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Poll: Are you more likely to sleep late or stay up late?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jan 5, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Are you more likely to sleep late or stay up late?".

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Filipa Plant dos Santos
Filipa Plant dos Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
portugués al inglés
Early bird! Jan 5, 2013

I only stay up late if I have a job to give in and need to work, otherwise I aim for 10pm in bed, at the very very latest. Up at 6am every day though.

This all changes on a Saturday night, as Scandinavian crime-drama double-bills on (UK Freeview) TV don't finish til 11pm otherwise, early nights are the rule.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Stay up late! Jan 5, 2013

I rarely go to bed before midnight and I am usually up at about 7:30/8 am...

Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
Go to sleep late Jan 5, 2013

I could not make sense of this question for a few minutes.

If I stay up late, I sleep (in) late. (Not actually the case.)
The converse is true: If I sleep (in) late, I am able to stay up late (=way past my bedtime).

If I go to sleep late, it means I am staying up late. So, my answer would be that I am more likely to do both, or neither.

If I go to sleep late, I still wake up early. Then, the next night, I go to sleep early, and sleep until I wake up (
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I could not make sense of this question for a few minutes.

If I stay up late, I sleep (in) late. (Not actually the case.)
The converse is true: If I sleep (in) late, I am able to stay up late (=way past my bedtime).

If I go to sleep late, it means I am staying up late. So, my answer would be that I am more likely to do both, or neither.

If I go to sleep late, I still wake up early. Then, the next night, I go to sleep early, and sleep until I wake up (no alarm).

Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man
(woman, person, citizen, human being, alien) healthy, wealthy (note what you have to do to raise your rates) and wise (that the getting of wisdom could be so easy!).

I still cannot make sense of the question. I did not vote.

Dr Sarai Pahla, MBChB
Dr Sarai Pahla, MBChB
Local time: 15:35
Miembro 2012
japonés al inglés
+ ...
Stay up late/Night Owl Jan 5, 2013

I get most of my work done between 6pm and midnight - that's when I'm most productive. However, I wake up at 5am in the morning, so I tend to nap during the day for 2 -3 hours, which is pretty much the only reason I can function late into the night.
When things are really hectic, I will shorten the amount of time I sleep at night (e.g wake up at 4am) but make the afternoon nap slightly longer. Fortunately that is now the exception rather than the rule!

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
Miembro 2007
+ ...
Stay up (very) late; get up asap Jan 5, 2013

When I lived in France, I was always tucked up by 11-ish but I actually have a major 'problem' now I've moved to Fuerteventura.

On the one hand, I'm on UK time (which is odd, seeing as I live in Spain) and most of my clients are an hour later: they get to the office at 9 a.m., not realising/caring that it's only 8 a.m. "chez moi". On the other hand, there's the music scene here: I advise music lovers everywhere to holi
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When I lived in France, I was always tucked up by 11-ish but I actually have a major 'problem' now I've moved to Fuerteventura.

On the one hand, I'm on UK time (which is odd, seeing as I live in Spain) and most of my clients are an hour later: they get to the office at 9 a.m., not realising/caring that it's only 8 a.m. "chez moi". On the other hand, there's the music scene here: I advise music lovers everywhere to holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura, for intimate bars with live music every day of the week at normal bar prices (and beautiful beaches under year-round sunshine - winter at the moment but 21°C in my office with the window open!) As hubbie is a semi-pro musician, I kick into my secondary role as his roadie and N°1 fan in the evening. Several times a week, we get to bed as late as 2 a.m (well, 4.30 a.m. once).

If any clients are reading this: I am still in business and I do guarantee to deliver within deadline and it will be top quality. I'm just living life like a duck: all seems calm on the surface but what you don't see is that underneath I'm kicking like hell to make headway. I think it's what's often called 'burning the candle at both ends'. Still, it's great fun!!! I just ought to have done it at 27 rather than 57

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:35
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
??? Jan 5, 2013

I prefer to work late since I get a lot more work done in the evening because of fewer distractions. At least, that's my take on the question.

