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Poll: What is the best investment you have ever made for your business?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:34
Most recent best investment Jan 29, 2014

My best *most recent* investment has been in networking.

Going to the ProZ Conference in Porto in June 2013 made me realise just how much I enjoy doing so face to face. Since then, I feel much more relaxed about online interactions (blogs, fora, LinkedIn, Google+), where the opportunity to share experiences, exchange ideas, and so on, really can be beneficial to one's general morale, and spark off unexpected collaborations.

I don't network specifically for monetary gain
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My best *most recent* investment has been in networking.

Going to the ProZ Conference in Porto in June 2013 made me realise just how much I enjoy doing so face to face. Since then, I feel much more relaxed about online interactions (blogs, fora, LinkedIn, Google+), where the opportunity to share experiences, exchange ideas, and so on, really can be beneficial to one's general morale, and spark off unexpected collaborations.

I don't network specifically for monetary gain (although such a spin-off is always welcome!); I do it because I do so love a good conversation (especially if it is translation-related).

In a recent video interview, fellow ProZian (weird word), Emma Goldsmith (http://signsandsymptomsoftranslation.com/) described networking as "passive marketing".

I am loving this networking lark so much that I became a Twit eight days ago.

Early in my career, I placed importance on training, and membership of a professional translators' institute. These are still priorities. It is essential that we keep ourselves limber.

Investment in software and hardware makes sense, but I haven't done anything worth mentioning in this area for a while.

Marketing: This is where the introvert part of my personality springs to the fore. I would prefer a new desk to a new website right now, if you really must know.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:34
español al inglés
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Other - Importing my wife from Argentina Jan 29, 2014

Not only do we work in the same language pair (but in opposite directions), she also cooks and can read the future.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:34
español al inglés
+ ...
Whoa!! Jan 29, 2014

Julian Holmes wrote:

Muriel Vasconcellos wrote:

.... and two new skylights that flood my space with sunlight.


In order of importance, I'd say:
Book shelves
File cabinets

I hope you are redirecting sunlight coming into your office from above and/or behind your screen because ambient light difference between the brightness of your screen, the area around your screen and light reflecting off your screen (from skylights and overhead lighting) can cause terrible eyestrain, migraines, etc. because you have to refocus on different light sources of varying brightness.

I have my screens against a non-painted concrete gray wall which reflects no light at all, and find this very comforting albeit dull.

If you spend lots of time in front of a computer, worry about ambient light!


My eyes have been killing me ever since I got these new monitors. It never occurred to me to turn down the brightness. I brought them down to just 50% and there's a huge difference! Thanks for the saving me the headache!

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Glad my advice helped Jan 30, 2014

Triston & Gaby wrote:


My eyes have been killing me ever since I got these new monitors. It never occurred to me to turn down the brightness. I brought them down to just 50% and there's a huge difference! Thanks for the saving me the headache!

Yes, cut out as much peripheral and reflected stray light as possible. That 'huge difference' will make translating much, much more comfortable. Have a nice one!

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larserik  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:34
albanés al sueco
Networking - mutual help Feb 17, 2014

inkweaver wrote:

... And I certainly don't network. In my book this amounts to using people which I find despicable.

I don't seem to understand this point of view. My regular networking consists of asking questions and answering questions in a group of colleagues. How could this be "using people"?

Sometimes I post terminology questions at Proz.com, too, and I am amazed by the amount of help I have received during the years (I've been a Proz member almost from the day it started, most of the time only as a basic member, though). And I don't feel guilty, since I have answered more questions (and had my answers rewarded) than I have asked. But beginners shouldn't feel guilty, either. Even a bad answer can have some kind of value, since it might inspire other people to think outside the box - the brainstorm effect.

So, what I invest in networking pays off every day.

I am glad that there are people who got in touch with good customers via Proz and put their Proz membership on the list for good investments. Unfortunately, nowadays I receive only offers for peanuts via Proz and it's growing worse. Sad, in principle, but for my practical needs it doesn't matter much because I'm busy with good customers from elsewhere.

I would say that my best investment was the first version of Trados that I bought in 1999. In those days it came in a bunch of floppy disks. Since then I am a CAT tool addict (but I switched to memoQ when Studio appeared).

Félicien Sirois
Félicien Sirois
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:34
italiano al inglés
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Dragon voice recognition software Feb 17, 2014

Always been a terrible typist, but it's beyond that (and really the following applies for anyone).

I have to thank Jim Wardell, who I consider to be one of my greatest mentors, for insisting I get started using voice recognition software a number of years ago. It took some time to get used to (in fact I still can't use it exclusively - depends on the language and subject matter), but once I did, not only did it increase my productivity nearly 10-fold, but it reduced the strain on m
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Always been a terrible typist, but it's beyond that (and really the following applies for anyone).

I have to thank Jim Wardell, who I consider to be one of my greatest mentors, for insisting I get started using voice recognition software a number of years ago. It took some time to get used to (in fact I still can't use it exclusively - depends on the language and subject matter), but once I did, not only did it increase my productivity nearly 10-fold, but it reduced the strain on my entire body, expanded my thought processes as they relate to how I approach translation, and refined my ability to multi-task.

Second to that, I'd said getting not only a second, but a third monitor. I often update prior translations and can use the extra (virtual) desktop real estate to compare documents without having to flip between them or cram them into split screens. But even in my regular translation work, I can have Outlook open on one (to keep an eye on business correspondence), my translation on a second screen, and various resources accessed on a third screen. The possibilities are limitless. And ironically the second and third monitor setup has reduced my need to print things immensely over the past 10 years, thereby saving on the expense of paper, wear and tear on my printer and, of course, the environment.

Third would be a proper home office as many have mentioned, although that was more of a quality of life improvement than anything else (at least in terms of acquiring our home when we did).

