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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translators' Christmas night out

December 4, 2014, 8:00 pm
Reino UnidoEdinburghIn personinglés
Dear Edinburgh Translators

Please note that the signup deadline for the Edinburgh Translators' Christmas Night Out has now passed

Please do not add your name to the list below! If you have any queries, please call me on 07932 596533.

Thanks to everyone who signed up and paid their deposit. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday!

Cheers for now, and best wishes as ever


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (30) / Confirmed: 25
Name NoteWill Attend
Julian Wagstaff  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Can't wait :-)  y
Thomas Roberts   ...  y
Judith McLean   ...  y
Marion Lurf   Can't miss this!  y
Paul Harrison MITI   ...  y
Vivien Green   ...  y
Eleonore Wapler   ...  y
Miranda Stewart   ...  y
Tomoyuki Kono   ...  y
Ayla Pariyar   I won't miss this and Annika won't either :)  y
David Miralles Pérez   ...  y
Carla Davidson   ...  y
Ramon Inglada   ...  n
chicanni   Looking forward to seeing you all!  y
Nadege Weightman   ...  y
Jenni Brodie   ...  y
Yueshi Gu   ...  y
Emmanuelle Hingant   Sorry, I have another meeting that evening! Have fun.  n
David Tugwell   ...  y
XIsabel Adey (X)   ...  y
Graeme High   Sorry cannot make it - hope it goes with a bang!  n
Maya Garcia   ...  y
Patrick Jones   Sounds like a great night but I'll be away. Hope you all have fun :-)  n
David MacKintosh   ...  n
Sarah Magee   ...  y
Stuart Taylor   ...  y
emmalmillar9   ...  y
XMatthew Beeston (X)   Oh how time flies!  y
Mirjam Urfer   ...  y
Esmiuk   ...  y

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