks.

[Edited at 2007-01-02 15:09]

Orla Ryan
Orla Ryan  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:26
Depends... Jan 2, 2007

It is total silence here right now, but I was listening to my favourite radio show this morning to ease me back into my first day of work

If I really need to concentrate, then I prefer to work in a silent cocoon. Otherwise if I am working on an easy text, doing admin or whatever, then I'll run iTunes in the background.

(great poll Q, by th
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It is total silence here right now, but I was listening to my favourite radio show this morning to ease me back into my first day of work

If I really need to concentrate, then I prefer to work in a silent cocoon. Otherwise if I am working on an easy text, doing admin or whatever, then I'll run iTunes in the background.

(great poll Q, by the way)

[Edited at 2007-01-02 14:53]

Anne Wosnitza
Anne Wosnitza  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 05:26
inglés al alemán
+ ...
True, depends... Jan 2, 2007

Usually, I listen to hard rock while translating and as long as the content allows it - once it gets tricky I turn the music off or put earplugs in (sharing rooms with another person)...

Sam Berner
Sam Berner  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:26
Miembro 2003
inglés al árabe
+ ...
Nature Jan 2, 2007

I find that the older I get, the more noise annoys me. Not just when translating, but in general.

I moved into the country in the end. So now my repertoire for linguistic productivity consists of:

(1) Middle Ages music, Baroque, Gregorian chants, Russian male choirs, Hildegard von Bingen, Thomas Arne

(2) The cicadas

(3) The frogs

(4) Rain hammering on the tin roof (when available)

There apparently was a study done abou
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I find that the older I get, the more noise annoys me. Not just when translating, but in general.

I moved into the country in the end. So now my repertoire for linguistic productivity consists of:

(1) Middle Ages music, Baroque, Gregorian chants, Russian male choirs, Hildegard von Bingen, Thomas Arne

(2) The cicadas

(3) The frogs

(4) Rain hammering on the tin roof (when available)

There apparently was a study done about Baroque music and brain waves.

I also find that my concentration is best at night (8PM to 2AM) when the levels of silence are the highest.

Does anyone else find out that natural light is a distraction, and likes working in a semi dark room with the lamp focused on the keyboard? Or am I growing a bit, errrr... mouldy between the ears?

Francesca Grandinetti
Francesca Grandinetti
Local time: 05:26
alemán al italiano
+ ...
the sound of music Jan 2, 2007

I normally listen to jazz music (on a radio called KCSM)...it makes me work faster and relaxed

Happy New Year!


Giles Watson
Giles Watson  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:26
italiano al inglés
In Memoriam
I like to hear the rhythms of English... Jan 2, 2007

... in my head as I'm translating the Italian.

This usually means that: a) the original was written well; b) my translation will read well; and c) I'm doing something I really enjoy.

Buon proseguimento a tutti,


Giovany Rodríguez Monsalve
Giovany Rodríguez Monsalve
Local time: 22:26
inglés al español
+ ...
I responded another... Jan 2, 2007

I hear Classical Music in a very low volume, it's so relaxing to work.

I prefer Bethoven!

M. Anna Kańduła
M. Anna Kańduła  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 04:26
inglés al polaco
Music Jan 2, 2007

My favourite music, so it may fall into given options, or not, depends on what I want to listen


Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 05:26
español al inglés
+ ...
Hear or listen to? Jan 2, 2007

I appreciated the apparent distinction in the poll question.

As with many others, a lot depends on what I´m translating. Just now I was listening to BBC Radio 4 (programme about new words in 2006 - no doubt we will shortly be struggling to translate them!). I have to have sound which does not interrupt, and which I am not tempted to listen to, but which may screen out other unwanted sounds/noises - and gentle Radio 4 often fits the bill.

Happy New Year, as quiet or as
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I appreciated the apparent distinction in the poll question.

As with many others, a lot depends on what I´m translating. Just now I was listening to BBC Radio 4 (programme about new words in 2006 - no doubt we will shortly be struggling to translate them!). I have to have sound which does not interrupt, and which I am not tempted to listen to, but which may screen out other unwanted sounds/noises - and gentle Radio 4 often fits the bill.

Happy New Year, as quiet or as uproarious as you like, to all.


[Edited at 2007-01-02 16:44]

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