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Poll: What kind of computer do you use for work?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jul 13, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What kind of computer do you use for work?".

This poll was originally submitted by Amy Duncan. View the poll results »

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Depends on time of year Jul 13, 2012

I'm sure people will give all sorts of technical reasons for the type of computer they use. My reasons are quite down to earth. In the summer my office is hot and stuffy, so I use a laptop out in the living room where it's cooler.

In the winter I use my desktop, as it's faster and has more useful software on it and ambient temperature isn't an issue.

Local time: 06:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Combo Jul 13, 2012

Mainly a PC when working from home. I also have a backup PC in my spare room, which is actually faster than my main PC, and I use it when I need to work in Open Office, or the main PC is down for maintenance or whatever. Most of the time I just use the 2nd PC as a radio, as I prefer the music to be in the background, and visiting friends or colleagues (or, which often comes in handy, their kids) can use it too.
I also have one laptop for when I need to work away, but since it's W7 I don't
... See more
Mainly a PC when working from home. I also have a backup PC in my spare room, which is actually faster than my main PC, and I use it when I need to work in Open Office, or the main PC is down for maintenance or whatever. Most of the time I just use the 2nd PC as a radio, as I prefer the music to be in the background, and visiting friends or colleagues (or, which often comes in handy, their kids) can use it too.
I also have one laptop for when I need to work away, but since it's W7 I don't use it much (I still hate it and prefer XP).
I also have another old laptop which now serves mostly as an internet TV receiver for entertainment, although at a pinch I could still use it for work, but s-l-ow-l-y, because I it has a UK OS and a Spanish keyboard so the keys are in all the wrong places...

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:17
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Mainly Jul 13, 2012

my super fast PC with three monitors in my cooool office.

During the summer times, I sometims grab my laptop and go onto the balcony in the afternoon and also enjoy a good old cigar when translating.

Mike Sadler (X)
Mike Sadler (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 05:17
español al inglés
+ ...
A fanless desktop Jul 13, 2012

No fans means (that should get the pedants going: should that verb be singular or plural?) no computer noise and I really like the absence of computer noise. There are plenty of quiet solutions out there, but I've gone the whole hog.

Carmen Grabs
Carmen Grabs
Local time: 06:17
Miembro 2012
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Just about thinking to buy a new computer Jul 13, 2012

... so what a good idea to get one without a fan (didn't even know about this option). I thought a desktop PC has more power than a laptop, and the guy in the store yesterday told me everything from I5 and higher is good to process a lot of data.

Do you mean the verb "means"? Shouldn't it be "meaning"? Sorry, just thinking aloud, not an english native.

Alison Sabedoria (X)
Alison Sabedoria (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
francés al inglés
+ ...
Old desk PC + new laptop combo Jul 13, 2012

I prefer to handle documents on my big old - but highly personalised - PC. The new wide screen allows me to have both source and target documents nice and legible, side by side.

The newer and very fast laptop is normally alongside for whizzing round the internet, checking references, showing the client's website "live" while I tinker around in the works, etc.

In quieter moments, I might sit with my feet up and potter about on the laptop, but it never feels like "serious
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I prefer to handle documents on my big old - but highly personalised - PC. The new wide screen allows me to have both source and target documents nice and legible, side by side.

The newer and very fast laptop is normally alongside for whizzing round the internet, checking references, showing the client's website "live" while I tinker around in the works, etc.

In quieter moments, I might sit with my feet up and potter about on the laptop, but it never feels like "serious" work. Habit, I suppose...

[Edited at 2012-07-13 09:32 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Desktop PC + laptop Jul 13, 2012

Two desktop PCs (one in Brussels, one in Lisbon) + one laptop when on the move...

Clara Chassany
Clara Chassany  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:17
Miembro 2012
finlandés al francés
+ ...
A Mac laptop Jul 13, 2012

I definitely prefer a laptop because I can easily travel with it and work anywhere. And I know my Mac won't let me down, at this point I couldn't get used to a PC anymore, a Mac is more efficient and almost never bugs. The only disadvantage is Trados doesn't work on it...

