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Poll: Did you lose any clients due to being on parental leave?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2020
francés al neerlandés
+ ...
Can't relate. Jul 13, 2022

Baran Keki wrote:
I'm talking about the 'boutique agencies' here (you know the ones that pay well over 0.12 EUR per word and don't tend to work with CAT tools and MT), not the ordinary agencies that are part of larger groups, driven by profit, if that makes sense?

In my language pairs an agency (in my country and the surrounding countries) asks about 0,16 EUR per word (with full revision), the average being apparently 0,14 EUR. So there is no way the translator would be paid 0,12 EUR per word, let alone well over that amount. A lot depends on the language combinations, but those 'boutique agencies' probably (I say 'probably', because they would have to charge way more than average and I can't imagine that a lot of people or companies are willing to pay that, of course speaking of 'regular' translation agencies) don't exist in my translation world. The only thing that might exist are 'boutique direct clients', but for several reasons I don't target those.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
Some are Jul 14, 2022

Baran Keki wrote:
PMs are not your friends.

I think it's clear from your replies elsewhere in this forum that you personally have been getting mostly bad experiences with agencies. It is not usually so. Most agencies that I work with are professional and take pride in their work (even if they try to make as much money as possible). They regard their freelance translators as valuable assets in helping them become and remain successful. The longer a translator has been with an agency (or rather: the more favourite the translator), the more the agency is willing to bend backwards to accommodate the translator.

Christopher Schröder
Lieven Malaise
Kevin Fulton
Dan Lucas
P.L.F. Persio
Kay Denney
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:37
japonés al inglés
+ ...
on parental leave Jul 19, 2022

I'm currently not on parental leave. But considering the fact that the woke left believe that men can get pregnant, stay tuned.

P.L.F. Persio
P.L.F. Persio  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2010
inglés al italiano
+ ...
Not the same old schtick again! Jul 19, 2022

Michael Newton wrote:

I'm currently not on parental leave. But considering the fact that the woke left believe that men can get pregnant, stay tuned.

We got it, Michael, you have a beef with the modern world. Deal with it, because it ain't gonna change.

Christopher Schröder
Joe France
Kay Denney
Helen Genevier
Lieven Malaise
Emily Gilby
Jennifer Levey
Local time: 02:37
Miembro 2015
inglés al portugués
+ ...
I hope it can change... for the better Jul 19, 2022

P.L.F. Persio wrote:

We got it, Michael, you have a beef with the modern world. Deal with it, because it ain't gonna change.

Pandemic, new diseases, wars, fragile health systems, record increase in home prices, higher cost of education, domestic violence, child abuse, wildfires, people dying while fighting against all this, and much more.
I really hope that this "modern world" can change, because right now it is a big mess.

[Edited at 2022-07-19 11:49 GMT]

Kay Denney
Jennifer Levey
Matthias Brombach
Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:37
francés al inglés
. Jul 19, 2022

Samuel Murray wrote:

Baran Keki wrote:
PMs are not your friends.

I think it's clear from your replies elsewhere in this forum that you personally have been getting mostly bad experiences with agencies. It is not usually so. Most agencies that I work with are professional and take pride in their work (even if they try to make as much money as possible). They regard their freelance translators as valuable assets in helping them become and remain successful. The longer a translator has been with an agency (or rather: the more favourite the translator), the more the agency is willing to bend backwards to accommodate the translator.

I thought of the freelancers I outsourced to as very valuable assets and did all I could to protect them from the boss's grasping nature. I alerted one to the fact that he was short-changing them (it was an Excel document so not immediately obvious that he hadn't put the full wordcount), I praised them when they did a good job (despite the boss telling me not to in case they went and raised their rates), I warned them if raising their rates meant we'd no longer be able to outsource to them, I showed compassion when life got in the way of their work. And they certainly deserved it. And it more than paid off for me: there were countless times when a translator would sigh and say, well I should say no, but it's you, so I'll fit it in.
I try to be as good as the translators I outsourced to and generally, I know that PMs will make an effort to accommodate me whenever possible.

Christopher Schröder
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:37
japonés al inglés
+ ...
parential leave Jul 20, 2022

Not forgetting that in the modern world, men can transition to women and women can transition to men. The dog days of Europe seem to be interfering with the ability to appreciate humor, irony and satire. Perhaps due to a lack of air-conditioning. Please go to a Starbucks, order a frappuccino and chill (in all senses of the word).

Gerard Barry
P.L.F. Persio
P.L.F. Persio  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2010
inglés al italiano
+ ...
The good old days Jul 20, 2022

expressisverbis wrote:

Pandemic, new diseases, wars, fragile health systems, record increase in home prices, higher cost of education, domestic violence, child abuse, wildfires, people dying while fighting against all this, and much more.
I really hope that this "modern world" can change, because right now it is a big mess.

[Edited at 2022-07-19 11:49 GMT]

Exy, we've always had those, plus we had endemic racism, homophobia, colonialism, children worked in mines and up the chimneys, people were exploited and worked 16 hours per day in horrible conditions, with no rights whatsoever, and lots of other pleasant things.

