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Poll: Have you ever worked on a translation outdoors?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Apr 21, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever worked on a translation outdoors?".

This poll was originally submitted by Nathalie van Rijsbergen

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you ever worked on a translation outdoors?".

This poll was originally submitted by Nathalie van Rijsbergen

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
Miembro 2006
inglés al español
+ ...
Yes Apr 21, 2009

If you are talking about working near a swimming pool, yard, garden, café, bus, ETC.

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:23
francés al inglés
+ ...
Yes Apr 21, 2009

In the days when my attendance at my sons' cricket matches, tennis matches, etc, was required! I tended to proof-read rather than translate, I must admit, but sometimes needs must!


Helen Matthews
Helen Matthews  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:23
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
+ ...
... visibility of computer screens..? Apr 21, 2009

This came just at the right time for me, as I'm currently trying to sort out my terrace to allow me to work outside, but the first problem I've encountered is trying to actually see what's on the screen!! (Difficult in the sunshine...)

Any suggestions welcome!!

Managing this would provide yet another major plus to this job, in my view at least!

Elisabete Cunha
Elisabete Cunha  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:23
Miembro 2006
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Yes, but rarely happens Apr 21, 2009

The reason is exactly what Helen refers: the screen visibility. The brightness is very unpleasant and makes it difficult to read.

Any suggestions to solve it are more than welcome, as I would definitely love to work more often near a swimming pool

Evija Rimšāne
Evija Rimšāne  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:23
inglés al letón
Oh yes! Apr 21, 2009

I work outdoors most of the summertime, while basking in the sun near a backyard swimming pool, and I feel sooooo lucky whenever I think of office workers "locked" in their offices at the same time.

Catherine Shepherd
Catherine Shepherd  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:23
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes Apr 21, 2009

I mostly proofread on paper outside, although I have taken out my laptop sometimes. However, the last time I tried, when I had everything ready, some teenagers decided to go round and round on motorbikes on the piece of land behind our house, so I had to back inside. That's what you get for living in Spain - no respect for peace and quiet! :S

P.S. Actually the weather is very inviting right now, but my laptop's being repaired so I have to stay inside. What a shame!...
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I mostly proofread on paper outside, although I have taken out my laptop sometimes. However, the last time I tried, when I had everything ready, some teenagers decided to go round and round on motorbikes on the piece of land behind our house, so I had to back inside. That's what you get for living in Spain - no respect for peace and quiet! :S

P.S. Actually the weather is very inviting right now, but my laptop's being repaired so I have to stay inside. What a shame!

Jenn Mercer
Jenn Mercer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 19:23
Miembro 2009
francés al inglés
Rare, but welcome Apr 21, 2009

I have worked on our front porch while watching my daughter play outside. The screen visibility is not as much of a problem as the weather and my daughter's short attention span. It does not do much good to tell her that I am busy, so it is usually best to work where I can see her, but she can't see me.

For those who have visibility problems, I would recommend an umbrella and a really good battery for your laptop so y
... See more
I have worked on our front porch while watching my daughter play outside. The screen visibility is not as much of a problem as the weather and my daughter's short attention span. It does not do much good to tell her that I am busy, so it is usually best to work where I can see her, but she can't see me.

For those who have visibility problems, I would recommend an umbrella and a really good battery for your laptop so you can ramp up the screen brightness.

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:23
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Tried and failed ... Apr 21, 2009

I would love to be able to sit outside and work but unfortunately it never works. Either the screen is invisible, or the wind blows the paper around, or something else.

I am, however, working sitting right next to an open patio door. As close as I can get to outdoors!

Cristina Heraud-van Tol
Cristina Heraud-van Tol  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:23
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
+ ...
Yes! Apr 21, 2009

I once made very technical translations for Krohne Netherlands and the people there wanted to make things easier for me, so they called me to the main headquarters in Dordrecht, and I could see directly many of the machines and tools. A specialized engineer explained me the terms and how the machines were used. It was really nice of them and helped me lots!

An American girl who suffered a terrible accident and became quadriplegic, has come to Peru to be healed with an alternative tr
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I once made very technical translations for Krohne Netherlands and the people there wanted to make things easier for me, so they called me to the main headquarters in Dordrecht, and I could see directly many of the machines and tools. A specialized engineer explained me the terms and how the machines were used. It was really nice of them and helped me lots!

An American girl who suffered a terrible accident and became quadriplegic, has come to Peru to be healed with an alternative treatment, from ancient Peruvian cultures. She's still in Peru and has improved lots. I have been accompanying her to her treatments, and we went out to have lunch too. She needed an interpreter and someone to translate certain documents to take to the USA.

Currently, I am translating a website of special products that help reduce your exposure to mobile phone radiation. So the company called me and showed me the products.

About interpretation, once an unplanned situation happened. I was enjoying my free time, visiting some Inca ruins and we were a group of about 8 people: my husband, me, and the rest were American tourists. The guide, a young girl who was working as a volunteer, could barely babble some English words and had a very hard time, trying to translate for them. At one moment, I think we all couldn't cope with the situation anymore (girl afraid and embarassed, tourists confused as they couldn't understand anything, me and my husband having to listen to all this, waste of time of everybody as we were taking longer than other groups, etc). So I took command of the situation and told the girl just to explain things in Spanish and that I would tell them to the tourists in English. It worked perfectly and both guide and tourists thanked me enormously. I didn't get paid though, but it was quite satisfying.

I once intepreted a legal wedding between a Peruvian woman and an American man who didn't know each other's language!

So my answer is yes, and plenty of times.

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:23
Miembro 2005
alemán al inglés
+ ...
That's why we built the patio Apr 21, 2009

My husband laid the brick work and we had wiring installed so that the computer cords reach the table. When it's bright out, we have a lovely large umbrella to shade the screen. This week we have daffodils, next week should see the early tulips.

Local time: 01:23
Miembro 2008
italiano al francés
+ ...
no Apr 21, 2009

I couldn't work outdoor.... I know I'll be less performant

Local time: 01:23
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes Apr 21, 2009

... on a well-shaded (for screen visibility) terrace with grape vines hangiing overhead...

Alma de Kok
Alma de Kok  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 01:23
Miembro 2006
polaco al neerlandés
+ ...
In the freezing cold Apr 21, 2009

When we moved to our new house in October 2007, we had no access to 'normal' internet. I had to make do with a mobile connection on my laptop. Unfortunately, this only worked outside of our house. I worked inside, but every now and then I moved to our terrace to search terms, send and receive emails. Quite often the temperature dropped below 5 C. Sometimes it rained and I even worked in the snow. Finally on December 10th I got properly connected to the rest of the world, so now I can choose my o... See more
When we moved to our new house in October 2007, we had no access to 'normal' internet. I had to make do with a mobile connection on my laptop. Unfortunately, this only worked outside of our house. I worked inside, but every now and then I moved to our terrace to search terms, send and receive emails. Quite often the temperature dropped below 5 C. Sometimes it rained and I even worked in the snow. Finally on December 10th I got properly connected to the rest of the world, so now I can choose my own moments of working outdoors...


Chris Lancaster
Chris Lancaster  Identity Verified
español al inglés
Yes, from early June to September Apr 21, 2009

We're fortunate enough to have an outdoor pool that's all too inviting... I spend part of most days working poolside from early June to end of Sept.

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Poll: Have you ever worked on a translation outdoors?

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