Like Allison, I am scratching my head because I'm not sure of the logic of this poll and what it can achieve other than confusing at least two of us pollsters.

And a "Both work late and sleep late" option would have made more sense, if that's the right w
... See more
I prefer to work late since I get a lot more work done in the evening because of fewer distractions. At least, that's my take on the question.

Like Allison, I am scratching my head because I'm not sure of the logic of this poll and what it can achieve other than confusing at least two of us pollsters.

And a "Both work late and sleep late" option would have made more sense, if that's the right way of putting it in this situation. Alternatively, was the question meant to be "Are you more likely to got to bed early instead of staying up late?" or "Are you a night owl or an early bird?" (as Sarai suggestes) or something along those lines?
I have an inkling that these kinds of polls are "Anonymous" because noone wants to own up to them.

Again, like Allison, I am still trying to figure out the logic. My brain is beginning to hurt. I don't want to stay up late trying to figure out this one. Hmmm

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Night owl anyway Jan 5, 2013

Usually I stay up late to work at night when my surroundings are much quieter.
But lately I've still been getting up early, between 05:00 and 06:00. Guess at my age I need less sleep.

Jana Kinská
Jana Kinská  Identity Verified
República Checa
Local time: 15:35
inglés al checo
+ ...
I don't get it either... Jan 5, 2013

Like some of you, I don't get it either. :/

I usually go to bed late, around midnight or even later, and thus get up late.
I am a night owl so there were times, when studying for university exams, for instance, when I went to bed with the sunrise. Happy to be over it.

Marlene Blanshay
Marlene Blanshay  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
Miembro 2009
francés al inglés
+ ...
up late, sleep late Jan 5, 2013

I often work at night especially if I have a next day deadline for UK or EU. I'd rather just stay up late and finish it and then sleep in!

I'm kind of nocturnal anyways so it works for me.

Rolf Kern
Rolf Kern  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
inglés al alemán
+ ...
In Memoriam
Other Jan 5, 2013

Sleep late AND stand up late

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
+ ...
Sometimes staying up late, others, waking up late Jan 5, 2013

Julian Holmes wrote:

...And a "Both work late and sleep late" option would have made more sense, if that's the right way of putting it in this situation. Alternatively, was the question meant to be "Are you more likely to got to bed early instead of staying up late?" or "Are you a night owl or an early bird?" (as Sarai suggestes) or something along those lines?
I have an inkling that these kinds of polls are "Anonymous" because noone wants to own up to them.

Again, like Allison, I am still trying to figure out the logic. My brain is beginning to hurt. I don't want to stay up late trying to figure out this one. Hmmm

The idea that we can be classified as morning persons or night persons is obsolete and I suspect it has been discarded by recent studies. I won't go as far as to say that it's been “clinically proven” (another annoying invention of American marketeers), but the same individual may be both a morning and a night person. Ask any parent, hahaha.

Chun Un
Chun Un  Identity Verified
Miembro 2007
inglés al chino
+ ...
Stay up late and wake up early Jan 5, 2013

but I take a nap in between

inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
francés al alemán
+ ...
Other Jan 5, 2013

My initial reaction was

I decided to vote "other" since I tend to go to sleep fairly early (10 or 11-ish) and get up fairly early (5:30 during the week, around 6:00 or 6:30 on weekends, although I tend to need a bit more sleep in winter and may even sleep until 7:00). I like getting up early, my most productive time is definitely in the morning.

David Young (X)
David Young (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
danés al inglés
Sorry, but I don't understand the question Jan 5, 2013

If I (go to) sleep late, that means I stay up late.
If I sleep late in the morning, it's usually because I've gone to bed late the night before.
There is no dichotomy in the question as I read it. Maybe someone can enlighten those of us who don't understand.

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Poll: Are you more likely to sleep late or stay up late?

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