| Tema | Autor Respuestas (Lecturas) Última contribución |
| Poll: Is January the slowest when it comes to work? ( 1... 2) | 15 (4,940) |
| Poll: When you check the profile of the "Featured Translator" on the home page, it's usually because of... | 8 (2,828) |
| Poll: What's the best thing about your job? | 12 (3,694) |
| Poll: Is your phone mostly a work tool, or a distraction from your work? ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,274) |
| Poll: Good translators and interpreters don't need to worry about marketing their services ( 1... 2) | 18 (5,546) |
| Poll: How much time do you spend on administrative tasks (e.g. invoicing, recording project details)? | 10 (3,091) |
| Poll: In general, what is your response time when clients contact you? ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,036) |
| Poll: Do any of your clients provide tech support for their translators? | 10 (3,148) |
| Poll: Have you made changes to the way you serve your clients in the past few years? | 11 (3,359) |
| Poll: Who is the main income-earner in your household? | 13 (3,839) |
| Poll: Is it possible for a freelance translator to work efficiently without a dedicated work space? ( 1... 2) | 15 (4,902) |
| Poll: If you receive an email from a client on a weekend or holiday, you... | 13 (4,023) |
| Poll: If I received an unexpected 1,000 USD/EUR, I would: ( 1... 2) | 18 (4,981) |
| Poll: Do you think freelancers get sick more, or less often than other professionals? | 13 (3,445) |
| Poll: Would you put more effort into your work if you were to be paid immediately upon delivery? ( 1... 2) | 15 (4,646) |
| Poll: Do you use a special or especially expensive keyboard for work? ( 1... 2) | 27 (6,803) |
| Poll: What is a translator's best friend? ( 1... 2) | 22 (5,706) |
| Poll: Do you schedule time for breaks during work? | 12 (3,357) |
| Poll: Have clients ever reviewed your online behavior (forums, social networks) in the screening process? | 11 (3,145) |
| Poll: Would you accommodate a client who asks you to insert errors into your work? ( 1... 2) | 28 (6,718) |
| Poll: Which best describes your relationship with CAT tools? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,983) |
| Poll: Do you accept test translations? ( 1... 2) | 20 (5,473) |
| Poll: Do your clients send you cards and/or presents during the holidays? | 8 (2,365) |
| Poll: If you were offered a well-paid position in-house, would you drop freelancing? ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,173) |
| Poll: If you lost your two top clients suddenly, would it be difficult to recover economically? | 14 (3,842) |
| Poll: Has source text quality worsened since you started translating? | 11 (3,450) |
| Poll: In general, how does your income compare with the average in your country of residence? | 5 (3,075) |
| Poll: Have you ever translated from (or into) a language you do not master? ( 1... 2) | 19 (5,201) |
| Poll: I see myself as a freelance translator for: | 12 (3,205) |
| Poll: How many languages do you speak, read or understand OTHER THAN your working languages? ( 1... 2) | 19 (5,297) |
| Poll: How many languages are spoken in your household? ( 1... 2) | 20 (10,341) |
| Poll: Do you often miss out on jobs because of your (native) language variant? | 12 (3,552) |
| Poll: Do you make feedback entries on the Blue Board? | 12 (3,483) |
| Poll: Have you ever underestimated the work involved in a project and quoted too low? | 13 (3,635) |
| Poll: What's the best hardware upgrade you've ever made? | 10 (2,860) |
| Poll: At what age do you plan to retire? | 12 (3,811) |
| Poll: Do you have any professional New Year's resolutions? ( 1... 2) | 20 (5,654) |
| Poll: In general, do new clients contact you first, or do you contact them? | 7 (2,542) |
| Poll: Do you have less work towards the end of the year? | 10 (2,994) |
| Poll: Do you apply different rates depending on the client, or a standard rate for all? | 11 (3,251) |
| Poll: What do you do when you find errors in a translation after delivering it? | 12 (3,832) |
| Poll: Have you ever lost a client over biting off more than you can chew? | 7 (2,464) |
| Poll: Is your work environment healthy and comfortable? | 8 (2,643) |
| Poll: Has your being a freelancer been a source of stress within your family? | 10 (2,834) |
| Poll: Are freelance translators also entrepreneurs? | 14 (3,529) |
| Poll: You win a million dollars. Would you continue freelancing? | 6 (2,238) |
| Poll: Have you ever found errors in a translation after delivering it? | 12 (3,323) |
| Poll: Do you typically have to explain your work when people ask what you do? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,969) |
| Poll: What is the one thing you wish your current clients could improve? | 10 (3,004) |
| Poll: Are you capable of working on two or more projects at the same time? | 13 (3,578) |