Powwow Report for Italia - Rome (May 20 2011)

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Report from  Daniela Zambrini
At 6:00 pm on May 20th the Tika Club welcomed over 60 ProZians and friends for the pre-conference Powwow

Drinks and finger food were served in the garden

As the evening went on with music and laughter and guests arrived to join the fun with family and friends, a wonderful sunset lit up the background...

Thank you for being there!

Daniela :-)

Photos from  Daniela Zambrini

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Monika Hamernikova
Lea Sagman
AllisonK (X)
corinne durand
Erik Hansson
Attila Piróth
Sture Axelsson
John O'Brien
Hynek Palatin
Manuela Junghans
Svetlana Potton
Claire Cox
Marek Buchtel
Laura Huttu
Daniela Zambrini
Paula Ribeiro
Paolo Troiani
John Di Rico
Angelica Kjellström
Stephanie Billeter
Kalinka Hristova
Pavel Janoušek
Nigel Saych
Hristina Dojčinova
Laureana Pavon
Henry Jansen, Ph.D.
Lucy Hofland
Drew MacFadyen
Daniel Šebesta
Sales Admin
Mary Moritz
David Smith
Tom Van Cleempoel (X)
Alejandra Pérez
Camilla Ferard
Gary Smith Lawson
Laura Carolina Collada Ali (X)
Stefano Gubian
Translapro (X)
Barbara Zaskórska
Benny De Becker
Austria Kann
Raffaella Massaroli
Maria Pereira
Claudia Schreiner
Haize van Kammen
Terhi Havila
Carmen Mustile
Inga Michaeli
Axelle Arbonnier
Roger Stewart

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 29 '11  Camilla Ferard: Rome Proz Conference
Thank you Daniela for all your hard work in making this conference a very informative and enjoyable event!
May 29 '11  Lea Sagman: ProZ conference in Rome
A big thank you to Daniela for all the hard work she put in organizing this wonderful event. I had a great time.
May 26 '11  Austria Kann: Thank you Daniela and Proz.com
I had a great time and learned new things. Memories of this event will be in my mind forever. I am looking forward to being part of another Prozian conference as soon as possible!!!
May 26 '11  Helena Diaz del Real: Thank you very much, Daniela!
I just arrived back home and can only say WOW! Thank you very much, Daniela, for making this confernce such a great success, such a wonderful event and for giving all attendees the marvelous chance to meet old and new colleagues! Congratulations for the great job you did, Daniela! It was definetely a great job you did!
May 26 '11  Gary Smith Lawson: Nice time
Thanks to Dani for the organisation. Great to see old and new friends. :.)
May 25 '11  Claire Cox: Fantastic conference
Thanks again Daniela for all your hard work - it was a great conference and I thoroughly enjoyed all the social events too. Looking forward to the next one - Rome will be hard to beat!
May 25 '11  Henry Jansen, Ph.D.: Conference
Thanks Daniela for organizing a conference in a truly amazing and fascinating city.
May 25 '11  Sylvie Pelissier: Great weekend overall
Thank you everyone especially Daniela for this excellent in-person conference... I missed my flight so I stayed an extra day in the eternal city!
See you soon, I hope our roads will lead us to Roma again!
May 25 '11  Paolo Troiani: Great Powwow- Evening!
One more thank to Daniela! I spent a very good evening at Tikka Club. Good food and wine, nice colleagues, what else? :-)
May 25 '11  Pavel Janoušek: Big thank you to Daniela
It was a wonderful event!!!
You have done a great job. I wish I could have stayed longer in the Eternal City (or for ever?)...
Take some rest now, you definitely deserve it!
Un bacio, and see you soon...
May 25 '11  Stephanie Billeter: Rome conference
It was my first proz.com conference and I enjoyed it a lot! I met nice colleagues from all over the world, the location and atmosphere were perfect! Thank you Daniela
Must attend the next one in Portugal =))
Greetings from Heidelberg
May 25 '11  babelverse: Thank you everyone!
It was a pleasure meeting you all and learning more about the challenges of your work. Hope we have many other opportunities...
May 25 '11  corinne durand: Grazie e arrivederci!!!
Thanks Daniela for your hard work in organizing this really interesting and enjoyable event, it was very fulfilling both professionally and socially, I met lovely people whom I am looking forward to seeing again at future conferences! Take care and see you all again soon...
May 25 '11  Nigel Saych: I didn\'\'t want to come home!
Hi Daniela and all other Powwow and Conference colleagues.
Reading the comments, and more especially watching that very atmospheric video of the Powwow makes me wonder why I didn\'t stay in Rome and try to make it last for as long as possible...
But like all good things it had to come to an end. Many thanks for your excellent organisation which excelled at both a professional and social level; and thank you for giving me the opportunity to entertain some of the delegates on the Sunday morning!
I benefitted greatly from the other presentations and wonder how to fill the void between now and Porto. I suppose the answer has to be work! But the Rome conference demonstrated perfectly how it is possible to combine work with pleasure, so the future seems bright!
May 25 '11  John Di Rico: Thanks Daniela!
Great powwow, made us feel like Italian rockstars :-)

See you soon!
May 25 '11  Inga Michaeli: I had a blast
Thanks, Daniela, for a wonderful pre-, during and post- conference... I had a great time. This will definitely not be my last Proz conf.
May 25 '11  mutarjem: Follow up
Waw, most of you are back like me, and up and running. Please make sure all of us stay in touch as that is really the most wonderful thing about such a great conference: socializing and getting to know new friends and meeting old ones. I really enjoyed being with you and again a million Thank Yous to Daniela.

