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Poll: How would you rate on average the response time of ProZ.com's Support?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Andrea Riffo
Andrea Riffo  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:20
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I second this Jan 29, 2007

Darin Fitzpatrick wrote:

Thus the overall experience was:
1) immediate acknowledgement of the report,
2) fast response from a real person, indicating the report was being processed,
3) fast solution and explanation of the easy fix,
4) conscientious follow-up and solution to the difficult fix.

I only wish that this were "normal" for other tech support groups!

Great staff and great support team

[Edited at 2007-01-29 16:18]

Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:20
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Good to excellent, but... Jan 29, 2007

Hi Enrique and all,

I voted "good", because in general, in all the support tickets I have sent (both as a non-paying and a paying member), I got a good to excellent response, though in a couple of cases (when I first submitted some tickets) I had to follow up on the support tickets in order to get a final answer. So I thought it would be more balanced to vote "good".

However, as I also consider the forums as another (indirect?) support channel from the Proz.com staff/vo
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Hi Enrique and all,

I voted "good", because in general, in all the support tickets I have sent (both as a non-paying and a paying member), I got a good to excellent response, though in a couple of cases (when I first submitted some tickets) I had to follow up on the support tickets in order to get a final answer. So I thought it would be more balanced to vote "good".

However, as I also consider the forums as another (indirect?) support channel from the Proz.com staff/volunteers, I don't know if this poll included that part.

In this respect, I think a little bit of more "equal response/attention" needs to be implemented, because I have noticed that in some cases some comments in the forums receive an immediate reply from the staff and/or moderators (sometimes from Henry himself) and in others they don't receive a reply at all.

And I mean messages which clearly suggest that a comment/reply is needed from the staff and/or moderators. Here are two examples, not from me, but from other fellow prozians, to make it as objective as possible (one shows no response at all and the other an almost immediate response, from Henry himself):


I know how busy our working lives can get and how time-consuming it must be to have to look at every single message posted in your forums, but I a am not always sure about the purpose of some of your forums as a support or feedback channel (especially the forums in the Proz.com section) if you clearly have them labeled as "suggestions" and you do not react equally in all cases.

So, as far as I am concerned, this is the only area where I consider that your support service needs to be slightly improved (and I hope my comment sounds "objective/constructive" enough, because that is my intention).

Best regards,


Irene N
Irene N
Estados Unidos
Local time: 22:20
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Steffen said it Jan 29, 2007

Rahmat, aren't you too harsh after just a couple of months of being a member?

You called upon us to be professionals. We are, but in the translation department, not in a 24-hour room service working for tips. I'm pleased to inform you that Proz staff thinks before replying thus replying with the solution, not with "Dear Sir/Madam, this is a good question, we'll get back with you eventually". Thinking and research take time.

Proz rule - please do not yell at us by unnece
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Rahmat, aren't you too harsh after just a couple of months of being a member?

You called upon us to be professionals. We are, but in the translation department, not in a 24-hour room service working for tips. I'm pleased to inform you that Proz staff thinks before replying thus replying with the solution, not with "Dear Sir/Madam, this is a good question, we'll get back with you eventually". Thinking and research take time.

Proz rule - please do not yell at us by unnecessary use of capital letters.

Proz support has improved tremendously and I rated it Excellent.

Catherine Bolton
Catherine Bolton  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:20
italiano al inglés
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In Memoriam
The question is biased Jan 29, 2007

Maybe it should be rephrased to include something like "in the past six months" or "over the past year".
When I was a platinum member a few years ago, it took TWO MONTHS to get a simple problem solved. Worse yet, there was little communication in between unless I sent a message and the staff felt forced to respond. This happened on TWO occasions, one regarding PW points and the other about renewal.
I finally ended up NOT renewing membership BECAUSE of this. I thought platinum meant
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Maybe it should be rephrased to include something like "in the past six months" or "over the past year".
When I was a platinum member a few years ago, it took TWO MONTHS to get a simple problem solved. Worse yet, there was little communication in between unless I sent a message and the staff felt forced to respond. This happened on TWO occasions, one regarding PW points and the other about renewal.
I finally ended up NOT renewing membership BECAUSE of this. I thought platinum meant extra service, but evidently not, so I was a simple "user" for two years.
I decided to become a member again in December to give it another whirl, as things seem to have changed.
In short, I didn't answer the poll because my experience was negative but, by the same token, it wasn't recent. I haven't needed to ask for help since I've rejoined. Nonetheless, if I were to answer I would say "poor" because that was my experience. The poll is not worded well.
On another note, say what you will, but I think Steffen's response was a little harsh. After all, this is a poll and people have a right to express an opinion based - obviously - on personal experience. Rahmat expressed his. With answers like Steffen's, I doubt Rahmat (and probably a lot of other people) will be eager to respond to another poll about Proz.com. If the poll is designed to attract only positive responses, just say so from the start.

