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Poll: Do you ask your clients to confirm that they have received translations you send them?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jan 21, 2014

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you ask your clients to confirm that they have received translations you send them?".

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Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 12:36
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Sometimes Jan 21, 2014

I've I'm going out or away on holiday and won't be in a position to resend, I'll specifically ask for confirmation. Normally, I don't need to as the clients acknowledge anyway. Occasionally I'll chase up to confirm if otherwise reliable clients haven't got back to me.

Gayle Wallimann
Gayle Wallimann  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:36
Miembro 2004
francés al inglés
+ ...
Always ask for confirmation Jan 21, 2014

I strongly urge everyone to ask for confirmation for deliveries. The internet is not infallible!
I have heard about many unfortunate experiences due to translations not being received and
no confirmations being asked for, all due to internet problems...

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:36
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Yes Jan 21, 2014

Only if they don't do it of their own accord. So 'sometimes', I suppose.
Like Mary, I'll make a point of asking for quick confirmation if I plan to be out of the office and unable to respond to any queries and requests such as data resends, in particular.

Most of my customers are well-trained, though.

DianeGM  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:36
Miembro 2006
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Yes .... Jan 21, 2014

It is a standard line in the mail with which I deliver every translation.
Mostly the recipients confirm right away too.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 04:36
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
Of course Jan 21, 2014

I didn't used to, but I've learned the hard way that I want to hear from the client right away that the job has been safely received.

Giovanna Alessandra Meloni
Giovanna Alessandra Meloni  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:36
español al italiano
+ ...
sometimes Jan 21, 2014

Most of them send me a message as soon as they receive the translation, so I don't need to ask.

Local time: 13:36
español al inglés
+ ...
Sometimes Jan 21, 2014

When necessary, as some clients can be very ad hoc. For example, every 2 months some colleagues and I do translations and proofing as well as editing, summarising etc, for a magazine. The Editor is totally scatty and never seems to know who is doing what or where the files may be at any given time. For example, I kept getting text messages all weekend saying "your missing files please") but when I finally heard from him on Monday (5 days after his original deadline) it turned out he simply neede... See more
When necessary, as some clients can be very ad hoc. For example, every 2 months some colleagues and I do translations and proofing as well as editing, summarising etc, for a magazine. The Editor is totally scatty and never seems to know who is doing what or where the files may be at any given time. For example, I kept getting text messages all weekend saying "your missing files please") but when I finally heard from him on Monday (5 days after his original deadline) it turned out he simply needed another couple of texts modified/checked and there weren't any of my promptly delivered texts "missing". So, it might be a good idea to get him to confirm receipt... but then again, this nightmare client often doesn't bother answering emails either.
However, luckily enough most of my regular clients don't need any prodding and reminding and I usually return their translated material quickly, so once I have sent off their translated files, it's usually a case of "no news is good news".

PS: I do usually ask for confirmation when my internet or mail server has been acting up, which happens from time to time. Yahoo mail can be particularly hit-and-miss.

[Edited at 2014-01-21 08:57 GMT]

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:36
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Always Jan 21, 2014

This is a standard line in my emails. Most of my clients confirm the receipt of the translated file (also of the invoices), while I don't hear from others until the next project arrives.

Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 13:36
Miembro 2012
inglés al neerlandés
+ ...
Standard Jan 21, 2014

I always ask for confirmation of receipt of translations. I don't ask clients to confirm receipt of invoices, although most do so anyway. If I know the use a different CAT-tool, I specifically ask them to confirm they can open the bilingual files, having learned from experience where both sides got a bit panicked until their Technical Services sorted it out with one click...

M. Anna Kańduła
M. Anna Kańduła  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 12:36
inglés al polaco
Always Jan 21, 2014

Some of my regulars don't need a prompt, but I still always ask for confirmation.

Especially if it's a new or one-time client. I send my invoice together with the translation, so if they confirm receipt of the files, they confirm receipt of the invoice too!

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:36
español al inglés
+ ...
Sometimes Jan 21, 2014

Giovanna Alessandra Meloni wrote:

Most of them send me a message as soon as they receive the translation, so I don't need to ask.

That's pretty much how it works for me too, although sometimes I do request confirmation.

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Reino Unido
Miembro 2011
sueco al inglés
+ ...
No Jan 21, 2014

1. It's common courtesy for them to confirm receipt unprompted
2. They'll soon let you know if they haven't had something they need

But it doesn't do any harm

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:36
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
No, but... Jan 21, 2014

Only because they practically always do acknowledge without being asked.

If not, I check my 'Sent mail' folder couple of times, wait a couple of hours and then enquire whether the translation got through - I hate not knowing!

Clients' own mysterious servers for uploading translations can be a pain. I do not know for sure whether they have worked, but if in doubt, I send the translation to the PM by ordinary mail as well, to be on the safe side.

One favouri
... See more
Only because they practically always do acknowledge without being asked.

If not, I check my 'Sent mail' folder couple of times, wait a couple of hours and then enquire whether the translation got through - I hate not knowing!

Clients' own mysterious servers for uploading translations can be a pain. I do not know for sure whether they have worked, but if in doubt, I send the translation to the PM by ordinary mail as well, to be on the safe side.

One favourite client has an efficient server that tells me what I have sent... why can't they all do that?

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
inglés al portugués
+ ...
In Memoriam
Many things may go wrong Jan 21, 2014

A few examples that have already happened to me...

1. The client's e-mail server strips attachments before delivering a message. They have to request attachments by referring to the specific message to their IT department.

2. A PM asked me to upload the finished job to a specified folder on their FTP server. I delivered it two days before the deadline. Two weeks later she wrote me asking when I would deliver it, and I had to tell her it had been sitting on their FTP - a
... See more
A few examples that have already happened to me...

1. The client's e-mail server strips attachments before delivering a message. They have to request attachments by referring to the specific message to their IT department.

2. A PM asked me to upload the finished job to a specified folder on their FTP server. I delivered it two days before the deadline. Two weeks later she wrote me asking when I would deliver it, and I had to tell her it had been sitting on their FTP - as requested - for 16 days already.

3. Some clients send the translator files via some transfer service (e.g. YouSendIt/HighTail, WeTransfer, etc.). but have it accidentally listed on their antispam, making it necessary for me to forward them the service's notification with the link for download from MY e-mail.

4. A few DAYS after I've sent the (urgent?) job, I get a message from the Mailer Daemon that "recipient does not like sender", or that the client's mailbox is full, over quota, or whatever, so it "gave up" and eventually bounced the message.

5. A careless/impulsive proofreader sends the final job back to me (translator) alone, and not to the client.

6. Snail or express (physical) mail delivers to the client's office building. Receipt is signed by the (hassled/careless) receptionist, who accidentally puts it in the wrong pigeonhole. It goes to the wrong office, and stays there until the client does some detective work in their building.

In view of all this, unless they confirm receipt on their own within 24 hours, I ask them.

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Poll: Do you ask your clients to confirm that they have received translations you send them?

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