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Poll: If you had to, which of these could you most easily renounce?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Evi Wollinger
Evi Wollinger  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:18
Miembro 2003
inglés al alemán
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All and none.... Oct 20, 2007

I could renounce any of those things when they give me trouble - and quite easily!! But to give any of them up permanently - could not imagine and therefore could not answer the question!

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:18
francés al inglés
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Emphasis on "most easily" Oct 20, 2007

I think the crux of the question lies in the phrase "most easily". It would be very hard to give up any of these things but I know from experience that I could never give up on my family or my friends, who stick with you through thick and thin. I found it extremely difficult to give up on love when my ex-husband walked out on us four years ago and would certainly never choose to do so. My career was what kept me going through that difficult time and I still love what I do, so that's not the answ... See more
I think the crux of the question lies in the phrase "most easily". It would be very hard to give up any of these things but I know from experience that I could never give up on my family or my friends, who stick with you through thick and thin. I found it extremely difficult to give up on love when my ex-husband walked out on us four years ago and would certainly never choose to do so. My career was what kept me going through that difficult time and I still love what I do, so that's not the answer. The only thing which has to go from time to time is personal interests - obviously I would rather keep them on, especially the gardening and yoga, which are definitely life-enhancing, but when push comes to shove, I suppose they'd be the things to go.

Thank goodness it's just a theoretical question!

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:18
español al inglés
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Personal interests Oct 20, 2007

I think the question was good for helping put things in perspective.

I answered "personal interests". In my opinion, it's part and parcel of being a freelance translator. Anytime I work on a weekend or more than 8 hours a day, I'm giving up my personal interests.

Beatriz Galiano (X)
Beatriz Galiano (X)
Local time: 22:18
inglés al español
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Some Oct 20, 2007

After many years, I have found out that for me, life without some family, friends and personal fulfillment has no sense.

Love being something that comes and goes so easily.

It would be ideal to have them all at the same time, all the time...

[Edited at 2007-10-20 15:09]

Henry Hinds
Henry Hinds  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 19:18
inglés al español
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In Memoriam
We can't have it all Oct 20, 2007

True, we can't, but the things mentioned tend to be quite fundamental!

Life would be pretty empty without any of them.

Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:18
español al inglés
I'm curious Oct 20, 2007

I'm curious and saddened by the people who say they would give up their friends. I wonder how much of this feeling that friends are not much use is cultural.

Are there cultures that do not put much stock by friends?

Juliana Brown
Juliana Brown  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:18
Miembro 2007
español al inglés
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Lesley, Oct 20, 2007

I can only speak from my own experience, but having spent many years outside of Canada in two countries where friends are a crucial part of everyday life, and then returning as an adult, the word has a very different meaning here.
Here, everyone is described as "my friend", but this could refer to a person who one sees every 3 months for a few minutes. These same "friends" would often be shocked if one appeared at their door without the polite, Anglo-Saxon 2 day warning, and expected a co
... See more
I can only speak from my own experience, but having spent many years outside of Canada in two countries where friends are a crucial part of everyday life, and then returning as an adult, the word has a very different meaning here.
Here, everyone is described as "my friend", but this could refer to a person who one sees every 3 months for a few minutes. These same "friends" would often be shocked if one appeared at their door without the polite, Anglo-Saxon 2 day warning, and expected a coffee and a chat. Friends here seem to be a floaty sort of concept, rather than a need. I'm sure I'll be bashed for this, but c'est a vie.

As for renouncing something...hmmm...It's a carousel of sorts, right? Depends on where we are in our lives. I happily gave up my career for about 4 years, until my kids were in nursery, but once I re-started I was thrilled. Personal pursuits? I gladly chose to take the same children EVERYWHERE with me for 4 years (and still do mostly), but I'm now just as happy to escape for a yoga class by myself, or a wander through a book shop.

Sarah Bracan (X)
Sarah Bracan (X)
Local time: 22:18
inglés al portugués
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My interests Oct 21, 2007

Simple, without the rest I'd be left with nothing but my own interests and how far would that get me?

Irene N
Irene N
Estados Unidos
Local time: 20:18
inglés al ruso
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Career Oct 21, 2007

I don't think the word "friend" has that many meanings. Neighbors, associates and acquaintances have nothing to do with it, and neither does a polite generic use of it. I don't want my neighbor from the next block to show up unexpectedly for dinner but I'd be offended if my FRIENDS would hesitate not just to drop by but to knock on my door at 3 am in the time of need, and vice versa. I only have 4 FRIENDS since my high school and university times, and zillions of... everybody else, some closer t... See more
I don't think the word "friend" has that many meanings. Neighbors, associates and acquaintances have nothing to do with it, and neither does a polite generic use of it. I don't want my neighbor from the next block to show up unexpectedly for dinner but I'd be offended if my FRIENDS would hesitate not just to drop by but to knock on my door at 3 am in the time of need, and vice versa. I only have 4 FRIENDS since my high school and university times, and zillions of... everybody else, some closer to me and what I would call next closest thing to a friendship, and some more distant, like many good and respected colleagues.

Fully renouncing either love or personal interests would give you no advantage in the career or in your state of mind and body, and it will not do any good for anyone close to you - too big of a chance to turn into anything between a misanthrope and a total weirdo (unless you already are:D, which is a separate story altogether) . We must assess the consequences of big sacrifices as they could turn out to be heavier than the sacrifice itself. Even worse, totally useless or... yes, harmful, including those we supposedly sacrifice for.

Frankly, the poll does not make much sense to me at all.

[Edited at 2007-10-21 09:31]

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Poll: If you had to, which of these could you most easily renounce?

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