[Edited at 2007-01-29 22:41]

Pamela Peralta
Pamela Peralta  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:20
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My sentiments also Jan 29, 2007

cbolton wrote:
On another note, say what you will, but I think Steffen's response was a little harsh. After all, this is a poll and people have a right to express an opinion based - obviously - on personal experience.

I agree 100% with you, Catherine

Irene N
Irene N
Estados Unidos
Local time: 22:20
inglés al ruso
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??? Jan 29, 2007

So you think that someone who was present on site for 2 months and received a reply in 2 days is entitled to a snap opinion "extremely poor"? I think it's plain rude. In this short period of time Mr. Rahmat Rahmat proved to be a very opinionated and imperative person, quick in judging and teaching us not to have vacations in order to be professionals, so he received back what he asked for.

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:20
Miembro 2006
inglés al español
Please focus on the issues Jan 29, 2007

Hi friends,

May I suggest that we focus on the issue being discussed instead of doing so on the participants of the thread?


Cilian O'Tuama
Cilian O'Tuama  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:20
alemán al inglés
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Nothing wrong with "snap opinions"! Jan 29, 2007

IreneN wrote:

So you think that someone who was present on site for 2 months and received a reply in 2 days is entitled to a snap opinion "extremely poor"?

C'mon Irene et al., it's an instant internet poll - people read the question and click one of the options. Sometimes within seconds.

Rahmat is only stating his opinion from his perspective. That's legit.

Lighten up!


Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 04:20
ruso al inglés
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noticeably worse than before Jan 29, 2007

My experience is that the speed of response to my support tickets has decreased quite significantly over the last 12 months.

Local time: 13:20
inglés al francés
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BAD Jan 30, 2007

I only asked once for support about 2 or 3 months ago and I am still waiting for an answer to my email....

Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:20
Miembro 2006
inglés al español
Please use the Support option Jan 30, 2007

Virgile wrote:

I only asked once for support about 2 or 3 months ago and I am still waiting for an answer to my email....

Hi Virgile,

Please open a support ticket about your request, using the last option of the upper drop-down menu.


Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:50
alemán al inglés
E-mails do work sometimes Jan 30, 2007

Virgile wrote:

I only asked once for support about 2 or 3 months ago and I am still waiting for an answer to my email....

I've sent e-mails to site staff quite a few times and always got a prompt and helpful reply.

Aïda Garcia Pons
Aïda Garcia Pons
Estados Unidos
Local time: 20:20
inglés al catalán
+ ...
fast! Jan 30, 2007

I sent my query one day and got a reply the next morning.
Service was fast and the staff very efficient. My so-called problem was solved in no time.

Ara Mkrtchyan (X)
Ara Mkrtchyan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:20
inglés al armenio
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Some reflection Jan 30, 2007

First, I'd like to mention that originally I had formulated the poll options a bit differently, and was then asked to approve a modified version, which I did.
Second, I certainly think that the nature of a ticket greatly influences the response time; for example, a simple question I firsted asked about Browniez was shortly answered, but a few others took rather long to get an answer, up to about a month.
I consider a response time range to be quite natural, but leaving a question una
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First, I'd like to mention that originally I had formulated the poll options a bit differently, and was then asked to approve a modified version, which I did.
Second, I certainly think that the nature of a ticket greatly influences the response time; for example, a simple question I firsted asked about Browniez was shortly answered, but a few others took rather long to get an answer, up to about a month.
I consider a response time range to be quite natural, but leaving a question unanswered for a month is, in my opinion, not the best policy, irrespective of the nature (especially when this not a single case, as seen above).

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Poll: How would you rate on average the response time of ProZ.com's Support?

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