For those of you who attended my workshop and need my help or assistance in anything, please make sure you go the feedback section:


and post your query and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Again it was an honor for me to be with all of you.

Sameh Ragab.
Best wishes to all of you from Egypt
May 25 '11  fariza alborova: ProZ Conference in Rome
Thank you Daniela for all this huge work you have performed to organize this event. Thank for all Conference attendees. A great time it was.
May 25 '11  Sture Axelsson: Rome conference
A huge bunch of roses to you Daniela and to your team for making our weekend in Rome so exciting, so full of joy, learning, dancing, networking, reunions, meeting new friends! Already looking forward to the next congress!
See you all in Oporto if not before!
Sture Axelsson
May 25 '11  Alessandra Martelli (X): Great location, great people :)
Special thanks to Daniela, who worked so hard to make sure everything was perfect.
It\'s been so nice to meet old and new friends in such a lovely setting!
May 25 '11  Axelle Arbonnier: Thank you Daniela
Starting the conference (1st time for me) with such a casual meeting in such a relaxing place was great! Thanks a lot for organizing it
May 25 '11  Axelle Arbonnier: Thank you Daniela
Starting the conference (1st time for me) with such a casual meeting in such a relaxing place was great! Thanks a lot for organizing it
May 25 '11  Attila Piróth: Great powwow
This very nice and relaxing venue was a great choice for kicking off the conference. Thanks a lot, Daniela!
May 25 '11  Paula Ribeiro: Great to see friends and make new ones... miss all already!!
Lots of times I wonder why I did not start attending these wonderful conferences before! Rome was another example of how great these reunions are... thank you so much Daniela for organizing it so well, I really enjoyed myself and had a great weekend!
See you all in Portugal!
May 25 '11  Claudia Schreiner: thank you
Thank you Daniela + team for organizing this great conference + the powwows! I really enjoyed it and met many interesting people and had lots of fun. Looking forward to seeing you all again at some future conferences!
May 25 '11  Kalinka Hristova: An event to remember
Great event in a great location with great people! :) :) ;) Thank you!
May 25 '11  Manuela Junghans: Thanks Daniela
for all the hard work you put into organising this great conference, and all the accompanying social events. Enjoyed it a lot, met great people, and had a lovely time in Rome.
May 25 '11  Angelica Kjellström: Excellent conference!
Thank you Daniela and all other people for organizing this wonderful event in Rome! I truly enjoyed everything. I met a lot of old and new friends, attended great lectures and had great fun!

All my best,

Angelica Kjellström
May 25 '11  Laura Carolina Collada Ali (X): Powwow Pre-Conference
Thanks Daniela for making this powwow a great event!!
May 25 '11  Tom Van Cleempoel (X): Great evening
Thank you Daniela for this great evening! (and for the excellent post-powwow conference ;-))
May 25 '11  mutarjem: I miss you all already
Well, this is life, lovely moments do not last forever I guess. However, what I can say is that those who have not attended this conference missed a Lottttttttttttttttttttttt. Thanks Daniela and everybody for making this a wonderful event as usual.

Sameh Ragab
Excelente lugar elegido para Powwow !!! me encantó Ostia y mucho más \\\"The Tika Club\\\" un atardecer inolvidable. Todo estuvo muy bien pensado, la música, la comida, el ambiente que se formó.
Quisiera seguir en contacto con todos los que estuvieron y agradezco Daniela todo el esfuerzo para lograr que los que veníamos de lejos y de todos lados tuviésemos lo mejor. GRACIAS POR LAS FOTOS, están divinas !!! Sorry, I prefer to write in spanish... Un saludo para los colegas, organizadores y dueños del \\\"The Tika Club\\\". Hope to see yo again in Roma or in Uruguay. We wait you all next October in Uruguay
May 25 '11  Alejandra Pérez: Powwow Pre-Conference
Excelente el lugar elegido para el Powwow !!! me encantó Ostia y mucho más \"The Tika Club\".... un atardecer inolvidable. Todo estuvo muy bien pensado, la música, la comida, el ambiente que se formó. Me gustó mucho haber participado allí \"breaking the ice\"
Quisiera seguir en contacto con todos los que estuvieron y agradezco Daniela todo el esfuerzo para lograr que los que veníamos de lejos y de todos lados tuviésemos lo mejor. GRACIAS POR LAS FOTOS, están divinas !!! Sorry, I prefer to write in spanish... Aprovecho a saludar a todos los colegas y a los organizadores y dueños del \"The Tika Club\". Espero volver a Roma y a muchos lugares de más de \"la bella Italia\". Ojalá puedan Ustedes visistarnos en Uruguay, les garantizo que les gustará mucho nuestro país... los esperamos en octubre en el Congreso o CUANDO QUIERAN.... me ofrezco para acompañarlos y llevarlos a lindos lugares también
May 24 '11  Daniela Zambrini: video gallery
A video with the picture gallery is available on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9TnX2AJQJU

Thanks for being there!