[Edited at 2012-07-13 10:43 GMT]

Filipa Plant dos Santos
Filipa Plant dos Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
portugués al inglés
I prefer the PC! Jul 13, 2012

Clara Chassany wrote:

I definitely prefer a laptop because I can easily travel with it and work anywhere. And I know my Mac won't let me down, at this point I couldn't get used to a PC anymore, a Mac is more efficient and almost never bugs. The only disadvantage is Trados doesn't work on it...

[Edited at 2012-07-13 10:43 GMT]

I have to say I'm the opposite from Clara.

After having macs for the last don't know how many years, and new MacBook Pro for a year now, I chose to buy a PC so that I could use Studio 2011 on it - I know I could have put it on the Mac, but the cost of upgrading the Mac to how I wanted it, and to put Windows on it etc - well - in the end I just bought an inexpensive PC and use that for Studio.

But now I prefer it - oh the joy of right-clicking - I love it!

I work on the PC for the actual work, and the Mac for research, looking at the client website etc.

The Mac is lovely though, 'touch' wise, everything about it is nice. It clicks nicely, it opens and shuts nicely, and at night, it glows beautifully - and I've only just noticed, the keyboard is sort of backlit, and when I take my hands away, the lights go off, and when I go back to the keyboard, they light up again (well - sometimes). Woah! hours and hours of fun...

All I want now is an extra screen to plug in, a nice big one, for looking at my old friends, the scanned .pdfs, and a massive desk, and I'll be in translation heaven.

jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Desktop with two screens Jul 13, 2012

The recent addition of a second screen has made my life much easier!

My thanks to everyone who suggested this!

Bruno Depascale
Bruno Depascale  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:17
Miembro 2009
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Trados on Macbook-pro: it works like magic Jul 13, 2012

Clara Chassany wrote:

I definitely prefer a laptop because I can easily travel with it and work anywhere. And I know my Mac won't let me down, at this point I couldn't get used to a PC anymore, a Mac is more efficient and almost never bugs. The only disadvantage is Trados doesn't work on it...

[Edited at 2012-07-13 10:43 GMT]

Dear Clara,
Trados works on it like magic with parallels desktop...


Patricia Charnet
Patricia Charnet
Reino Unido
Local time: 05:17
Miembro 2009
inglés al francés
pc Jul 13, 2012

for the moment mainly on pc sometimes on laptop when travelling for interpreting

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:17
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
A combo Jul 13, 2012

Mainly I use my - not old - PC, since it has more software on it. The large screen enables me to comfortably display source and target documents, so that's a plus.
I mainly use my laptop for reference checking and creative work, and also to listen to some music when I feel like it.

For the transfer of data they're either both connected to the external hard drive or by means of a memory stick.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
inglés al español
+ ...
I'm in the minority Jul 13, 2012

My current setup:

a) A Lenovo desktop with Core i7 chipset, 8 GB of RAM and 2 1TB internal HDD (not counting the external HDDs attached to it). Windows 7 Professional (64 bits).
b) Two 23-inch LG monitors of the IPS kind (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPS_panel), sitting side by side.
c) A 17-inch Hewlett-Packard laptop (64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium), sitting on a laptop
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My current setup:

a) A Lenovo desktop with Core i7 chipset, 8 GB of RAM and 2 1TB internal HDD (not counting the external HDDs attached to it). Windows 7 Professional (64 bits).
b) Two 23-inch LG monitors of the IPS kind (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPS_panel), sitting side by side.
c) A 17-inch Hewlett-Packard laptop (64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium), sitting on a laptop table on my left.
d) a 17-inch MacBook Pro, equipped with OSX 10.7 Snow Leopard and Windows 7 Home Premium via BootCamp.
e) Windows XP SP3 in a virtual environment via VMWare Player (free) inside Windows 7 in my MacBook Pro (for very specific projects).

I alternate between the PC and the MacBook Pro for travel, although I prefer the PC since it cost me less than $400 over a year ago, but the Mac laptop cost me $1800.

Why PC and MAC? I do some desktop publishing for some clients.

Does it look like I am showing off? I hope so)

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