Félicien Sirois
Félicien Sirois
Estados Unidos
Local time: 08:34
italiano al inglés
+ ...
And she's always right... Feb 17, 2014

Triston & Gaby wrote:

Not only do we work in the same language pair (but in opposite directions), she also cooks and can read the future.

You forgot "she's always right..." LOL

Local time: 15:34
inglés al sueco
+ ...
Best investment? Feb 18, 2014

That's a question loaded with definitions and interpretations problems. Education? Well, I think I've made good use of my rather multifaceted university experiences, but tuition is free in Sweden and I would have had to live and eat and find a job anyway. Not much of an extra investment money-wise for translating.

Then I went to work in different capacities in different businesses. No investment other but time, but rather paying, and experience invaluable for my much later translati
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That's a question loaded with definitions and interpretations problems. Education? Well, I think I've made good use of my rather multifaceted university experiences, but tuition is free in Sweden and I would have had to live and eat and find a job anyway. Not much of an extra investment money-wise for translating.

Then I went to work in different capacities in different businesses. No investment other but time, but rather paying, and experience invaluable for my much later translating life.

Directly linked to my sufficiently thriving translation business, and jump-starting it, must have been the Microbee computer (it even had a mass memory: a tape recorder!) and the accompanying humble matrix printer (even less than 7X11?) with almost readable output. I bought the set (@ ca. USD 1600) to write programs to handle statistics in my then salesman job. I thought that the firmware word processor, WordStar style, was fairly unnecessary, but it was free and included.

When I at long last was forced to realize that I was no salesman, I contacted a couple of translation agencies. My combination of linguistics + technology + pharma got me started fairly on, and on it went. Had to upgrade from the Microbee to an "IBM clone", for which I invested in the rather unnecessarily and lavish 1024 kB memory (the chem lab stuff I was selling was generally considered to be totally sufficient @ 512) at the unbelievable speed of in Turbo Mode running at 12 M

Lynn Webb
Lynn Webb  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:34
alemán al inglés
Different investments at different phases of business Feb 18, 2014

I consider a number of things my best investment, depending on the phase of the business:
1) Education and previous work experience before starting the business
2) Taking lower pay initially for a year to gain a great deal of experience in a particular technical field (now my top field of expertise); marketing myself to potential customers
3) Purchasing software and hardware that helped to speed up delivery and offer customers more options
4) Networking, which has brought
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I consider a number of things my best investment, depending on the phase of the business:
1) Education and previous work experience before starting the business
2) Taking lower pay initially for a year to gain a great deal of experience in a particular technical field (now my top field of expertise); marketing myself to potential customers
3) Purchasing software and hardware that helped to speed up delivery and offer customers more options
4) Networking, which has brought in a number of new customers
5) Now that the business is mature and I am experiencing some physical discomfort, my ergonomic sit-to-stand desk with keyboard/mouse tray are helping me out greatly

[Edited at 2014-02-18 15:17 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-02-18 15:18 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-02-18 15:19 GMT]

Mats Wiman
Mats Wiman  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:34
Miembro 2000
alemán al sueco
+ ...
In Memoriam
KudoZ activity Feb 18, 2014

I was early attracted to answering KudoZ.questions:

See my article "Confessions of a KudoZ point grabber":

It has developped me as a translator, built my posture
a somewhat knowledgeable term translator and
collaborator and not to forget:

Put me high up on any translator
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I was early attracted to answering KudoZ.questions:

See my article "Confessions of a KudoZ point grabber":

It has developped me as a translator, built my posture
a somewhat knowledgeable term translator and
collaborator and not to forget:

Put me high up on any translator list.

Investing, getting many jobs and having fun = a great combination

[Edited at 2014-02-18 16:34 GMT]

Dorothée Engel
Dorothée Engel  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:34
francés al alemán
+ ...
1) A height-adjustable desk 2) a mindfulness software Feb 18, 2014

The first was a wonderful investment in my back!!!
I can change my working position whenever I feel like it. This is very comfortable, especially for review phases. The many years before when workload was high and breaks short I sometimes took my meals in a standing position - now I enjoy sitting at the kitchen table again!
If you plan to do the same, take one with a memory feature so you can always come back to the 2 positions that fit your own height best.

The second
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The first was a wonderful investment in my back!!!
I can change my working position whenever I feel like it. This is very comfortable, especially for review phases. The many years before when workload was high and breaks short I sometimes took my meals in a standing position - now I enjoy sitting at the kitchen table again!
If you plan to do the same, take one with a memory feature so you can always come back to the 2 positions that fit your own height best.

The second is my wonderful customizable mindfulness software that reminds me when it is time to have a break.
Check it out on http://stillnessbuddy.com/ - it is sold in many versions and contains various relaxing suggestions by great buddhist masters and other wise men.

Enjoy - wellness all around!

Here is more of this kind of "little helpers":

[Edited at 2014-02-18 20:08 GMT]

Renata von Koerber
Renata von Koerber  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:34
Miembro 2011
inglés al alemán
+ ...
For getting the right ROI on my basic business expenditure Feb 18, 2014

(investments in 1st class hardware, software, certification) PROZ was my best investment by far.
I grew my client base, and managed to build up a useful portfolio of contacts without having to spend to much time on networking.
It would not have been possible to develop such an international client base in my home town in any other way.

Milton Guo
Milton Guo  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:34
inglés al chino
+ ...
Proz membership Feb 19, 2014

Proz membership is my take off point back 5 years ago...

Luis Mondragón
Luis Mondragón  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:34
inglés al español
A good full-sized keyboard Feb 19, 2014

Also, a Moka pot

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Poll: What is the best investment you have ever made for your business?

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