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Haitian Crisis: Translators and Interpreters group
Autor de la hebra: Nicholas Ferreira
Taña Dalglish
Taña Dalglish
Local time: 18:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Happy to help! Jan 16, 2010

Dear Nicholas:

Very good cause as they are in need of whatever help! However, no Facebook for me either!

Can be contacted through my Proz' User page.


It is worth mentioning (I think!) that I am in a unique position due to the proximity of my island to Haiti.



[Edited at 2010-01-16 23:10 GMT]

Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Earthquake in Haiti - Thanks for the Support Jan 16, 2010

Thank you all for your support. My husband survived the earthquake, and while I was waiting to hear from him, Prozians were so supportive. Please see below for the link to the thread I started on the Earthquake in Haiti, lots of good information from many Prozians is being posted there.


Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
@ Suzanne Jan 16, 2010

Suzanne Deliscar wrote:

Thank you all for your support. My husband survived the earthquake, and while I was waiting to hear from him, Prozians were so supportive. Please see below for the link to the thread I started on the Earthquake in Haiti, lots of good information from many Prozians is being posted there.


Among all this devastation and suffering, this is great news! Thank you for kindling this spark of hope.

Thank you also, Suzanne, for the link which I've checked already.

Due to the aeronautical problems in Port-au-Prince, I was wondering if it might be possible to initiate another airlift for the Haitian population like the one for the people of Berlin, Germany when the city was cut off from the rest of the free world.

Our prayers continue to be with the people of Haiti and with those of the global community who come to help them.



Sonja Köppen
Sonja Köppen  Identity Verified
Miembro 2008
inglés al alemán
+ ...
EN/ES>DE Jan 16, 2010

Anytime! Just via profile, please ...

Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 23:17
francés al inglés
+ ...
Happy to help Jan 16, 2010

Dear Nicholas

Happy to help too, but I'd rather be contacted via my ProZ page! Please do let me know if there is anything I can do...


Rebecca Davis

lidija68  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
italiano al serbio
+ ...
Haiti translators Jan 16, 2010

German Serbian
German Italian
Italian Serbian
I don't know if my language combinations are requested, but happy to help via profile..

Samy Boutayeb
Samy Boutayeb  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
alemán al francés
+ ...
Haitian Kreyòl and French translators for disaster management system Sahana Jan 17, 2010


The disaster management system "Sahana" (1) needs translators in French and Haitian Kreyòl for the user interface of this project.

Sahana is a Free and Open Source Disaster Management system. It is a web based collaboration tool that addresses the common coordination problems during a disaster from finding missing people, managing aid, managing volunteers, tracking camps effectively between Government groups, the civil society (NGOs) and the victims themselves. ... See more

The disaster management system "Sahana" (1) needs translators in French and Haitian Kreyòl for the user interface of this project.

Sahana is a Free and Open Source Disaster Management system. It is a web based collaboration tool that addresses the common coordination problems during a disaster from finding missing people, managing aid, managing volunteers, tracking camps effectively between Government groups, the civil society (NGOs) and the victims themselves.

The Sahana foundation has set up a "Haiti 2010 Sahana Disaster Response Portal" (3)

I wrote a small presentation on this subject (in French) on OLPC France's blog (4).

I am available for translations EN/DE/SP>FR



(1) http://sahana.lk/
(2) http://talksahana.com/?p=333
(3) http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/
(4) http://olpc-france.org/blog/2010/01/sahana-et-olpc-une-contribution-pour-la-gestion-des-catastrophes/

Nicholas Ferreira
Nicholas Ferreira  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Update on the Group opportunities and activities Jan 19, 2010

Hi everyone,

As day 4 of this Facebook group draws to an end, I want to thank you all for your overwhelming support in building up this group. We are now 364 members and counting...

The wall is being bombarded with ways interpreters and translators can get involved. Some of the highlights:

- Anna gives word that the Red Cross is looking for 100 volunteer Creole interpreters to work for a month from a US military vessel that departs on Wednesday. Full detail
... See more
Hi everyone,

As day 4 of this Facebook group draws to an end, I want to thank you all for your overwhelming support in building up this group. We are now 364 members and counting...

The wall is being bombarded with ways interpreters and translators can get involved. Some of the highlights:

- Anna gives word that the Red Cross is looking for 100 volunteer Creole interpreters to work for a month from a US military vessel that departs on Wednesday. Full details on the discussion board.

