X-Sampa trnscription rates
Autor de la hebra: Nesrine Echroudi
Nesrine Echroudi
Nesrine Echroudi
inglés al francés
+ ...
Jul 17, 2018

Hi! I received a transcription job offer where I am asked to listen to audio files and transcribe
using a phonetic alphabet, like X-SAMPA. How much should I rate such a transcription considering that I rate standard transcriptions 5 Euros per minute? Thank you for your help

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 19:37
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
For X-SAMPA Jul 17, 2018

Nesrine Echroudi wrote:
I received a transcription job offer where I am asked to listen to audio files and transcribe
using a phonetic alphabet, like X-SAMPA. How much should I rate such a transcription, considering that I rate standard transcriptions EUR 5 per minute?

Well, the answer depends on your transcription speed, doesn't it?

I know nothing of SAMPA except that I've just glanced at the Wikipedia page, but from what I can see, you'll often have to type two letters for a single sound, and you often have to switch between uppercase and lowercase, which is going to impact your speed as well. How much slower does it take you to type "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVxYz" compared to typing "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz"? For me, it took about four times as long. And typing characters not under the standard finger positions will take even longer (e.g. all those underscores). So if I were to guess, I'd suspect that even if you can identify the sounds easily, typing in X-SAMPA would take up to 10 times longer than normal transcription.

Is that your experience as well?

[Edited at 2018-07-17 15:22 GMT]

Nesrine Echroudi
Christophe Delaunay

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X-Sampa trnscription rates

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