Idiomas de trabajo:
español al inglés
inglés al español
francés al inglés

Taña Dalglish
Translating the Ideas Behind the Words

Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica
Hora local: 03:23 EST (GMT-5)

Idioma materno: inglés 
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I was born in Kingston, Jamaica, of a Swedish-born (Stockholm) mother whose 1st language was Spanish, having been brought up in Venezuela and an English father (London). I have lived in Spanish-speaking countries for extended periods, including Venezuela, Colombia and Panamá. Other languages: Working knowledge of French and Italian.

Mrs. Taña Dalglish, British citizen: A wealth of experience. Fifteen years (15) experience with the United Nations in Kingston, Jamaica. Worked with both the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) where I was responsible for translating, editing, proofing large documentation in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. Forté: editing and proofing large documentation with complex formatting of diagrams, charts, graphs.

We are particularly proud of our achievements, having been named "official translators" in our country of residence for two major tourism/business entities over the course of the projects (4 years and 3 years, respectively) having translated, edited and proofed approximately 4 million words and 2.5 million words, respectively. In addition, Mrs Dalglish was recognised as the "Sole Coordinator" and the 'Lead Contact' person having coordinated a team of over 20 translators recruited from around the world (Argentina, Australia, USA, UK, Spain, among others) working in 6 languages (Dutch, French, Italian, German Spanish, with English being the master), as well as having overall responsibility for the final editing and proofing of the English language content for both projects. Additional responsibilities included the task of translating some documentation into English and Spanish. Published on respective websites in all languages.

I generally work together with a colleague, Cindi Scholefield. Cindi was born in Devon, England – English mother, a Jamaican father with extensive experience spanning over 45 years, 32 of which were with the Embassy of Argentina. Cindi was awarded the 1964 Jamaican Scholarship for 'Scholastic Achievement and Excellence'. Trained at the Universities of Aberdeen and Barcelona with a Master of Arts (Honours) degree in Linguistics and Spanish Literature. She has lived in several Spanish-speaking countries for extended periods, including Spain, Argentina and Mexico. After leaving the Embassy of Argentina after some 32 years as the Chief Accountant/Translator/Interpreter in Kingston, Cindi and Taña joined forces in 2008 to collaborate on a full-time basis on translation/editing/reviewing and proofreading of documentation of all types, especially in the legal, engineering, construction fields, among many others. Additional languages: 2 years of Portuguese, 1 year of Arabic and 1 year of French. A formidable team, Taña and Cindi are both native English-speakers with excellent bilingual skills (Sp > Eng / Eng > Sp).

We are both published editors/reviewers/proofreaders of several significant books on various topics, among others:

- Edited book written by a first-time author, Errol McDonald entitled “Legitimate Resistance:  The Jamaica Connection”. Available at:
- Edited two other books by the same author (one entitled “The Voice”). Unpublished to date.

- Translated into English the complete works of Francisco Vallhonrat, contemporary Cuban novelist.
- “The Runnings”, Wong Ken & Co, ISBN 976 8192 04 6, 2003. Printed by Lithographic Printers Limited Kingston Jamaica. Edited by Cindi Scholefield. Cover illustration by Gregory Royes Cover design by Jermaine Royes. ...
- Percival Cooper, 2004: An Autobiography.
- “The Legacy of a Goldsmith”, Patrick Bryan, ISBN 976 8189 45 2.
- Dr. Leo March, 2005 "Dentist at Large - The Life and Times of Dr. Leo March"
- Teachers' Travel Handbook, 1974 (Mexico D.F.). Two handbooks: "Pottery has its Faults" and "Why Oaxaca Pottery is Black".

Academic, scientific, legal and business translations SPANISH> ENGLISH/Traducciones académicas, científicas, jurídicas y comerciales ESPAÑOL > INGLÉS

Editing and proofreading of texts in English/Corrección de estilo de textos en inglés

(Versatile in both UK and US English variants)

