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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Autor de la hebra: chance (X)
wonita (X) China Local time: 10:35
这样的便宜还能不沾? | | |
Shaunna (X) Estados Unidos Local time: 08:35 inglés al chino + ... Chance ~~~~~~~ | Oct 6, 2009 |
Chance, 在吗?
有没有人帮忙打个招呼? 给Chance 站内短信发了几天了都不见回信。
谢谢! | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ... "Austin may be coming out of the recession faster than any other U. S. city" | Oct 8, 2009 |
This was in the local news yesterday. According to a builders' magazine's online poll, Austin has the healthiest real estate market in the nation. I guess it wasn't for no reason that Rick Perry blurted out the word "secede" a while back.
Notice that they also mention that Austin's warmer climate continues to attract retirees, and that last year the city's population growth was greater than 4%... See more Yueyin,
This was in the local news yesterday. According to a builders' magazine's online poll, Austin has the healthiest real estate market in the nation. I guess it wasn't for no reason that Rick Perry blurted out the word "secede" a while back.
Notice that they also mention that Austin's warmer climate continues to attract retirees, and that last year the city's population growth was greater than 4%. I wish it would slow down somewhat. The traffic on I35 and Mopac is just murder.
[Edited at 2009-10-08 22:46 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 inglés al chino + ... I believe the worst time is over | Oct 8, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
This was in the local news yesterday. According to a builders' magazine's online poll, Austin has the heathiest real estate market in the nation. I guess it wasn't for no reason that Rick Perry blurted out the word "secede" a while back.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Declaration_of_Independence | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ... |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ... Too hot, too cold ... | Oct 29, 2009 |
ysun wrote:
Colorado’s winter might be Texas’s summer
Most people who move down here from the Northeast invariably say they don't miss shovelling the snow, that's for sure. But on the bright side, I would look at it as good exercise without having to go to the gym
Black ice on the highways in the winter is also something always to watch out for in snowy climes.
We actually had a very wet and cool October here in Austin. On more than one occasion I had to put on hold the painting of the outside trim of the house that I was doing. But thank God for the rainfall that alleviated the long-lasting drought situation somewhat. | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 inglés al chino + ... Shovelling the snow | Oct 30, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
Most people who move down here from the Northeast invariably say they don't miss shovelling the snow, that's for sure. But on the bright side, I would look at it as good exercise without having to go to the gym
科罗拉多的雪非常干燥,就跟面粉似的。你若想捏个雪球都捏不起来,更甭提堆雪人。所以这里有很多世界著名的滑雪场。每年世界各地都有人专程来这里滑雪。每年可滑半年雪。能够人工造雪的滑雪场则时间更长。 | |
redred China Local time: 21:35 inglés al chino + ...
引:Colorado’s winter might be Texas’s summer
That means Colorado很热,但比较热的地方还能下雪,Texas就真的冷了。做"侯鸟"也不错,视季节两边飞。
[Edited at 2009-10-30 01:54 GMT] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ...
redred wrote:
引:Colorado’s winter might be Texas’s summer
That means Colorado很热,但比较热的地方还能下雪,Texas就真的冷了。做"侯鸟"也不错,视季节两边飞。
不是这么讲. Texas 夏季很热, Colorado 冬季多雪. Yueyin 的意思是 Colorado 冬天和 Texas 夏天一样令人头疼. 当然只是开开玩笑而已. 两地都非常好, 但任何地方都有美中不足之处罢了. | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ...
ysun wrote:
是这样. 美国人普遍地乐于助人, 我以前也用亲身经历的一点小事提到过.
http://www.proz.com/post/543398#543398 | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 inglés al chino + ... Play with words | Oct 30, 2009 |
谢谢 redred 的评论和 Steve 的解释。昨天有人说,One man's meat is another man's poison,我就套这个句型开了个玩笑。
不过冬天时,科罗拉多确实也会有几天很热,甚至气温达摄氏30度以上。这里的日照时间比加州圣地亚哥还长。 | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 inglés al chino + ...
我也有过类似经历。我在路上抛锚或发生撞车事故时,很多陌生人都会热情地伸出援助之手。 当然,也有人夜里在路上抛锚后被坏人抢劫或伤害,但好人总还是比坏人多得多。 | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 chino al inglés + ... |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 07:35 inglés al chino + ... |
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