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Poll: Do you consider that ProZ.com has helped you to reach and get new clients?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Aug 16, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you consider that ProZ.com has helped you to reach and get new clients?".

This poll was originally submitted by RosárioQuadros. View the poll results »

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Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:35
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Yes! Aug 16, 2016

My answer should be between definitely and to a certain extent. I have been a member since 2007 and most of my new customers have come through Proz.com. Usually, I’m contacted directly as I no longer bid on Proz jobs (I did a lot at the very beginning!), because posters seem to be looking for the cheapest translators…

Local time: 09:35
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Aug 16, 2016

That isn't why I joined proz in the first place. I signed up mainly out of curiosity and because I like the kudoz feature. I already had half a dozen or so regular clients and sufficient work to keep me going, and although I have made a couple of contacts through proz, 99% of my work still comes through word-of-mouth recommendation fromfriends, colleagues or satisfied customers.

Ana Vozone
Ana Vozone  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:35
Miembro 2010
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Yes, definitely Aug 16, 2016

Most of my new clients now come from Proz, and I have to say that fine-tuning my profile has generated some pretty good "matches" (clients that are willing to pay my rates for specific subject areas).
So, I think Proz is a great source of new clients and it is also hugely helpful in avoiding bad payers.
And Proz in general makes for "great company" ...

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Aug 16, 2016

It's more like I've been reached by clients rather than me reaching them.

I ignore the majority of "offers" I receive, mostly due to excruciating combinations of specific software requirements, low rates, lack of professionalism on the part of the inquirer, etc.

The ones I have decided to work with have, in general, been good clients and some are even long-term.

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
Miembro 2012
inglés al danés
+ ...
Yes, definitely Aug 16, 2016

Most of my best clients have contacted me through my profile on Proz.com

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 00:35
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes, quite a few Aug 16, 2016

I have gotten some nice clients through the ProZ membership index--clients who have approached me directly. The job postings have not worked out for me because most of the posters seem to be looking for cheap translators.

That said, my best clients have come to me via word of mouth or as a result of my 20-odd years working as an in-house translator.

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
francés al inglés
In a way Aug 16, 2016

Never directly, not in bidding for jobs for example, where the rates offered are below break-even rates. I am not about to start working at a loss.
I ignore all mass-mail requests as a matter of principle, for the same reasons.
Occasionally, an agent has contacted me through the ProZ pages, but again, the rates they are willing to pay mean working at a loss, it never goes further.
However, where I do get the occasional job, is through being referred to by fellow members. The
... See more
Never directly, not in bidding for jobs for example, where the rates offered are below break-even rates. I am not about to start working at a loss.
I ignore all mass-mail requests as a matter of principle, for the same reasons.
Occasionally, an agent has contacted me through the ProZ pages, but again, the rates they are willing to pay mean working at a loss, it never goes further.
However, where I do get the occasional job, is through being referred to by fellow members. The exposure on this site enables others to see how you work and the sort of suggestions you come up with. They also see how you behave. Being competent is one thing; being professional in one's behaviour, including knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, is something you get evidence of on the site too. There are some competent people I'd not really want to work with.

[Edited at 2016-08-16 11:37 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:35
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
You're absolutely right! Aug 16, 2016

Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote:

The exposure on this site enables others to see how you work and the sort of suggestions you come up with. They also see how you behave. Being competent is one thing; being professional in one's behaviour, including knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, is something you get evidence of on the site too. There are some competent people I'd not really want to work with.

[Edited at 2016-08-16 11:37 GMT]

I do outsource occasionally and thanks to Kudoz (and other forums) I know exactly with whom I’ll be happy to work…

[Edited at 2016-08-16 13:56 GMT]

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Definitely Aug 16, 2016

I would say all my current clients have come from Proz.com, either directly or by word of mouth. I have a large number of clients in the Hamburg area despite living in Southern Europe. This is due to people taking my contact details with them or remembering it when they change company.

Pascale van Kempen-Herlant
Pascale van Kempen-Herlant
Local time: 09:35
neerlandés al francés
+ ...
The same for me, Nikki Aug 16, 2016

Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote:

Never directly, not in bidding for jobs for example, where the rates offered are below break-even rates. I am not about to start working at a loss.
I ignore all mass-mail requests as a matter of principle, for the same reasons.
Occasionally, an agent has contacted me through the ProZ pages, but again, the rates they are willing to pay mean working at a loss, it never goes further.
However, where I do get the occasional job, is through being referred to by fellow members. The exposure on this site enables others to see how you work and the sort of suggestions you come up with. They also see how you behave. Being competent is one thing; being professional in one's behaviour, including knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, is something you get evidence of on the site too. There are some competent people I'd not really want to work with.

[Edited at 2016-08-16 11:37 GMT]

DZiW (X)
DZiW (X)
inglés al ruso
+ ...
A fallacy Aug 16, 2016

If I am to consider ProZ in this view, then (1) either it couldn't help me to reach new clients -OR- (2) everything (including ProZ) helps me; which is obviously not true, assuming the air, the water, food, and everything else helps me very much more;)

However, I didn't really use ProZ to find new clients, nor intend to.

Sadek_A  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:35
inglés al árabe
+ ...
Competency vs Pleasing Aug 16, 2016

Any client looking for more than mere competency from a translator must be having an underripe personality for sure.

After all, we are not in the sweet businesses of 'massage' and 'dating', where one should touch softly and tread lightly, or maybe even throw a 'happy ending' to the service package.

Working in translation industry is all about hitting the nail on the head, not about pleasing and becoming besties.

Would a patient overlook a competent surgeon
... See more
Any client looking for more than mere competency from a translator must be having an underripe personality for sure.

After all, we are not in the sweet businesses of 'massage' and 'dating', where one should touch softly and tread lightly, or maybe even throw a 'happy ending' to the service package.

Working in translation industry is all about hitting the nail on the head, not about pleasing and becoming besties.

Would a patient overlook a competent surgeon because the latter isn't pleasing the former enough?!

Would a corps overlook a competent soldier because he/she isn't a fun-material?!

I would understand that talk coming from a company, as some companies want the translator to be a dancing monkey at their commands.

However, we, translators, shouldn't be propagating such notions, as they are the very definition of unprofessionalism. Period.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 03:35
Numbers differ for members / non-members Aug 16, 2016

Not surprisingly, in this poll the responses differ significantly depending on membership status. Right now (with 677 votes in), when grouped by membership type, the percentages are as follows:


Yes, definitely 60.6%
Yes, to a certain extent 32.0%
No 5.2%
Other - N/A 2.3%


Yes, definitely 24.4%
Yes, to a certain extent 37.6%
No 34.0%
Other - N/A 4.1%

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Poll: Do you consider that ProZ.com has helped you to reach and get new clients?

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