- Sebastian has posted info on Creole translations needed for the 6,000+ entries in the Google missing persons database and SMS hotline

- Stephen is organizing a taskforce to go onsite, so contact him if you are interested in participating.

- Translators without Borders looking for volunteer French translators. Info on the wall.

More info being posted by the hour, so don't hesitate to visit to find out how to get involved.

This group received coverage today on CNN (http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-394983) so keep up the good work in getting the word out. Don't forget to invite your friends, and keep presenting yourselves on the discussion board so you can be contacted as the need arises.

And above all, let's keep hope alive, in our own hearts and the hearts of those we are trying to assist in this time of dire need. Thank you once again for your support for the people of Haiti.


Marina Khonina
Marina Khonina  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:17
ruso al inglés
+ ...
Would be happy to help Jan 20, 2010

It is very good to see the enthusiastic response of our colleagues.

I don't use Facebook, so I can't join your group, but I would be happy to help out with interpreting and/or translation (both on-site and off-site).

I work primarily with English and Russian, but I can also do French into Russian, if needed.

Please feel free to contact me via my profile.


Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 23:17
francés al inglés
willing to help Fr-Eng Jan 20, 2010

Hi Nicolas

Thanks for all the great links.

I contacted "Christian Aid" last week and offered to help. They replied to me saying that they use a database of translators and therefore can't take up the offer! But I have written back to enquire about the database!

Suzanna - very glad to hear that your husband is well.

Best regards


Bruno Veilleux
Bruno Veilleux  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:17
inglés al francés
No Facebook Jan 20, 2010

I'm not on Facebook and I don't know how much I could help, but please feel free to contact me via ProZ. I'm a native French Canadian, I translate En-Fr both ways.

Nicholas Ferreira
Nicholas Ferreira  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:17
español al inglés
+ ...
Urgent Need for Kreyol Translators (work from home) Jan 23, 2010

By far the greatest need for Kreyol interpreters right now is the translation of SMS messages sent from people on the ground in Haiti to the Red Cross database. These must be translated for people on the ground to know what the needs are.

The full instructions can be found here: http://wiki.ushahidi.com/doku.php?id=4636instructions

The volunteers helping the
... See more
By far the greatest need for Kreyol interpreters right now is the translation of SMS messages sent from people on the ground in Haiti to the Red Cross database. These must be translated for people on the ground to know what the needs are.

The full instructions can be found here: http://wiki.ushahidi.com/doku.php?id=4636instructions

The volunteers helping there are doing a great job, but they need help ASAP. Over 1000 short text messages need translation now. Easiest way to lend a hand to Haiti from your own home/office. All you need is an Internet connection.

Please spread the word to any and all Creole speakers you know. Thank you.

Christina Bergmann
Christina Bergmann
Local time: 00:17
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Another English-German Jan 23, 2010

Hi Nicholas,
It's a great initiative.
Please contact me via profile and/or the contact data you find there if you need someone else for the language pair
English - German.
I will be happy to help anytime.

Estados Unidos
Need French, Spanish, & Creole Translators for Video About the Devastation in Haiti Jan 24, 2010

Hi All,

I just joined the group on Facebook so I could post this need.

I am looking for French, Spanish, and Creole PROFESSIONAL translators to translate for a video presentation of the Haiti devastation.

You can view the beginning of the video here, but then the rest will be followed by a 40-minute+ presentat
... See more
Hi All,

I just joined the group on Facebook so I could post this need.

I am looking for French, Spanish, and Creole PROFESSIONAL translators to translate for a video presentation of the Haiti devastation.

You can view the beginning of the video here, but then the rest will be followed by a 40-minute+ presentation/sermon.


This church has been a part of rebuilding Haiti and providing aid to the region.

I also would like to know the best way to translate and subtitle for the Creole spoke in Haiti.

If you would like to apply to translate for this video in either French, Creole, or Spanish (on a volunteer basis), please contact me via Proz.

You must be native in these target languages with strong fluency in English.

Thank you and God Bless.

Best regards,

Estados Unidos
Local time: 15:17
Miembro 2008
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Need for Professional Haitian French and Creole translators Apr 14, 2010

These are paying jobs for translations from English into Haitian French and Creole.
The project is to translate a manual for wood frame construction for one and two-family dwellings. The manual contains a lot of technical construction terminology. It would be ideal to have translators with experience in this field.
If you are interested please contact me at: [email protected]
Thank you--Pati Bingham

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Haitian Crisis: Translators and Interpreters group

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