There are people who'd like to go back to the good old days, and most of what we have to endure is caused by that but, as the great American Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” (for a history of this quote, see: https://www.professorbuzzkill.com/martin-luther-king-jr-the-arc-of-the-moral-universe-is-long-but-it-bends-toward-justice-quote-or-no-quote/).

Michael, it's adorable and, in a way, alarming that you talk about humour and chilling. Says the man who walks around Boston with a gun in his pocket. Or, maybe, are you just happy to see the other Bostonians?

[Edited at 2022-07-20 05:08 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-07-20 05:10 GMT]

Christopher Schröder
Lieven Malaise
Helen Genevier
Matthias Brombach
Aline Brito
Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:37
japonés al inglés
+ ...
parental leave Jul 20, 2022

Try living in a high crime area (Boston, NYC, LA, SF). My wife is Asian and the frequent attacks on Asians, particularly Asian women, are horrific. No apologies for protecting my wife. Large urban areas in the US are shooting galleries. And this is "not walking around with a gun in his pocket". Apparently you don't read the newspapers. I suggest the DailyMail. And I really don't cotton to dudes calling me "adorable". Maybe you're into that. I'm not.

P.L.F. Persio
P.L.F. Persio  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2010
inglés al italiano
+ ...
OK, just a few points and an apology Jul 20, 2022

Michael Newton wrote:

Try living in a high crime area (Boston, NYC, LA, SF). My wife is Asian and the frequent attacks on Asians, particularly Asian women, are horrific. No apologies for protecting my wife. Large urban areas in the US are shooting galleries. And this is "not walking around with a gun in his pocket". Apparently you don't read the newspapers. I suggest the DailyMail. And I really don't cotton to dudes calling me "adorable". Maybe you're into that. I'm not.

First of all, I'm a lady, Michael, and a very sophisticated one at that. Apparently, the whole of the US of A is a high crime area, and I say that because I read the newpapers, although the Daily Mail is not really my cup of tea, but thanks for the tip.

I remember the reason why you bought the gun, and I'm appalled that you had to do that, and even more that you live in a society where people think it's the only thing they can do in order to protect those they love. In this light, my remark was flippant and insensitive, and I apologise for it.

I grew up in Italy during the 70s, a time where we had to witness constant terroristic attacks by far right/left extremists, plus the huge problems caused by four, and counting, criminal organisations. In other parts of Europe, they didn't fare much better. But our mindsets are different: when there's something seriously wrong in a country, you don't tell its citizens to buy weapons, you have to tackle it differently, an approach which is surely going to cost time and money.

I'm aware that protecting your wife is your priority right now, and you just can't wait for America to change its ways. But change they must, because noone should live in "shooting galleries", as you say. Have a I got a quick fix? No, unfortunately I don't. But you live in a democracy, you can vote freely, you can set up grassroots movements and organisations, and work your way towards a just and fair society. And when I say "you", I mean also all of us.

Helen Genevier
Aline Brito
Aline Brito
Aline Brito  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:37
inglés al portugués
+ ...
No, but... Jul 25, 2022

I am not a parent, nor do I want to ever have children.

That being said, it greatly upsets and enrages me when that happens to anyone in any industry. Especially knowing that it affects almost exclusively women.

Emily Gilby
Emily Gilby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:37
Miembro 2018
francés al inglés
+ ...
? Jul 27, 2022

I'm puzzled why so many people responded to this poll when their answer was either "I've never taken maternity/paternity/parental leave because I'm not a parent" or "I've never taken maternity/paternity/parental leave while working as a freelance translator". Why respond to a poll that doesn't apply to you? "No" meant "I didn't lose any clients while on leave" not that you've never taken the leave itself.

Christopher Schröder
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 03:37
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
+ ...
@Emily Jul 27, 2022

Emily Gilby wrote:
Why respond to a poll that doesn't apply to you?

One should be allowed to discuss the issue even if the poll question itself doesn't directly apply to you.

That said, I think it should be clear by now that ProZ.com staff should add an option "This question does not apply to me" to every poll, precisely for this reason. But we're used to ProZ.com polls being poorly designed by now. We have no idea which staff member is responsible for curating the polls.

Gerard Barry
Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Reino Unido
Miembro 2011
sueco al inglés
+ ...
Tense? Jul 28, 2022

Emily Gilby wrote:

I'm puzzled why so many people responded to this poll when their answer was either "I've never taken maternity/paternity/parental leave because I'm not a parent" or "I've never taken maternity/paternity/parental leave while working as a freelance translator". Why respond to a poll that doesn't apply to you? "No" meant "I didn't lose any clients while on leave" not that you've never taken the leave itself.

Maybe the tense foxed people? "Did you" doesn't imply that you actually have taken parental leave in the same way in US English, as I understand it.

For the record, my ex (also a translator) and I both took plenty of time off when the kids were born and lost precisely zero customers, presumably because we were worth waiting for and our customers weren't fly-by-night agencies.

Emily Gilby
Gerard Barry
Gerard Barry
Local time: 03:37
alemán al inglés
. Aug 4, 2022

I think it's understandable that someone who takes time off (for whatever reason) might lose work. That's just how the business world works.

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Poll: Did you lose any clients due to being on parental leave?

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