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Off topic: So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye...
Autor de la hebra: Orla Ryan
Orla Ryan
Orla Ryan  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
oh yeah! Oct 19, 2007

you've just reminded me I need to get some popsocks!

Oh well, I guess I'll have to go shopping tomorrow. What a pity

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
Best of luck! Oct 19, 2007

Look on the bright side - they can't ask you to do jobs within the hour before you've had your bath and morning coffee

Which is what one of my best clients did today! Then I was late with the next job, and... you know the story. Now I have to get dressed before my husband comes home for supper

Enjoy the colleagues and enjoy being really O
... See more
Look on the bright side - they can't ask you to do jobs within the hour before you've had your bath and morning coffee

Which is what one of my best clients did today! Then I was late with the next job, and... you know the story. Now I have to get dressed before my husband comes home for supper

Enjoy the colleagues and enjoy being really OUT OF THE OFFICE outside office hours.

Then if it doesn't work out, there will still be jobs for freelance translators as long as any of us are around.


Fabio Descalzi
Fabio Descalzi  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:52
Miembro 2004
alemán al español
+ ...
¡Muy buena suerte! Oct 19, 2007

Dear Orla,

The Gaelic-speaking woman that cheers up forums with her sympathy

A job that means commuting... pity in this age of teleworking. But if you are glad with your new activity, and you think it will be the best thing you do, then go ahead.
Wish you very good luck (that's my title).

GreetingZ from far-away Montevideo,

Deborah do Carmo
Deborah do Carmo  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Best of luck Oct 19, 2007

Enjoy, have fun back in the "real world" with the satisfaction of knowing that if it doesn't work out as planned, you'll be welcome back here with open arms.

We don't know each other from a bar of soap, but I've always enjoyed your posts and sense of humour.

Greetings from Algarve

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 04:52
A good turn for your health Oct 19, 2007

Orla Ryan wrote:

Well, this is my last day as a freelancer, so this is just a little note to say thanks to everybody here on Proz for the hours of help, encouragement, reading and indeed, entertainment over the years.

Hi Orla,

I am sure this is a good decision for your mental and physical health. Apart from doing translation I conduct city tours on a freelance basis as well. I realize how well I can sleep at night if I finish the day with 2 tours, whereas it would be a long, difficult struggle to fall into sleep after translating late into the evening.

Well, translating is rewarding, in the way that you constantly learn new things, and it is demanding, in the way that your can't just shut down your mind as you like.


[Edited at 2007-10-19 16:59]

Yolanda Bello Olvera
Yolanda Bello Olvera  Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
All the best! Oct 19, 2007

I was offered a similar change yesterday and the very same day I said 'no' as I intend to resume my French and German lessons and Gastronomy in January.

I wish you have a great deal of fun in this new stage of your career.

All the best from Mexico City!


Daniel Bird
Daniel Bird  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 07:52
alemán al inglés
All the best Orla Oct 19, 2007

...having recently done the same thing and today just banked the first pay cheque I can testify to some significant benefits in the odd spell away from freelancing.
And there are so many ways to spend commuting time.

[Edited at 2007-10-19 17:28]

Henry Hinds
Henry Hinds  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 01:52
inglés al español
+ ...
In Memoriam
Please tell us how you adapt Oct 19, 2007

When I quit my job at a public agency years ago, I swore I would never again be anyone's employee. Now and then I would even have nightmares about having to go back, but I never did. I could never even consider it.

Please tell us how you adapt. I don't think it's easy going from freelance back to employee. Of course, there may be other perks involved that make it attractive.

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
Miembro 2003
francés al italiano
+ ...
Good luck Orla Oct 19, 2007

All the best and
I wish you have a great career.

Bye bye!

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 04:52
Individual thing Oct 19, 2007

Henry Hinds wrote:
When I quit my job at a public agency years ago, I swore I would never again be anyone's employee. Now and then I would even have nightmares about having to go back, but I never did. I could never even consider it.

It all depends on your character, personality and ect. I've never had an office job because I can't get along with people I dislike . What makes it worse is that poeple know it immediately if I don't like them.

This is me.

[Edited at 2007-10-19 18:02]

Orla Ryan
Orla Ryan  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:52
transition Oct 19, 2007

Henry Hinds wrote:
Please tell us how you adapt. I don't think it's easy going from freelance back to employee. Of course, there may be other perks involved that make it attractive.

thanks guys It is going to be a quite a change, but the job itself is a nice transition, which should ease the pain somewhat. I'll be working with the Irish language and with the same client profile as before (govt & EU bodies) but at a consultant level. The job is suited to someone used to working on their own and it has a lot of scope - it is whatever I make it. So fingers xed!

I just couldn't take another year of rate negotiations, late payments and mundane boring texts, so I started looking around for other roles with a good all-round package. I can't get a mortgage on a freelancer salary and I'd like to get my own place at some stage. So there you have it.

As long as I've got a fully charged iPod and book, I guess I'll manage the train journey just fine

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:52
español al inglés
+ ...
Not go0odbye Oct 20, 2007

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
Fremde, etranger, stranger.
Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante,
Happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay.

You'll still be around , right:-)

Merely in a different role /and maybe back amongst us whe n you realise .... hey I don't like bosses and I can choose not to have one:-)

wordsworldwi (X)
wordsworldwi (X)
Local time: 08:52
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Good luck! Oct 20, 2007

And all the best for this new chapter in your life, and pop in from time to time!

Maria Grazia

Kemal Mustajbegovic
Kemal Mustajbegovic  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:52
inglés al croata
+ ...
Best of luck (Puno sreće) Oct 20, 2007

... and welcome back to the real world.
I have to commute twice or three times a week and find it pain in the neck.

Keep us posted.

Cheers from Down Under!


John Farebrother
John Farebrother  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
francés al inglés
+ ...
Slan leibh Oct 20, 2007

Agus gun teid an obair ur gu math ruibh.

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So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye...

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