Several legal contracts for a major player in the IT/Communications field (Spanish to UK English) – over 15,000 words and 25,000 words, respectively (SP-US EN)
Several Standards on Safety Requirements and Testing Methods of various products and electronic devices (Spanish to US English) of a technical nature, approximately 160,000 words (SP-US EN)
Three Financial Reports for major clients (SP-UK EN)
Articles for a tourism industry magazine (SP-EN)
Seven tourism blurbs from (SP-UK EN)
Articles of Association (SP-EN)
Mineralogical Report (SP-EN)
CVs, transcripts and academic certificates (SP-EN)
Contract between IT service provider and client
Case report on Alzheimer’s and Grober and Buschke Test (SP-EN)
Model contract major Petroleum player (SP-EN)
Report of the Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (SP-EN).
Biology: Soil – Efficient Microorganisms (EM) (SP-EN)
Several petroleum-related documents (SP-EN)
Lease Agreements (SP-EN)
Notice of Pendency of Class Action Suit (SP-EN)
Statement of Compliance for a major telephone provider (SP-EN)
Power of Attorney (SP-EN)
Revision of Terms and Conditions for a major credit card provider (SP-EN)
Historical and architectural articles for several Spanish World Heritage Sites (SP-EN)
Articles on Flexography and Gravure (SP-EN)
Various articles related to Ecology and the Environment (SP-UK EN)
Many legal/business related documents for several leading translation agencies in Mexico, the USA, the UK and Spain, among others. (SP-US EN/UK EN/FR-EN). Ongoing collaboration.
Mexican legal documentation for the purposes of setting up a new company in our country of residency, including tax-related information and evidence of good standing.

Article on Hurricane Shutters, louvres and storm shutters (EN-SP)
Article on high fashion (EN-SP)
Legal documentation related to a major child abduction case (UK EN-SP)

Motor Vehicle Accident Report
Trademark-related documentation for a major food product

Proofreading of Beauty and Cosmetics material (SP-US EN)
Proofreading tourism articles for major hotel chain (SP–US EN)
Proofreading several insurance-related legal documents (SP-EN) and (EN-SP)

Our Services
Competitive rates
Strict adherence to deadlines and quality assurance
Free estimates
No job too large or too small with solid research abilities
Dedicated, professional and highly experienced
Your satisfaction is our reward on a job well-done.

**Rates vary according to technical difficulty**

Very careful, great attention to detail and presentation, reliable in meeting deadlines, constant consultation with clients regarding their needs.

Other links:

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References available upon request.

Recommendations/Recomendaciones (Professional Translators, ProZ Certified ES>EN

Clifton Chestnut (un cliente)
Clifton te contrató como Translator en 2009
Sus mejores cualidades: Grandes resultados, Experto, Puntual
“I highly recommend Taña and Cindi for your Spanish-English translation needs. We were under a tight deadline on a major real estate project, and they provided high quality, accurate translations in a timely manner. I sincerely look forward to working with them again.” 7 de diciembre de 2010.

Vickie Massam (un cliente)
Vickie te contrató como Asesor de empresas en 2009 y te contrató más de una vez
Sus mejores cualidades: Grandes resultados, Experto, Gran integridad
“Taña is a consummate professional and expert translator. I have had the great pleasure to work with her on various translation projects throughout the years. The work is always correct and completed on time. Taña is a true gem.” 17 de octubre de 2013.
Este miembro obtuvo puntos KudoZ al ayudar a otros traductores a traducir términos de nivel PRO. Haga clic en total(es) de puntos para ver los términos traducidos.

Total de ptos. obtenidos: 9993
Puntos de nivel PRO: 9133

Idiomas con más puntos (PRO)
español al inglés5240
inglés al español3630
Campos generales con más puntos (PRO)
Puntos en 4 campos más >
Campos específicos con más puntos (PRO)
Derecho: (general)1110
Finanzas (general)479
Educación / Pedagogía438
Construcción / Ingeniería civil407
Medicina (general)355
Derecho: contrato(s)353
Certificados, diplomas, títulos, CV341
Puntos en 95 campos más >

Ver todos los puntos obtenidos >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
inglés al español2
Specialty fields
Transporte / Fletes1
Viajes y turismo1
Other fields
Palabras clave: Translation, revising, proof-reading. Often the liaison/coordinator (lead collaborator/researcher) working in six languages (English, Dutch, French, Italian, German, Spanish). Over 2, 000 short tourism-related articles, taglines. See more.Translation, revising, proof-reading. Often the liaison/coordinator (lead collaborator/researcher) working in six languages (English, Dutch, French, Italian, German, Spanish). Over 2, 000 short tourism-related articles, taglines, captions, etc. for the Jamaica Tourist Board translated into five working languages in collaboration with teams of translators (ongoing). Range of subject areas: History, Culture, Geography, Golf/Sport-related articles, the People, Music, Art, historical sites, information on cities and towns in resort areas, among others. Other clients include a rent-a-car agency and well-established companies. Solid experience working within the United Nations system.. See less.

Última actualización del perfil
Jul 9, 2024